Saturday, April 15, 2023

What Homotopic Transfer And Homotopic Restraint Are

 Homotopic transfer may be thought of, as the propagational permittivity, that is eminently associated, with an entity of contortion-based symmetry. Whereas; Homotopic restraint may be thought of, as the propagational impedance, that is eminently associated, with an entity of contortion-based symmetry. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.  

Also; The general coupling, of a heuristic tense of homotopic transfer, with the stratum of electrodynamic power, may often tend to facilitate the mappable formation, of a heuristic tense, of the Lagrangian-Based Trace of electrodynamic pulsation. 

When a De Rham Hamiltonian Operator, works to bear the general tense, of an eminent presence, of recursively re-calibrated Chern-Simons Invariant gauged-action, the inversely dispersive (settling) characteristic, of such a general tense of gauged-action, often tends to facilitate, the formation of electrodynamic charge, whereas, the heuristically dispersive (unsettling) characteristic, of such a general tense of gauged-action, often tends to facilitate, the formation of electrodynamic entropy.  

Gravity waves often tend to ebb, towards the direction of greatest homotopic residue.  

The formation of Noether-Based gravitational waves is often facilitated, by the eminent effect upon space-time-fabric, that is produced, by the effectual propagation of the scalar flow, of homotopic residue-related eigenstates, as taken along the Rarita Structure.  

The heuristic force of gravitational waves, generally tends to be eminently effectual, in the direction of escalating homotopic transport.  

When the homotopic dispersion of the gauge-action eigenstates, of super string-based Chern-Simons-Related homotopic residue, kinematically couples with Ward-Cauchy-Related Frequency, (specifically speaking, with the general frequency, that is eminently associated, with what I term of as being, the E(8)XE(8)String -Related-Oscillation-Based-Mode), this may often tend to work to facilitate, the formation of an oscillation-related output, of which tends to facilitate the formation of certain wave-like patterns, of which are here to be eminently associated, with what may tend to be thought of, as being thought waves.  

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