Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Addendum 1 to GUFT

The Klein Bottle has an exterior surface area of 768 Planck lengths by 384 Planck lengths. The Klein bottle allows for a group metric of 191 iterations that produce 191 mini-loops to be acquired by each superstring that undergoes the Fourier translation of the set of Kaeler metrics that allows superstrings to attain the permittivity that thee need and to allow their respective Fadeev-Popov-Traces, or, in other words, their Planck phenomenon related phenomena, to attain the impedance that these need to be the discrete units of energy that these are. 768*38*191 = 56,328,192. So, in general, each time that a superstring undergoes 56,328,192 iterations along the ultion whether tachyonic or not since either way these go thru the ultimon or go around the Overall Physical Portion of the space-time-continuum per iteration, the associated discrete units of energy, 56,328,192 iterations after their respective Kaeler metrics, go thru the Klein metric again. The kinematic redifferentiation of superstrings via their Lagrangians through their respective Fourier Transformations allow for redistribution of correlative superstrings and their respective Fadeev-Popov-Traces to allow Minkowski-Wise indistinguishablly different stringular groups that are Hilbert-Wise and Njenhuis-Wise indistinguishablly different stringular groups, seeing that group Ward substringular groups alter in group angle codifferentiation during each successie set of superconformal transposition. When Minkowski-Wise kinematism becomes multiplicit, then the stringular groups associated with the altering Kaeler metrics then become distinguishablly different. This happens when Clifford differentiation becomes Real Reimmanian relative to the associated substrigular fields.

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