Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Cohesive Set Of Dell Pezzo Spaces

 A cohesive set of Dell Pezzo Spaces, that are formed by the spontaneous interaction, of discrete energy, with the general field of that zero-point-energy of space-time-fabric, of which such discrete energy is to be traveling through, tends to work to form a topological manifold, of discrete cohomology eigenstate. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. 

What’s fascinating to me, is the following:

Start at 0 degrees, along a unit circle. Go one radian now, along this respective circle, in the positive direction (counter clockwise).  Now, go two more radians as such (up to three radians).  Please bear with me. Next; Go three radians further as such (now at six radians). At this point, the part that just begins to be interesting, go an additional four radians further (now, at {10 - 2PI} radians, since there are only two PI radians in a unit circle (360 degrees) — which now brings one to an angle of just under 213 degrees). So, when you continue to do so as such, one will find that, as the implicit series goes to infinity, the angle that will be eminently converged upon, will be About 355.2253517 degrees — by my recent calculation. Let me know what you think! Sincerely, your colleague, Samuel Roach.  

A Dolbeault Kahler Manifold, that works to bear a hermitian Lagrangian, may often tend to work to bear an erratic tense, of dimensional-related pulsation.   

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