Monday, April 18, 2022

Transversally Moving Rotating Object -- Explanation -- Holomorphic Direction

 When a smoothly spatially translated transversally moving object, that is here to be simultaneously recursively rotating (via the vantage-point of a central coni-axion), in which it is to bear its transversal spatial transference, through a plane of space-time-fabric, that is orthogonal to its physical plane of rotational delineation, this works to involve a relationship to the complex number, "I (the square-root of a negative one)". This is related to part of the reason, as to why the multiplicity of the relative holomorphic direction (which is the direction, that a Ward-Cauchy-Related phenomenology "wants" to be moved into), is to generally be conceived of, as working to have its bearings, in so as to be considered as bearing its correlative respective projection, in the relative "I" direction. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

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