Tuesday, September 29, 2009

GUFT, Second Half of Answers to Last Test

13) Ricci Scalar eigenstates are the group action of a metric-gauge that involves Rarita-Structure mini-string that interconnects superstrings with gravitational particles.

14) All superstrings have a mass index, although not all superstrings partake of mass. Yau-Exact superstrings partake of mass. The interconnection of Yau-Exact superstrings with gravitational particles is how the Ricci Scalar interconnects with mass. The interaction here is due to the kinematism of this interconnection.

15) Radioactive elements have weakly held electrons in their atoms, since these are too large relative to their neucleonic core. This causes an atrophy of such related atoms. This spontaneous radioactive decay is the weak force.

16) Ricci Scalar eigenstates interconnect indirectly the substringular field networking of mini-string that upholds general homotopy. This indirect interconnection is interactive over a set of Fourier Transformations to allow an interaction of Rici Scalar eigenstates.

17) An electron is composed of one-dimensional superstrings that bear a fractional spin. Electrons that are adjacent spin assymetrically so that these won't collide. Electron's one-dimensional superstrings that are more prone to become tachyonic are more swivel-shaped, one-dimensional superstrings of electrons that are prone to Noether flow tend to have more of a flushly hermitian topology.

18) Light is formed when electrons drop an energy level to become more stable. When electrons drop an energy level, the one-superstrings that are to become photons bend hermitianly via the Green function to form bosons that are photons. This Fujikawa Coupling described is multidirectorally antiholomorphic to the transversal holomorphism of the associated one-dimensional superstrings as these form two-dimensional superstrings known as photons.

19) The strong force is the main way that the Anti-De-Sitter/De Sitter force intertwines the surrounding quarks and/or leptons in a manner that allows particles of mass to exist as discrete quanta. Electromotive force is the force associated with electrons, and electron's mass bearing capacity is due to the intertwining due to the strong force.

20) The electromotive force allows for the magnetism that allows for the Lagrangian Fourier differentiation of the gravitational force.

21) The gravitational force is the kinematic distributional interaction of space-time-fabric, while the weak force is spontaneous radioactive decay.

22) Metric-Gauge is maintained via the Kaeler metric. The Kaeler metric is caused by the Klein bottle being moved by the Higgs Action. The Higgs Action is caused by the Fischler-Suskind mechanism. The prior is caused by the leverage of the Landau-Gisner-Action. The Landau-Gisner-Action is caused by a Wick Action that is propagated by a norm discrepancy that happens when an orbifold or an orbifold eigenset's norm conditions are to change.

23) The Landau-Gisner-Action rarely happens to a gluonic force when that gluonic force is stable.

24) When a Gaussian Transformation does not involve the scattering of electromagnetic energy, there is no gauge transformation.

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