Thursday, April 14, 2022

More Perturbative The Proximal Local Gravitational Filed -- Less Likely For Proximal Local Discrete Energy To Become Yau-Exact

 The more perturbative that the local gravitational field is to be, the more likely that the directly associated Ricci Flow will lack a tense of smoothness; This is to where, it will thereby consequently tend to be likely, that those directly affiliated proximal local individually taken discrete energy quanta, that are here to work to be under the influence, of such a perturbative gravitational field, will tend to result, in working to exhibit the display, of lacking a Yau-Exact nature, to where, under the inferred stipulation of such a case scenario, it is more than likely, that such stated individually taken respective discrete energy quanta, that are here to be proximal local to the region, in which the mentioned perturbative gravitational field is here to be incurred, will thereby consequently tend to lack the behavior, of being able to exhibit the heuristic manner, of working to display the general nature, of potentially acting as eigenstates of a Calabi-Yau Manifold. 'TILL NEXT TIME, AT SAMSPHYSICSWORLD. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

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