Saturday, April 9, 2022

Dimensional Variance -- Perturbation Out Of Gauge-Invariance -- Resultant Chern-Simons Singularities

 When a given arbitrary initially gauge-invariant Noether-Based Ward-Cauchy-Related phenomenon, of which is to bear a topological manifold, that is here to work to bear a net constructional composite, that is to exhibit the physical condition, of working to display the attribute of four spatial dimensions plus time, to where it is to be in the general process of being spatially transferred, via a path-related mappable trace, that is here to consist of only two spatial dimensions plus time, to where it is to spontaneously work to bear a perturbation out of gauge-invariance, it, (the Ward-Cauchy-Related phenomenology, that is here to be in the process of being transferred), is to often generally be the case, that the just inferred case scenario, will consequently have a greater probability, of working to result, in working to be significantly more likely to spontaneously ensue, in so as to subsequently work to bear a set of one or more Chern-Simons singularities, than if such an otherwise analogous Ward-Cauchy-Related phenomenon, were instead, to be of a three-dimensional Ward-Cauchy-Related spatial phenomenology (Plus time),  that would here to be in the process, of being spatially transferred, thru a correlative respective Lagrangian-Based path, that would here be working to exhibit the attribute, of consisting of the trivially isometric respective mappable-trace-like nature, of working to bear the physical condition, of being of a two spatial dimensional nature. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

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