Monday, April 17, 2023

Cohesive Set Of Kahler-Based Strings

 A cohesive set of Kahler-Based superstrings, that work to express a De Rham cohomology, will often tend to exhibit, the Betti Action Jacobean Stabilization. To Be Continued! Sam. 

When the Logos (the general source of thought) came into contact, with the core of the Big-Bang (the general source of heuristic inertial-based pulsation), this worked to create, the general phenomenology of time. When the equal and opposite reaction, of the spontaneously eminent quotient, that was here to be of the thenceforth interaction, that was eminently associated with the ratio, that was to be taken, between of the respective implicit inverse thought phenomenology, per the escalating inverse of the respectively formed frequency, to where this was here to be viably incurred, upon the initially implicit cite of contact, at which the said Logos had struck the core of the Big-Bang, in a Gliossis-Related manner at the Poincaré level, to the internal reference-frame, of the implicit collision, that this worked to facilitate the general Lagrangian-Based Expansion, which is generally conceived of, as being the expansion of the universe/multiverse.  

The general Li-Based Nijenhuis Polarization of thought, may often tend to be capable, of facilitating the formation, of a given arbitrary tense of anti gravity.  Whereas; The general Inverted Li-Based Nijenhuis Polarization of anti gravity, may often tend to be capable, of facilitating the formation, of a given arbitrary tense of thought.  

The homomorphic action of a De Rham Kahler Manifold, that works to exhibit a Khovanov geometry, may often tend to exhibit a more piecewise continuous tense of group action, than the homomorphic action of an otherwise analogous De Rham Kahler Manifold, that instead, works to exhibit a symplectic geometry. 

A spinning isotropically stable Kahler Manifold, tends to have a greater potential angular momentum, than an otherwise analogous spinning Hamiltonian Operator, acting as a Kahler Manifold, that instead, is not isotropically stable.  

Individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are respective cohesive sets of nodes of zero-point energy eigenstates. Furthermore; Individually taken mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are respective cohesive sets of “centralized” nodes of zero-point energy — indicating, that such nodes, working to form mass, are super conformal in invariance, at an internal reference-frame.  

The proximal local presence of anti gravity, as incurred upon a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, of which is here to be acting as a Kahler Manifold, may often tend to facilitate the general process, of the corroborative spontaneous alteration, of such a respective Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to be initially exhibiting a symplectic geometry, into then subsequently ensuing, to spontaneously be exhibiting a Khovanov geometry.  

An Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter-Mode, has the general tendency, of spontaneously ordinating eigenstates, while then subsequently projecting upon them. Whereas; A De-Sitter/Anti-De-Sitter-Mode, has the general tendency, of spontaneously projecting upon eigenstates, while then subsequently ordinating them.  

The stronger the momentum of a De Rham Kahler Manifold, the more resolute that the directly affiliated cochain complex, which is of its eminently associated net cohomology-related eigenstate, will often tend to be.  

A Legendre (co)homology, often tends to be facilitated, in its capacity to be able to transport, an eminently associated propagating mass-bearing Kahler Manifold, when proximal local, to the general tense, of an anti gravitational field.  

The cohomology of a kinetically transferred symplectic diffeomorphic Kahler Manifold, tends to work to bear a more resolute cochain complex, than an otherwise analogous cohomology-based structure, that is instead, of a kinematically transferred symplectic Kahler Manifold, that is NOT diffeomorphic.  

The more resolute, that the Yau-Exact behavior, of a kinematically transferred, Noether-Based Kahler Hamiltonian Operator, is to be, the more succinct, that its eminently associated i*PI(Del) Action, will consequently tend to be.  

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