Tuesday, September 29, 2009

GUFT, Another Addition

The Klein bottle exists for the purpose of Kaeler metrics. The Kaeler metric is the gauge-metric sequential series that allows for superstrings to shake back and forth through a series of 191 iterations or instantons eight timers per iteration so that a set of superstrings per Klein bottle per utilization may regain the permittivity that these need so that these associated superstrings may be the energy that these are to be. Superstrings are the permittivity of discrete units of basic Planck energy. The Kaeler metric also causes the field trajectory of superstrings which are known as Fadeev-Popov-Traces to reatain the impedance that these need so that these may secure the energy of the superstrings so that discrete energy may not form an imaginary supercharge that would destroy everything. So, the Fadeev-Popov-Traces act as the impedance of discrete units of energy. The Klein bottle is lifted toward the locus of where the Kaeler metric is to happen via a particle known as a Higgs Action.The Higgs Action is moved via an operation (Fourier) known as a Fischler-Suskind mechanism. The Fischler-Suskind mechanism is a leverage operation that increments the Higgs Action one Planck Length at a time via a gauge-action known as a Landau-Gisner Action. The Landau-Gisner Action is triggered by a Hausendorf Projection known as a Wick Action. The Wick Action is formed by the alteration or perturbation in the norm conditions (Ward normal) of the superstrings and the norm Ward conditions of the orbifolds and the norm Ward conditions of the torroidal cohomologies of the superstrings of the orbifolds of an orbifold eigenset that cause a substringular profection per associated Klein bottle locus that appertains to the need for a Gaussian Transformation. The Klein bottle is built in a fashion known as a Schotky Construction. A Schotky Coonstruction is comprised as follows: It has five sides with no relative "top" in the form of a half-cube that is empty of superstrings and has no cap. It has sides that are the thickness of the Planck Length with norm states inside of it that are Campbell indices that here are negative norm states. The four sides that are parallel are known as orientifolds. The Schotky Construction of the Klein bottles norm indices and angled at 22.5 degrees from each other subtended back-and-forth from layer of states to layer of states. This low pressure in the Klein bottle gives it a low substringular pressure that makes it have a norm to reverse/norm to forward holomorphic pull that is based on the Minkowski Hodge Index of one of its walls. The overall push on the Klein bottle thus allows it to be moved "upward" by the forces acting through the Higgs Action via the Higgs Action. (A volume of third-ordered-point-particles with a leverage that has a backing has a greater Hodge Index than a relatively small Minkowski surface.) The Klein bottle or Schotky Construction rock-sways at 45 degrees 3-D subtended lengthwise by 22.5 degrees subtended width-wise per iteration as it reaches the plane where the superstrings are to enter it. (22.5 degrees subtended from the bottom of the Higgs Action holomorphically, then antiholomorphically.) The Higgs Action angles as described before for side motion of the Klein bottle. The superstrings then receive the Kaeler metric once per iteration for 191 straight iterations.

GUFT, Additional Addendum

When a superstring goes thru a Kaeler metric, the angling of the associated superstrings as a unit going into the given Klein bottle is 22 and a half degrees as subtended from a supplemental arc going in the direction of the ultimon's curvature pointing directly downward with the same ultimon curvature. One superstring usually undergoes 191 (96+95) iterations thru a Klein metric until it has completely regained the permittivity that it needs to be the energy that it's to be by the holomorphic/antiholomorphic shaking of the Kaeler metric. If the associated superstring still hasn't regained its permittivity after this, it will move reverse holomorphicly 95 iterative positions (one per core of BRST instantons), while then spinning at the same iterative locus for 80 iterations while then undergoing 10 spin-orbital/roll superconformal invariance modes at that locus. When this is the case, the associated superstring at this point will move into the core norm Ward boundaries of the Klein bottle directly transversally the 19th iteration hereafter this at the associated 22+(1/2) degree subtended angle. At this point, the first iteration of the next set of Kaeler metric iterations will happen to allow for the associated superstring to regain the permittivity that it needs to be the energy that it is to be. Each Klein bottle is 768 Planck Lengths long. Its exterior Neumman conditions consist of two normalized sets of orientifolds that allow the Klein bottle to be 384*768 Planck Lengths. This half cube's Neumman exterior boundaries consist of mini-string or superstringular fields that are hermitianly supplementally norm to form a fabric that is the equivalent of one Planck Length thick. This hermitianly supplementally norm field type exists at all four sides and the bottom of each Klein bottle. The interior of the Klein bottle consists of negative-norm first-ordered point particles that vibrate in the associated Schotky construction at 45 degrees from positive-norm first-ordered point particles. The difference between these negative norm states and positive norm states is that negative norm states initially go in the opposite direction of the Klein bottles And in the general transversal dirction in a forward moving time frame when the Klein bottle has absorbed superstrings, while positive norm states initially go in the same general transversal direction of the Klein bottle during a forward moving time-frame when superstrings are in the Klein bottle. In a backward moving time-frame, positive norm states go in the opposite general transversal direction of the Klein bottle, while negative norm states move in the same gereral transversal direction of the Klein bottle when superstrings are in the Klein bottle. The then associated fields of the norm states in the Klein bottle, these fields being mini-string subtended from the norm states that are interconnected in one fashion or another. So, the less metric-gauge that a superstring has as it goes into the Schotky construction, the more the skuperstring gets shuck to reattain permittivity in the form of metric-gauge. This "reverse proportionality" obeys a tangential Dirac function as a locus of superstrings changes the Jacobian eigenbasis of an orbifold or an orbifold eigenset thru a Clifford algebra that form a perturbative Fourie Transformation known as a Gaussian Transformation. When such a Gaussian Transformation alters the elasticity per hermicity of the associated light-cone-gauge eigenstates the associated light-cone-gauge eigenstates alters in abelian nature. This happens when norm conditions form a Yakawa Coupling with the associated superstrings.

GUFT, Second Half of Answers to Last Test

13) Ricci Scalar eigenstates are the group action of a metric-gauge that involves Rarita-Structure mini-string that interconnects superstrings with gravitational particles.

14) All superstrings have a mass index, although not all superstrings partake of mass. Yau-Exact superstrings partake of mass. The interconnection of Yau-Exact superstrings with gravitational particles is how the Ricci Scalar interconnects with mass. The interaction here is due to the kinematism of this interconnection.

15) Radioactive elements have weakly held electrons in their atoms, since these are too large relative to their neucleonic core. This causes an atrophy of such related atoms. This spontaneous radioactive decay is the weak force.

16) Ricci Scalar eigenstates interconnect indirectly the substringular field networking of mini-string that upholds general homotopy. This indirect interconnection is interactive over a set of Fourier Transformations to allow an interaction of Rici Scalar eigenstates.

17) An electron is composed of one-dimensional superstrings that bear a fractional spin. Electrons that are adjacent spin assymetrically so that these won't collide. Electron's one-dimensional superstrings that are more prone to become tachyonic are more swivel-shaped, one-dimensional superstrings of electrons that are prone to Noether flow tend to have more of a flushly hermitian topology.

18) Light is formed when electrons drop an energy level to become more stable. When electrons drop an energy level, the one-superstrings that are to become photons bend hermitianly via the Green function to form bosons that are photons. This Fujikawa Coupling described is multidirectorally antiholomorphic to the transversal holomorphism of the associated one-dimensional superstrings as these form two-dimensional superstrings known as photons.

19) The strong force is the main way that the Anti-De-Sitter/De Sitter force intertwines the surrounding quarks and/or leptons in a manner that allows particles of mass to exist as discrete quanta. Electromotive force is the force associated with electrons, and electron's mass bearing capacity is due to the intertwining due to the strong force.

20) The electromotive force allows for the magnetism that allows for the Lagrangian Fourier differentiation of the gravitational force.

21) The gravitational force is the kinematic distributional interaction of space-time-fabric, while the weak force is spontaneous radioactive decay.

22) Metric-Gauge is maintained via the Kaeler metric. The Kaeler metric is caused by the Klein bottle being moved by the Higgs Action. The Higgs Action is caused by the Fischler-Suskind mechanism. The prior is caused by the leverage of the Landau-Gisner-Action. The Landau-Gisner-Action is caused by a Wick Action that is propagated by a norm discrepancy that happens when an orbifold or an orbifold eigenset's norm conditions are to change.

23) The Landau-Gisner-Action rarely happens to a gluonic force when that gluonic force is stable.

24) When a Gaussian Transformation does not involve the scattering of electromagnetic energy, there is no gauge transformation.

GUFT, Answers to First Half of Last Test Questions

1) The different forms of the electromotive force are electromagnetic energy, static electricity, and electricity.

2) Both charge and a metric-gauge quantum are the Fourier translation of drive in a direction.

3) A proton's charge in terms of holomorphism is a positive holomorphic charge, since it is left-handed in terms of attraction to an electron.

4) An electron's charge in terms of holomorphism is a negative holomorphic charge, since it is right-handed in terms of its attraction to a proton.

5) A proton's charge in terms of permittivity is positive.

6) An electron's charge is negative in terms of permittivity.

7) A proton's charge is negative in terms of impedance.

8) An electron's charge is positive in terms of impedance.

9) A superconformal gluon starts in one spot, then kinematically differentiates holomorphically, then kinematically differentiates antiholomorphically twice in a row, then differentiates kinematically holomorphically to its original position, then differentiates kinematically norm to holomorphically, then kinematically norm to antiholomorphically twice in a row, then the described gluon returns to its original position to resume the given status of superconformal invariance.

10) A gluon that is breaking down is perturbated by an electromotive and/or gravitational force that forms either a Calabi related or an alterior Kaeler effect that shakes the given gluonic force out of sync at its locus. If added Gaussian Transformation due to an added Higgs Action import can not stabelize the associated locus, the described gluonic force is loosened from the cite where it Lagrangianly differentiated to allow for the activity of the weak force.

11) Some gluons break down due to radioactive decay.

12) A radioactive atom releases alpha particles, that consist of two protons and two electrons, or these release individual electrons known here as Beta particles, and/or these radioactive atoms release electromagnetic energy in the form of Gamma rays.

Friday, September 25, 2009

GUFT, The New Addition

A Higgs-Action is an example of a tiny particle that is smaller than a superstring. A one-dimensional superstring is
3*10^(-35) meters long when fully uncontracted and is 10^(-43) meters long when fully contracted. A regular two-dimensional superstring, besides gauge-bosons, has a circumference of 3*10^(-35) meters around when fully uncontracted and has a circumference of 10^(-43) meters around when it is fully contracted. A superstring is 10^(-43) meters long when it is one-dimensional in the substringular and a regular two-dimensional superstring besides gauge-bosons has a circumference of
10^(-43) meters around in the substringular. A Higgs-Action or an eigenstate of the Higgs-Action has a length when fully uncontracted, which is in the globally distinguishable, of 10^(-43) meters. A Higgs-Action or an eigenstate of the Higgs-Action has a length when fully contracted, which is in the substringular, of 3 and one-third * 10^(-52) meters. An eigenstate of the Higgs-Action is an oval type point particle-like structure that is conical at both ends while hermitianly curving from its center of 10^(-43) meters in the globally distinguishable and 3 and one-third * 10(-52) meters in the substringkular to its respective apexes at both ends of 3*10^(-78) meters in the globally distinguishable in thickness and 10^(-86) meters in the substringular. The associated hermitian-like quality involves a parabollic shape that exists in central locus of the associated Higgs-Action eigenstate at an equal theta and phi, at the same initial rho as the length of the associated Higgs-Action eigenstate, while the parabollic shape given smoothly curves in all 32 first derivatives to a shaft on either end of the associated parabollic structure to the given thickness. (3*10^(-78) meters thick in the globally distinguishable and 10^(-86) meters thick in the substringular.) The mini-string or field that comprises the construction of the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism is 10^(-129) meters thick in the substringular and 3*10^(-121) meters thick in the globally distinguishable. The Shotcky construction of the Klein bottle has outer Neumman boundaries that are 3*10(-35) meters thick in the globally distinguishable and 10^(-43) meters thick in the substringular. The norm conditions in the Klien bottle are interconnected by mini-string, or, in other words, by subsringular fields, in such a way that the Klein bottle bears a subtended Ricci Scalar metric-gauge that is equal to 6.25*10^(18) in both the globally distinguishable and in the substringular. The associated Higgs-Action eigenstate bears a Hodge-Index in terms of Poincaire interelation of the overall first-ordered-point-particles that could fit in the given Higgs-Action eigenvalue. The structure here allows for just the leverage needed for the lifting of the given Klein bottle. The "top", or norm to holomorphic end of a Higgs-Action eigenstate, bears a borne tangency with the "bottom", or norm to antiholomorphic end of the associated Klein bottle via a supplementally norm mesh of mini-string, or, in other words, substringular fields.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

GUFT, Session 16, Last Test

1) What are the different forms of the electromotive force?

2) How is charge like a metric-gauge quantum?

3) What is a proton's charge in terms of holomorphism?

4) What is an electron's charge in terms of holomorphism?

5) What is a proton's charge in terms of permit tivity?

6) What is an electron's charge in terms of permittivity?

7) What is a proton's charge in terms of impedance?

8) What is an electron's charge in terms of impedance?

9) Describe a gluon that is superconformal.

10) Describe a gluon that is breaking down.

11) Why do some gluons break down?

12) Describe a radioactive atom.

13) Describe the substringular of a Ricci Scalar eigenstate.

14) Describe how a Ricci Scalar eigenstate interacts with mass.

15) Describe the substringular of the weak force.

16) Describe the interaction of Ricci Scalar eigenstates.

17) Describe the substringular of an electron.

18) Describe the substringular of light.

19) Describe why the strong force is stronger than the electromotive force.

20) Describe why the electromotive force is stronger than the gravitational force.

21) Describe why the gravitational force is stronger than the weak force.

22) Describe how the metric-gauge is maintained.

23) Describe when the Landau-Gisner-Action rarely happens.

24) Describe when a Gaussian Transformation has no gauge-transformation.

Addendum 1 to GUFT

The Klein Bottle has an exterior surface area of 768 Planck lengths by 384 Planck lengths. The Klein bottle allows for a group metric of 191 iterations that produce 191 mini-loops to be acquired by each superstring that undergoes the Fourier translation of the set of Kaeler metrics that allows superstrings to attain the permittivity that thee need and to allow their respective Fadeev-Popov-Traces, or, in other words, their Planck phenomenon related phenomena, to attain the impedance that these need to be the discrete units of energy that these are. 768*38*191 = 56,328,192. So, in general, each time that a superstring undergoes 56,328,192 iterations along the ultion whether tachyonic or not since either way these go thru the ultimon or go around the Overall Physical Portion of the space-time-continuum per iteration, the associated discrete units of energy, 56,328,192 iterations after their respective Kaeler metrics, go thru the Klein metric again. The kinematic redifferentiation of superstrings via their Lagrangians through their respective Fourier Transformations allow for redistribution of correlative superstrings and their respective Fadeev-Popov-Traces to allow Minkowski-Wise indistinguishablly different stringular groups that are Hilbert-Wise and Njenhuis-Wise indistinguishablly different stringular groups, seeing that group Ward substringular groups alter in group angle codifferentiation during each successie set of superconformal transposition. When Minkowski-Wise kinematism becomes multiplicit, then the stringular groups associated with the altering Kaeler metrics then become distinguishablly different. This happens when Clifford differentiation becomes Real Reimmanian relative to the associated substrigular fields.

Monday, September 21, 2009

GUFT, Session 15

The electromotive force is stronger than the gravitational force The gravitational force is formed by intwined mini-strings that act upon surrounding forces and surrounding forms of material phenomenology by the means of the Ricci Scalar. All gravity effects all other forces and all other forms of phenomenology because all mini-string has an indirect or direct wave-tug upon all other mini-string since all topology of superstrings and Planck phenomenon related phenomena in terms of their homotopy is interconnected in one way or another at all times except for at the space-hole. So, gravity has metric-gauge pull due to intertwined mini-strings that bear a supplemental norm condition relative to the Yau-Exact singularities of mass. Electromotive force, however, bears its metric-gauge based on the superstringular force of superstrings, Planck phenomenon related phenomena, and sheathes of mini-strings that interconnect the charges, light and the plain energy, and the electrical voltage and current of the atoms and their surroundings in terms of holomorphic and antiholomorphic attraction (metric-gauge), the illumination of phenomena by the scattering of quantized photons, the redistribution of fermionic strings, as well as the electrical discharging of electrons that flow (the transversal formed fields and the spin-orbitally formed fields of electrons). Since the electromotive force involves a metric-gauge that is primarily superstringular and not closed on the wave-tug of mini-strings that are tied to gravitons and gravitinos , the electromotive force is stronger than the gravitational force. Electrons and light are primarily Chern-Simmons since these are not completely hermitian and non-perturbative , while gluons are consistantly Yau-Exact unless these are spontaneously radioactive. Gluons are thus consistantly superconformal and Yau-Exact at the core of BRST. The Chern-Simmons Anti-De-Sitter mode that precedes the core of BRST reinforces the force of gluons. The mass of electrons is conformally invariant yet redistributed thru a Chern-Simmons plain energy. So, the mass of electrons is Yau-Exact, yet this Yau-exact condition has no Anti-De-Sitter reinforcement becase it (electrons) are trajectorially kinematic. Thus, the binding force of neucleons is a stronger force than the electromotive force.
A Gaussian transformation happens whenever the conformal invariance is altered Gauge transformations only happens when there is scattering. Gaussian transformations always happen with a gauge transformation. Yet scattering does not always happen when conformal invariance changes. Gauge transformations are usually mostly Real. Formation of a worm-hole involves a scattering that is mostly Imaginary. Light striking mass involves a scattering that is mostly Real. Real meaning on the Real Reimmanian plane and Imaginary meaning involving a multiplicit Njenhuis plane. The type of scattering that I am referring to is Calabi interactions and reverse Calabi interactions. Reverse Calabi interactions scatter into a worm-hole or these scatter into light.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Space has both a Minkowski and a Hilbert dimensional basis. Minkowski space is flat space. Flat space may only exist in up to 26 spacial dimensions. Hilbert space is space that bears a non-holographic volume. Hilbert space, from the perspective of one universe, may have anywhere from three to thirty-two spacial dimensions. All space, whether it is Minkowski based or Hilbert based, also has the dimension of time. Whether or not a particular differentiation is time-based or not time-based will effect whether or not the given differentiation involves a Fourier Transform or a Laplacian Transform. So, both Minkowski space and Hilbert space, given the condition of particular description, may be described occasionally with Fourier Transforms and occasionally with Laplacian Transforms. The space of each of the three sets of parallel universes, taken individually, involves thirty-two spacial dimensions plus time. Time is a measurement of relative motion of the associated spacial dimensions. So, all physicality involves ninety-six spacial dimensions plus time. The thirty-two spacial dimensions of one set of parallel universes involves a multiplicitly intertwined integration of a twenty-six dimensional flat sheet of space-time that is made intertwined by the kinematics of covariant homotopy, along with the six associated Njenhuis spacial dimensions that are a counterpart of the six Real Reimmanian spacial dimiensions of the D-fields of the orbifold eigensets that individually comprise electrons. This integration of a multiplicit intertwined sheet of twenty-six Real Reimmanian spacial dimensions with six Chern-Simmons based Njenhuis spacial dimensions that act as an equal and opposite Cassimer-based reaction to the Real Reimmanian spacial dimensions of an electron forms an over-riding Hilbert space that bears a homotopy that is too Lagrangian per group metric to be flat-based, since it is thirty-two dimensional spacially plus time, in the bases of volume perceived is not flat then. Since the bases of spacial dimensionality when considering the multiplicit multi-twined Mobiaty along with the field integration of the electromotive force, whose gravitational settling provides for the strong force of gluons, is not a mere translation of a steady or even a torsional integration of flat space, the bases of space-time volume must be a maximal Hilbert space per set of parallel universes, and thus, space-time is not simply based on a holographic perception of exterialized volume. The Chan-Patton rules governing the field networking of electrons to obey the Pauli Exclusion principal of adjacent electrons spinning antisymmetricly causes space to be defined as a hyperextended sheet that is torsioned in a Gliossi manner with six added dimensions in a virtual Mobiaty that envelopes to incorporate a second side and a second edge after the Laplacian "procurement" of each orbifold spacial distribution. That is why the E(8)XE(8) strings that hold orbifolds and orbifold eigensets together must also, and can only, spin antisymetrically, relative to adjacent E(8)XE(8) strings that are surrounding the same respective orbifolds and orbifold eigensets.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

GUFT, Session 14

What makes the gravitational force stronger than the weak force? The weak force is the spontaneous force of neucleons to degenerate so that the atoms of the given neucleons will break down into simpler atoms that do not have as many protons and so that these given atoms will not have as many electrons. An atom of an element has as many protons as electrons in so long as this atom is not ionic. Ionic atoms are unstable. Atoms that are not ionic are stable unless these are spontaneously radioactive. Spontaneously radioactive atoms are of short-lived elements. Short-lived elements decay spontaneously because of the weak force. The weak force is a mini-string pull that exists because of the weak gluon combination that binds the given neucleons and the Van der Waals like metric-gauge of the electrons that associate at the outer valence levels of the spontaneously radioactive atoms of the elements given. This mini-string pull is intrinsic to a gluonic force that is tied in a non-superconformal way in that the De-Sitter and Anti-De-Sitter forces of the gluons work to unfurl the given gluonic force due to singularized mini-string tug that is not hermitian and non-perturbative because the interior mini-strings are relatively isolated in terms of spacial metric-gauge-tug neighborhood. This pulls the gluons apart and thereby produces less protons in the nucleus of the given atom. The Van der Waals like energy of the given electrons at the outer valence shells holds these weakly by loose mini-string-tug. The surrounding forces thus remove these outer electrons from the given Real Reimmanian plane. So, the weak force is due to the surrounding forces scattering the isolated mini-strings of overbuilt protons and overbuilt electrons shells. The protons of an atom work together by electromotive force. The build up of excessive protons produces a strong electromotive force in the nucleus that damages gluon fractal modulae in terms of impedance and permittivity because the hermitian and non-perturbative nature of the gluons begins to implode. That produces the prior conditions. Gravity, however, has multiple strands of mini-string that interrelate sets of supplemental norm thru Ricci Scalar eigenstates that push or pull upon all forces via the gravitational formation of the interdimensional Lagrangian of space-time cushion. The ordered and linear fashion of Ricci Scalar eigenstates that intertwine in a multi-faceted intwining that is generally not isolated causes the gravitational force to be stronger than the weak force.
The severred protons, two of these at a time, are then shot out of the atom along with two loosely held electrons to restructure as an alpha particle or helium atom that radiates outward. Sometimes, other electrons on the outside of the atom shoot out as Beta radiation. Sometimes, space energy of an atom shoots out as light or gamma radiation. Occasionally, neutrons then form as protons because of a change in parity and chirality that I described above yet as a reverse process. Changes in gluonic force and changes in electromotive impedance and permittivity may alter the spin-orbital delineation and orbifold handedness in terms of the directoralization of the orbifold Gaussian norm conditions of protons and neutrons to bring about these changes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

GUFT, Session 13

Gravity is the second weakest force of the four basic forces that comprise our universe, or, for that matter, our overall physical portion of the space-time-continuum. Gravity is formed by the quantization of dilatons and dilatinos. Dilatons and dilatinos are formed by the scraping away of ghost anomalies and world-sheets and the vibratory ghost anomolies of superstrings and the ghost anomalies of light-cone-gauge-eigenstates. Whenever ghost anomalies exist, these relatively unphysical placeholders exist as a memory of physical phenomena that had differentiated at various loci at various iterations in the relative past. The longer that a ghost anomaly or a set of given ghost anomalies have existed at a said location, the more likely that the ghost anomalies will be soon scraped off of the Real Reimmanian plane by either a Real physical entity such as a superstring, a counterstring, a Planck phenomena related phenomenon, or a reversely holomorphic norm state that strike the ghost anomalies by an angle of 135 degrees or 45 degrees as subtended from the other direction relative to the supplement of the spacial trajectory of the given ghost anomalies. When positive Fock space, that is a set of norm states that are forward holomorphic, strike in a Gliossi manner a negative Fock space, that is a set of norm states that are reverse holomorphic, the negative Fock space scatters. This scattered Fock space falls at 45 degrees relatively as a supplementation of the 135 degree strike of the positive Fock space. Fock space acts as a cluster of norm to forward holomorphic distributed points that are supplementally norm to one or more first-ordered-point particles. The negative Fock space then becomes dilatons and dilatinos whose jointal mini-string tug, the thickness of the mini-string of which is thinner that the Fock space first-ordered point particle, pulls the Fock space off of the Real Reimmanian plane of the given orbifold eigenset and forms the fabric of the "cushion" of space once these quantize as gravitons and gravitinos. The mini-string here now forms a set of dual mini-string connections that connect to all forces either directly or indirectly via the twining of these mini-strings and their connection to all superstring types which is known as the Ricci Scalar. The Ricci Scalar eigenstates are made to pull toward or against superstrings given the mini-string pull or push in its intwining relative to other given forces, particularly those of mass. Mass is Yau-Exact in terms of its orbifolds and substringular singularities. The Ricci Scalar is supplementally norm to Yau-Exact singularities. So, mass pushes and pulls the twine of the Ricci Scalar the most directly. All physical phenomena interacts with the twining of all mini-string in one way or another. All physical phenomena forms ghosts. So, all physical phenomena has an intimate relationship with gravity, especially since gravity forms the multi-directoral Lagrangian of the "cushion" of space. Since gravity pulls down on whatever is most norm supplemental to the Ricci Scalar, mass is most pulled down by gravity.

GUFT, Session 12

The electromotive force is primarily the force of electricity and light. Electromagnetic energy, including light, is the main type of phenomena of force of the force of electricity and light. Light not only exerts force as the source of Calabi-Yau, Calabi-Wilson-Gordan, and Calabi-Calabi interactions, yet light and all other electromagnetic energy exerts force by being the source of all Lorentz-Four-Contractions. Here is how.: All physical phenomena per iteration exerts metric-gauge and Hamiltonian action in the current of related phenomena in all non-tachyonic/tachyonic scattering instances that do no include the instances of ultimon flow. This iterative flow that superstrings, their counterparts, and all Planck phenomenon related  phenomena undergo during the general gist of things per core of BRST is known of as Noether Flow. Noether flow is the spacial differentiation of one Planck length or one Planck radius of a superstring, its counerpart, and/or a Planck phenomenon related phenomena per iteration during the core of BRST. So, in a sense, all non-tachyonic superstrings taken individually, differentiate in one form or another, at the speed of light. Yet these superstrings, as a group unit, differentiate in a relatively close area per metric time on usual occasion. The orbifolds that hold superstrings into a first-ordered manifold also usually differentiate at a faster rate than their orbifold eigenset, yet these orbifolds differentiate in a non-linear fashion as the strings do to an extent. The orbifold eigensets may diffeentiate in general under non-entropic conditions in a linear and exact Gaussian manner with Real Reimmanian scattering as well as the Imaginary constituents of its scattering because the stringular constituents here are ordered by the Landau functioning of the given Jacobian eigenbasis. Since linear and exact differentiation of a Gaussian eigenbasis that forms Minkowski conditions that are norm and Real to the present Hilbert space, and are hermitian in any Hilbert-Ward-Caucy condition are first-order in a mass that defines itself as possibly being a mass when it is of an orbifold eigenset, then the Lorentz-Four-Contraction here applies to physical phenomena that is made of one or more orbifold eignesets, whether it is of mass or plain energy. Plain energy does not obey the mass component of Lorentz-Four-Contractions, since this does not have mass. Yet, a plain energy may not normally per iteration go faster than light, and plain energy obeys the space dilation and the time/speed dilation of the Lorentz-Four-Contractions. Anything that is mass contains one or more orbifold eigensets. Energy that is linear and exact contains one or more orbifold eigensets. Tachyonic propulsion worm-holes, and ultimon flow are the only exceptions to the Lorentz-Four-Contractions. The scattering of light produces a Landau-Gisner action that alters the Gaussian Jacobian eigenbasis of the given orbifold eigensets, and temporarily makes the associated superstrings tachyonic by the perturbated Wick actions that accompany the redifferentiation of norm conditions of the associated orbifolds. This alters temporarily the Yang-Mills structure of the light to be Kaluza-Klein until the scattering resettles to a beginning of requantization of the given light. The light then becomes Yang-Mills again, and fully quantizes, if possible, to the light of its surroundings.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fuzz Balls

An orbifold, when described in one set locus, is a Laplacianly integrated set of superstrings that function as a unit and obey Gaussian Symmetry.
When described as a "fuzz-ball" in one set locus, a "fuzz-ball" is a Laplacian conglomeration of frayed superstringular material that is perturbative within the non-linear/inexact sub-Fourier codifferentiation that is within the described "fuzz-ball", and does not obey a Gaussian Symmetry. The difference between an orbifold and a "fuzz-ball" is that an orbifold differentiates as one unit and is thus not internally perturbative, an orbifold consists of integrative superstrings while a "fuzz-ball" may consist of conglomerative superstrings and/or gauge-actions, and orbifolds obey Gaussian Supersymmetry while a "fuzz-ball" does not obey Gaussian Symmetry. An orbifold may differentiate in a conformally invariant manner, while a "fuzz-ball" is transient in arrangement as one set unit and does not maintain a topological invariance beyond a transient period of group metric. "Fuzz-Balls" are single units of frayed substringular mesh that partake of a black-hole.
Orbifolds undergo Gaussian Transformation when these differentiate as orbifolds, while "fuzz-balls" become unsewn by norm projections, at the exit end of black-holes, that work to redelineate the associated superstrings so that these superstrings will reorganize into orbifolds. Some newly formed orbifolds have superstrings, that just came from a locus of a "fuzz-ball" that was just spit out of a black-hole, that will immediately go into a Gaussian Transformation so that the associated superstrings will attain the permittivity that these need to remain as energy. Once an orbifold is established as a Gaussian matrix or membrane, then the Gaussian Transformations that follow will occur based upon the Clifford index of perturbation, which is euclideanly oriented with the associated Hodge Index of the given orbifold and Diracly oriented with the degree of Cassimer Invariance that acts upon the given orbifold. Perturbation upon an orbifold increases the spontaneity and frequency of the associated Gaussian Transformations. Such perturbations are generally interialized Yakawa interactions, interialized Gliossi wave, energy, and mass interactions, exterialized Yakawa interactions, Ricci Scalar redirectoralizations and changes in the amplitude of the given Ricci Scalar, and the interaction of interialized and exterialized and convergent Schwinger-Indices upon an orbifold's field, and the redistribution and the redirectoralization of norm-states and/or their projections.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

GUFT, Session 11

Electrons have wave-tug. Protons have wave-tug. All physical phenomena have a certain degree of wave-tug upon all other physical phenomena. Even ghost anomalies exhibit a certain degree of wave-tug upon all other physical phenomena, and ghost anomalies are often considered to be non-physical, partially since these are only a memory of superstrings and also partially since ghost anomalies of a light-cone-gauge-eigenstate are not plucked by the gauge-bosons that exist in the region of that given light-cone-gauge-eigenstate. Electrons have a charge, as do protons also. Yet, the charge of electrons is negative while the charge of protons is positive. The reason for this is the holomorphicity of electrons versus the holomorphicity of protons. Electrons have a holomorphic wave-tug basis, while protons have an antiholomorphic wave-tug basis. The impetus of an electron is holomorphic, while its impedance is antiholomorphic relative to a framework that establishes the neucleus of t he atom as its center. Since the neucleus of the atom is its center, the impetus of the electrons is left-tended. The impetus of an electron is the metric-gauge directoralization here. The metric-gauge directoralization taken kinematically is its attraction. Protons have an antiholomorphic impetus directoralization, since these want to move outward toward the electron. The reason for this is that protons are bosonic masses of high mass and direct wave-tug upon electrons. This wave-tug is formed by the parity and chirality of the orbifolds and their correlative superstrings. The protons thus have an antiholomorphic metric-gauge directoralization that is kinematically an antiholomorphic attraction. Thus, electrons have an antiholomorphic impedance and protons have a holomorphic impedance, since impedance is an equal and opposite reaction directed upon impetus. Thus, electrons have a holomorphic permittivity and protons have an antiholomorphic permittivity. Parity refers to the spin symmetry, while chirality refers to the handedness of the orbifolds in terms of the relative Gaussian Jacobian eigenbases of the orbifolds and the protons and electrons as a whole. A Jacobian eigenbasis refers here to a relative differentiation in the Gaussian structure of an orbifold.

GUFT, Session 10

Electromagnetic energy is the result of electrons dropping an energy level in an atom to release the residue of energy that is the result of the given electrons losing a discrete amount of energy that corresponds to the loss of energy that the electrons have by moving further from the nuclei of the given atoms. Electrons drop an energy level when these need to or are physically coerced to to be more stable. Physical phenomena tends to work toward an ease of stability. Stability chemically means the condition of least strain. Stability is eased when things spontaneously happen in the manner that requires the least coercive work. Electrons, like all other non-entropic/non perturbative phenomena under stable conditions, tend to do only what these need to do. The condition to this is that phenomena works together to not allow the glut of waste. Light is the most common form of electromagnetic energy. Light scatters when it strikes matter. When light scatters, it produces a certain amount of infrared energy. Infrared energy is heat. Infrared energy is one type of a wavelength of electromagnetic energy that is larger in wavelength than visible light. All scattered light forms infrared energy and thus forms heat. Heat is thus a form of electromotive force. All Calabi-Yau, Calabi-Wilson-Gordan, and Calabi-Calabi interactions involve light and heat and the permittivity and impedance of electromagnetic energy. Thus, all Calabi-Yau, Calabi-Wilson-Gordan, and Calabi-Calabi interactions are examples of the electromotive force. Permittivity is the allowance of holomorphicity, while impedance is the allowance of antiholomorphicity.

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An orbifold, when described in one set locus, is a Laplacianly integrated set of superstrings that function as a unit and obey Gaussian Symmetry.    
When described as a "fuzz-ball" in one set locus, a "fuzz-ball" is a Laplacian conglomeration of frayed superstringular material that is perturbative within the non-linear/inexact sub-Fourier codifferentiation that is within the described "fuzz-ball", and does not obey a Gaussian Symmetry. The difference between an orbifold and a "fuzz-ball" is that an orbifold differentiates as one unit and is thus not internally perturbative, an orbifold consists of integrative superstrings while a "fuzz-ball" may consist of conglomerative superstrings and/or gauge-actions, and orbifolds obey Gaussian Supersymmetry while a "fuzz-ball" does not obey Gaussian Symmetry. An orbifold may differentiate in a conformally invariant manner, while a "fuzz-ball" is transient in arrangement as one set unit and does not maintain a topological invariance beyond a transient period of group metric. "Fuzz-Balls" are single units of frayed substringular mesh that partake of a black-hole.
Orbifolds undergo Gaussian Transformation when these differentiate as orbifolds, while "fuzz-balls" become unsewn by norm projections, at the exit end of black-holes, that work to redelineate the associated superstrings so that these superstrings will reorganize into orbifolds. Some newly formed orbifolds have superstrings, that just came from a locus of a "fuzz-ball" that was just spit out of a black-hole, that will immediately go into a Gaussian Transformation so that the associated superstrings will attain the permittivity that these need to remain as energy. Once an orbifold is established as a Gaussian matrix or membrane, then the Gaussian Transformations that follow will occur based upon the Clifford index of perturbation, which is euclideanly oriented with the associated Hodge Index of the given orbifold and Diracly oriented with the degree of Cassimer Invariance that acts upon the given orbifold. Perturbation upon an orbifold increases the spontaneity and frequency of the associated Gaussian Transformations. Such perturbations are generally interialized Yakawa interactions, interialized Gliossi wave, energy, and mass interactions, exterialized Yakawa interactions, Ricci Scalar redirectoralizations and changes in the amplitude of the given Ricci Scalar, and the interaction of interialized and exterialized and convergent Schwinger-Indices upon an orbifold's field, and the redistribution and the redirectoralization of norm-states and/or their projections.

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

GUFT, Session 9

The force that is next in strength to the strong force is the electromotive force. The electromotive force is the force of electrodynamic energy. Electrodynamic energy is formed in mainly electromagnetic energy and electrons. The most common form of electrodynamic energy is electromagnetic energy. All electromagnetic energy is a propagated field of electrical field that has a magnetic field curled around it by the right-hand-rule in which both the electric field fluctuates at a given wavelength and the magnetic field fluctuates at a given wavelength. The wavelength of a beam of electromagnetic energy is the fluctuation of the electric field of the given electromagnetic beam of energy as the given beam is propagated directorally in a straight line if the beam of electromagnetic energy is traveling through a vacuum. However, when the electric field of a beam of electromagnetic energy fluctuates, its corresponding magnetic field will curl around it with the same relative homogeneity of fluctuation, yet often with a different indical amplitude when considering the density of the corresponding orbifold spin-orbital delineations and the given metric-gauge actions of these given orbifolds. The spin and orbit actions of the superstrings of the given orbifolds may have a redistribution matrix that has a gauge-metric that distributes a higher metric-gauge per set of iterations than the angular momentum of these superstrings delineate. If an orbifold has a higher spin-orbit quantum than its angular momentum has, the redistribution matrix of this orbifold, here of electromagnetic energy, will apply a coefficient euclidean based added magnetism to the energy. What will happen here is that you will proportionably, by an integer based solution, have an eletromagnetic beam that is more magnetic than electrical. What this is is a magnetized beam of electromagnetic energy.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

GUFT, Session 8

The gauge-bosons are larger than normal two-dimensional superstrings. Gauge-Bosons are formed by two one-dimensional superstrings that curl, by the Green function, to form a two-dimensional superstring that has a circumference of two Planck lengths. Gauge-Bosons do not cycle the ultimon during ultimon flow. The formation of gauge-bosons from two one-dimensional superstrings is an example of a Yakawa coupling. Yet, since this Yakawa coupling involves two superstrings that curl to form one superstring, and that it does not involve the curling of just one superstring to form another type of superstring, this type of Yakawa coupling is not a Fujikawa coupling. Besides the gauge-bosons, all other types of two-dimensional superstrings are the result of one one-dimensional superstring curling by the Green function to form one two-dimensional string. In either case, the one-dimensional strings that form a two-dimensional string curl in a hermitian manner that thereby obeys the Green function. As gauge-bosons of a gluon pluck the eigenstates of the given Swinger-Indices, and thus these pluck the second-ordered eigenstates of the light-cone-gauge of the given gluon, the eigenstates of the light-cone-gauge are "played" in a harmonic and an anharmonic manner at the same metric. During this guage-metric, both the Yau-Exact and the Wilson-Gordan actions facilitate the gauge-metric action of the light-cone-gauge- eigenstates to form a harmonic dissonance upon the Schwinger-Indices to form a harmonic-anharmonic plucking of the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge-eigenstates. This is done by the Wilson-Gordan actions and the Yau-Exact actions pushing their metric-gauge upon the gauge-bosons to form a vibration of harmonic dissonance upon the eigenstate of the light-cone-gauge. This subordially forms harmonic dissonance upon the eigenstates of the Schwinger-Indices as enacted upon by the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates. The plucking of the light-cone-gauge ALWAYS happens during the core of BRST.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Extra Course Terms

Hausendorf Projection -- A norm state projection of norm states that consist of one small set of first-ordered-point-particles that integrate into a concave up or a concave down "three-dimensional" half-parabollic or half-ellyptical surface area structure that is supplementally norm to another small set of first-ordered-point-particles that integrate into another concave up or a concave down "three-dimensional" half-parabollic or half-ellyptical surface area structure.These structures have Ward conditions thru three derivatives of Laplacian differentiation

Norm State -- A small set of first-ordered-point-particles that are supplementally norm to another small set of first-ordered-point-particles.

Norm-State-Projection -- A topological connection of norm-states that produce certain wave-tug or wave-pull.

Topological -- Along the surface of a substringular phenomenon's fabric.

Parabollic -- A structure that is round and has a constant radius at 0pi, pi/2, pi, and 3pi/2.

Ellyptical -- A structure that is round and has a constant radius for 0pi and pi, while having another constant radius at pi/2 and 3pi/2.

Campbell/Hausendorf Projection -- A norm-state-projection of norm-states that consist of one first-ordered-point particle that is supplementally norm to a small set of first-ordered-point-particles that integrate into a concave up or a concave down "three-dimensional" half parabollic or half ellyptical surface area structure. These structures have Ward conditions thru three derivatives of Laplacian differentiation.

Campbell Projection -- A norm-state-projection of norm-states that consist of one first-ordered-point-particle that is supplementally norm to a small set of first-ordered-point-particles that integrate into a small flat disc-like structure. These structures have Ward conditions thru three derivatives of Laplacian differentiation.

Anomalous Norm-State -- A small set of first-ordered-point-particles that integrate into a small flat disc-like structure that is supplementally norm to a small set of first-ordered-point-particles that integrate into a concave up or a concave down "three-dimensional' half parabollic or half ellyptical surface area structure. These structures have Ward conditions thru three derivatives of Laplacian differentiation.