Saturday, April 30, 2022

Energy As A Spatially Transferred Disturbance Of Space-Time-Fabric

If one were to think of energy, as the multiplicity of a spatially transferred disturbance of space-time-fabric -- as this is here to be taken over a relativistic duration --; One may then conjecture, that the actual stratum itself, that is thence to be directly associated with the covariant proximal local phenomenology, of the string-related topological manifold of this said "disturbance of space-time-fabric," is here to be the effective physical attribute, of what we would normally think of, as being on the order of exemplifying, the general actual heuristic quality or condition, of the proximal local presence, of the Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to be of such an inferred tense of a discrete energy quanta. Whereas; One may also then conjecture, that the actual spatial transference of such an inferred or stated Hamiltonian Operator, is thence to be directly associated, with the physical exemplification of the general actual heuristic quality or condition, of the proximal local presence, of the Lagrangian, that is here to be of such an inferred tense of a discrete energy quanta. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY,  SAMUEL  DAVID ROACH.

Incursion Of Wess-Zumino Action -- Heightened Probability Of Exhibiting The Display Of A Hermitian Cohomology

 When a Wess-Zumino Action is to be incurred, upon the topological manifold of the core-field-density, that is of the physical stratum, of a given arbitrary spatially propagating Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, the resultant nature, that the directly corresponding cohomology, of which such an inferred "team" of mass-bearing energy, is therefore to tend to end-up working to help form, will consequently tend to result, in having a heightened probability, of exhibiting the display of a hermitian cohomology-related flow. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Fixed Spatial Dimensionality -- Metric Being Gauged

 In one particular tense of the expression; When the spatial dimensionality of a discrete energy quantum is fixed, one may often say, that the directly associated metric, that is here to be of such a stated discrete energy quantum, is here to be gauged. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! (1989). SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Incursion Of Wess-Zumino Action -- Settling Of Sporadic Motion

 At times; When a Wess-Zumino Action is to be incurred, upon a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, of which is here to initially be sporadically moving, this general type of a superstring-related operation, will often tend to work to act, in so as to help to facilitate a relative settling of the Lagrangian-Based motion, that is here to be directly corresponding to the harmonics of the kinematic motion, of which such a respective inferred "team" of discrete mass-bearing energy is to work to exhibit, as it is being delineated through the general medium of space-time-fabric. SAM ROACH.

Incursion Of Cevita Action Upon Initially Generative Cohomology-Related Propagation

 The sporadically spontaneous incursion, of a Noether-Based Cevita Action, as this is here to be physically applied, upon the Fourier-Related-Progression of an initially generative cohomology-related propagation, may often tend to work to bear the relatively heightened probability, of spontaneously ensuing, in so as to consequentially working to exhibit, the general affective Ward-Cauchy-Related characteristic of anti-holomorphic Kahler conditions, to where the given arbitrary respective mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, of which is here to be incurred upon by the earlier stated Cevita Action, is thence to tend to spontaneously ensue, in so as to often spontaneously resultantly end-up working to bear, a directly corresponding perturbation, in the Lagrangian-Based projection, of its initially generative cohomology-related propagation. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989).

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wess-Zumino Action Incurred Upon Initially Perturbative System Of Energy Quanta

 When a Wess-Zumino Action is to be incurred, as upon a given arbitrary initially perturbative system of interdependent covariant energy quanta, this will, at times, have the general tendency, of working to help at spontaneously facilitating, the potentially viable proximal local covariant presence, of the general physical condition, of an ensuing steady-state mode, as this is here to be pertinent, to the inferred harmonic tense of a general scattering into order, that is here to be occurring, in so as to help to work at causing, such a metaphorically incurred physical state of "homeostasis," to thence become spontaneously present, at the general covariant cite of reference-frame, that is here to basically be situated, at the general relative vantage-point, that is here to be Poincare, at a level that is here to be immediately external, to the Ward-Cauchy outskirts, of the field-related region, at which such an inferred superstring-related tense of a steady-state condition, is here to be exemplified, by the inferred interactive system, of those directly corresponding covariant interactive Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that are here to be harmonically associated, in a viable tense of an arrangement, in so as to work to form a relatively recursive hermitian flow of interactively interdependent cohomology-related mappable-gauging, that is here to act as a fractal-like balance, that is akin to the general concept of homeostasis. SAMUEL.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Steady-State Discrete Energy Quanta -- Isotropic Stability

 When a given arbitrary energy-based system, of which is here to be comprised of, by any viable number of individually taken covariant Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, to where this said "system," is to be spontaneously brought into the general reductional tense, of a steady-state-related physical condition, it will thereby result in following, that there will consequently happen to be present, at times, the general physical condition, in which such earlier inferred covariant individually taken mass-bearing "teams" of discrete energy quanta, will often tend to have a relatively heightened probability, of working to bear an increased tense of isotropic stability. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID  ROACH.

Isotropically Unstable Net Gauged-Action -- Spurious Exhibition Of Chern-Simons Singularities

 When a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to work to bear an isotropically unstable net gauged-action, it will consequently have the general tendency, of working to spontaneously map-out, the exhibition of a set of one or more correlative spurious Chern-Simons singularities. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL

Monday, April 25, 2022

Cevita Action Incurred Upon Noether-Based "Team" Of Mass-Bearing Energy Quanta

 When a Cevita Action is to be incurred, upon a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, this general type of a superstring-related occurrence, will often have the general tendency, of working to cause a spurious effect, that is here to be taken upon the cohomology, that is of that said Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Perturbation Of Delineation Of Del Pezzo Spaces -- Perturbation Of Delineation Of Cox Rings

 When the Del Pezzo Spaces of a given arbitrary cohomology-related setting, are to work to bear a perturbation in their delineation, this will have the general tendency of working to result, in a consequential perturbation of that respective delineation, which is of those correlative cohomology-related Cox Rings, that such stated Del Pezzo Spaces, are here to work to comprise.TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Superstring-Related Cox Rings -- Altered Covariant Delineation

 When a discrete superstring-related quantum of energy, is to alter in the mode of its vibrational oscillation, this general type of an occurrence, will often tend to result, in a consequential alteration of the covariant delineation, of those cohomology-related Cox Rings, that are here to tend to be situated, at the general fringe of the topological core-field-density, that is here to be eminently appertaining to the covariant structural boundary conditions, that are here to be related to the recursively projected trajectory, that is of the associated Neumann boundary conditions, that are here to be respectively correlative, to  the Lagrangian-related kinematically propagated spatial transference, of the holonomic substrate of that given arbitrary Hamiltonian-Based field-operator, that is here to be successively distributed, through the general medium of space-time-fabric, as the initially stated superstring-related quantum of energy, that is of such a given arbitrary type of a case scenario, is here to be tugged along its directly corresponding ensuing tense of a "journey," as this is here to be taken over a correlative Fourier-Related-Progression, as the inferred "team" of discrete energy, is here to bear its vibrational perturbation, as it is here to also be viably kinetically translated, in a transversal manner, over the general durational span of time. I WILL SOON CONTINUE WITH THIS DEVELOPING JOURNEY! TO BE CONTINUED, LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Friday, April 22, 2022

Fixed Gauged-Action Of Del Pezzo Spaces

 When the gauged-action of the superstring-related net composite state, of the directly associated summed individually taken integrable Del Pezzo Spaces, is to be of a fixed nature,  when this is in terms of the consistent tense, of the general attribute of the linkage of such inferred cohomological eigenstates, (to where, these said Del Pezzo Spaces, are here to help in working to form the cohomology-related structure, of the core-field-density, of such a superstring-related phenomenology), this general physical condition, will often tend to work in the direction, of helping to facilitate an enhanced capacity, by which such a superstring-related phenomenology, will thereby consequentially bear a greater probability of being isotropically stable -- to where such an inferred Ward-Cauchy-Related phenomenology, will consequently have a relatively greater probability, of working to bear a homomorphic field. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (PHS 1989).

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Anharmonic Delineation Of Mass-Bearing Set Of Discrete Energy Quanta -- Sporadic Delineation Of Correlative Cox Rings

 When a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to become anharmonic, in the general tense of its correlative vibrational oscillation, the cohomology-related Cox Rings, of which are here to bear a latched-like attribute, at a level that is thence to tend to be Poincare, at the external topological surface of the core-field-density, that is of such an inferred "team" of mass-bearing energy, to where there will consequently tend to spontaneously ensue, the general operational tendency, in which such Cox Rings will often end-up working to bear a resultantly covariant sporadic delineation, when this is in retrospect to their immediately surrounding Ward-Cauchy-Related physical environment. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (PHS 1989).

Sporadically Vibrating Superstrings -- Less Uniform Holomorphic Direction

 The more sporadically that the vibration of a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to be, the less uniform that its resultant respective holomorphic direction will consequentially tend to be. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. SEE YOU SOON! I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Hermitian Cox Ring -- Hermitian Composite Del Pezzo Spaces

 The more Hermitian that the flow of the Laplacian-Based curvature of a given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-Related Cox-Ring is to be, the more Hermitian that the correlative individually taken linkages that are here to be present, as amongst the directly corresponding Del Pezzo Spaces, of which are here to help to work to comprise, such a stated respective given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-Related Cox Ring. SAM ROACH. (1989).

Smoothly Curved Del Pezzo Spaces -- Hermitian LInkage

 The more smoothly curved the Del Pezzo Spaces, the more Hermitian that their correlative linkage will consequently tend to be. TO BE CONTNUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Diffeomorphic Structure -- Hermitian Linkage Of Cohomology-Related Del Pezzo Spaces

 When a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to be exhibiting the display of a diffeomorphic tense of a cohomology-related structure, the correlative Del Pezzo Spaces, that are to work to comprise such a mentioned respective cohomology-related structure, are here to tend to work to bear the general tense, of a Hermitian linkage amongst each other. 'Till Next Time! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Forces Of Nature -- Adhesion/Cohesion

 The consequential resultant of the holonomic propagation of the vibrations of light-cone-gauge eigenstates, helps work to initiate the multiplicity of the forces of nature; Whereas, the consequential resultant of the holonomic propagation of the vibrations of cohomology-related eigenstates, helps work to form the respective adhesion/cohesion of such initiated forces of nature. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Cohomology/Schwinger-Indices --- Permittivity/Impedance

 The physical import of the holonomic propagation of cohomology-related eigenstates is to discrete energy permittivity, what the physical import of the holonomic propagation of Scwhinger-Index-Related eigenstates is to discrete energy impedance. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. (1989).

Monday, April 18, 2022

Transversally Moving Rotating Object -- Explanation -- Holomorphic Direction

 When a smoothly spatially translated transversally moving object, that is here to be simultaneously recursively rotating (via the vantage-point of a central coni-axion), in which it is to bear its transversal spatial transference, through a plane of space-time-fabric, that is orthogonal to its physical plane of rotational delineation, this works to involve a relationship to the complex number, "I (the square-root of a negative one)". This is related to part of the reason, as to why the multiplicity of the relative holomorphic direction (which is the direction, that a Ward-Cauchy-Related phenomenology "wants" to be moved into), is to generally be conceived of, as working to have its bearings, in so as to be considered as bearing its correlative respective projection, in the relative "I" direction. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Homeomorphic Field -- Orientable Superstring -- Grassman Constant

 The general homeomorphic field, that is thence to be intrinsically latent, to the general tense of asymmetry, of which is here to be directly corresponding to the gauge-like coupling, that is here to be most associated, with the innately incurred interaction, of which is here to be impelled, as amongst the region that is in-between a given arbitrary orientable superstring of discrete energy permittivity,  as taken in conjunction with its directly corresponding respective counter string (of discrete energy permittivity), may thereby respectively be perceived of, as being related to the general tense of an emulation of the Betti Action, of which is here to bear an eminent association, with the reductional workings of the Grassman Constant. 'TILL NEXT TIME; TO BE CONTINUED! (PINCKNEY HIGH SCHOOL, 1989). SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Metric-Based Chern-Simons Singularities -- Incursion Of Lowered Isotropic Stability

 When a given arbitrary initially isotropically stable Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to ensue, in so as to spontaneously go into the general process, by which it is then to end-up working to bear, a set of one or more proximally local attributable metric-based Chern-Simons singularities, it will thereby consequently follow, that this general type of a case scenario, will often tend to result, in the general incursion of a lowered tense of isotropic stability, when this is in terms of the general resultant type of behavior, in which the initially inferred homomorphic characteristic, that is thence to be of the herein stated Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is thereby to consequentially be decreased, in its scalar amplitude of effectual import. SAM ROACH. (PINCKNEY HIGH SCHOOL, 1989).

Friday, April 15, 2022

Heuristic Gravitational Force -- Chern-Simons Singularities

 A relatively strong incursion of a heuristic tense of gravitational force, as imparted upon a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, may often tend to work to facilitate the spontaneous formation, of a set of one or more Chern-Simons singularities. 'TILL NEXT TIME, SAM.

Anti Gravity -- De Rham Cohomology

 When anti gravity is to be physically incurred, upon a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, this general process, may often tend to facilitate the condition, by which the inferred mass-bearing "team" of energy, will consequently result, in having a greater probability, of spontaneously working to bear the ensuing displayed exhibition, of working to bear a tense of a traceable De Rham cohomological topological manifold. (This is to where, such a spontaneously formed general type of a cohomological tense of a topological manifold, will therefore tend to exclusively work, to bear both hermitian Lagrangian-Based singularities, And, hermitian metric-based singularities; as the inferred "team" of mass-bearing energy, is here to be projected, via its propagation through time and space.).  SAM.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Heuristic Anti Gravity -- Acceleration

 The flow of a heuristic antigravity-related radial (rotational) acceleration, may often help work to allow, for the consequentially incurred flow, of a heuristic antigravity-related transversal acceleration. SAM ROACH.

More Perturbative The Proximal Local Gravitational Filed -- Less Likely For Proximal Local Discrete Energy To Become Yau-Exact

 The more perturbative that the local gravitational field is to be, the more likely that the directly associated Ricci Flow will lack a tense of smoothness; This is to where, it will thereby consequently tend to be likely, that those directly affiliated proximal local individually taken discrete energy quanta, that are here to work to be under the influence, of such a perturbative gravitational field, will tend to result, in working to exhibit the display, of lacking a Yau-Exact nature, to where, under the inferred stipulation of such a case scenario, it is more than likely, that such stated individually taken respective discrete energy quanta, that are here to be proximal local to the region, in which the mentioned perturbative gravitational field is here to be incurred, will thereby consequently tend to lack the behavior, of being able to exhibit the heuristic manner, of working to display the general nature, of potentially acting as eigenstates of a Calabi-Yau Manifold. 'TILL NEXT TIME, AT SAMSPHYSICSWORLD. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Monday, April 11, 2022

Proximal Local Entropic Photons -- (An)Harmonics Of Region

 The higher that the directly corresponding density is to be, of the covariant summed integrable physical presence, of the net association of those given arbitrary Noether-Based entropic photons, that are here to be proximal local, to a given arbitrary set region in time and space, the more likely, that those given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that are here to also respectively work to bear a proximal local presence, as this is here to be considered, from within the inferred Ward-Cauchy-Related bounds, that is to here to be directly appertaining to the physical confines of such an earlier stated set region, it will thereby often follow, that this will consequently tend to resultingly work, to help at facilitating the exhibition, as this is here to be taken at the Poincare level to the proximal local region, that is here to be physically present, at the general vantage-point of the immediately external reference-frame, that is here  to be taken into consideration, as this is here to be placed at the general field,  that is to bear tis placement immediately outside of the stated respective given arbitrary region, of such an inferred case scenario, to where this whole general set of physical conditions, will thereby tend to work to allow, for the exhibition of the enhanced capability of such an interactive set of mass-bearing "teams" of energy-related  phenomenology, to often work to bear the spontaneous general Fourier-Related physical display, of an interdependent anharmonic covariant tense of interaction, as this is here to be in terms of the general coupling interactions, that are here to be interdependently physically gauged amongst themselves. SINCERELY, SAM! 'TILL WE MEET AGAIN! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Why It Appears, That The Same Particle Seems To Possibly Be At Multiple Spots At Once

 In lieu of my particular model of string theory; Each universal setting, that is here to be directly appertaining to one individually taken set of parallel universes, tends to be mirrored 9,100,000 times. So; It tends to be the case, that when it appears that the exact same mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to be at multiple spots at once, what you are actually observing, is a multiple mirroring of the same mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, as inferred earlier, that is here, at least temporarily, to have just been tugged into our particular universal setting. UNTIL NEX TIME. SAM.

Spatial Dimensionality And Gauge-Invariance

 When one is to be considering an initially gauge-invariant superstring-related phenomenology, that is here to be in the general process, of being spatially transferred along a consistent tense, of a dimensional-related Lagrangian-Based path; It is often the general case, that the more spatial dimensions, that such an inferred Ward-Cauchy-Related phenomenology is to be topologically comprised of, the more isotropically stable that it will tend to need to be, in order to continue to remain, as working to exhibit the display, of a gauge-invariant eigenstate, that is here to be directly corresponding to its respectively inferred tense, of an energy-related field. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Dimensional Variance -- Perturbation Out Of Gauge-Invariance -- Resultant Chern-Simons Singularities

 When a given arbitrary initially gauge-invariant Noether-Based Ward-Cauchy-Related phenomenon, of which is to bear a topological manifold, that is here to work to bear a net constructional composite, that is to exhibit the physical condition, of working to display the attribute of four spatial dimensions plus time, to where it is to be in the general process of being spatially transferred, via a path-related mappable trace, that is here to consist of only two spatial dimensions plus time, to where it is to spontaneously work to bear a perturbation out of gauge-invariance, it, (the Ward-Cauchy-Related phenomenology, that is here to be in the process of being transferred), is to often generally be the case, that the just inferred case scenario, will consequently have a greater probability, of working to result, in working to be significantly more likely to spontaneously ensue, in so as to subsequently work to bear a set of one or more Chern-Simons singularities, than if such an otherwise analogous Ward-Cauchy-Related phenomenon, were instead, to be of a three-dimensional Ward-Cauchy-Related spatial phenomenology (Plus time),  that would here to be in the process, of being spatially transferred, thru a correlative respective Lagrangian-Based path, that would here be working to exhibit the attribute, of consisting of the trivially isometric respective mappable-trace-like nature, of working to bear the physical condition, of being of a two spatial dimensional nature. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Teams Of Mass-Bearing Strings, Seeming To Be At The Same Spot At The Same Time -- A Brief Partially Descriptive Explanation

 Mass-Bearing Noether-Based super strings of discrete energy permittivity, tend to exist in "teams" of discrete energy quanta. All of the super strings of such a "team," tend to exist, at the outer periphery of such a said "team." The spaces in-between such inferred individually taken strings, that are here to be both of the same respective layer of reality, And, of the same universal setting, tend to be significantly greater, than the comparative relative size of such stated strings. Consequently; It may often be the case, that many different "teams" of such strings, that are here to be encoded, as basically working to bear the exact same reductional nature, may hereby often have the general capacity, of being inter-laced amongst each other, as from within the same general approximate proximal local Noether-Based Ward-Cauchy-Related bounds, that is here to be of the integrable "quantum entanglement," of the composite set, of the inferred respective given arbitrary intermingling, of such individually taken "teams," that are here to be of such super strings of discrete energy permittivity. The main reason, as to what may often generally be the cause, as to why different universal settings, tend to not viably effect other universes, in any direct tense of the word, is on account of their angle-related oscillations, when in retrospect with one another.Therefore, To some people; The situation at hand, may often make it appear, that there are here to be present, the holonomic entity, of multiple strings at the same spot at the same time, yet, what I described in this document, works to indicate the eminent possibility, that this is not actually the case here. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Wavelength Of Gravitational Perturbation -- Generation/Degeneration Of Cohomology

 For discrete energy quanta, that are here to be directly associated with orientable superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, as taken over an evenly gauged Hamiltonian Eigen-metric; The more of a negative value, that is here to be most viably applicable, to a given arbitrary respective tense, of the equivocal "wavelength" of the attributable gravitational perturbation, the more that the directly associated Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be incurred upon, by the general workings of the proximal local respective tense of the "wavelength" of the said attributable gravitational perturbation, will consequently have the general tendency, of degenerating more cohomology, than it is here to otherwise be generating. It logically follows, that; For discrete energy quanta, that are here to be directly associated with orientable superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, the more of a positive value, that is here to be most viably applicable, to a given arbitrary respective tense, of the equivocal "wavelength" of the attributable gravitational perturbation, the more that the directly associated Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be incurred upon, by the general workings of the proximal local respective tense of the "wavelength" of the said attributable gravitational perturbation, will consequently have the general tendency, of generating more cohomology, than it is here to otherwise be degenerating. When there is no viably considered gravitational perturbation, from within the Noether-Based Ward-Cauchy-Related physical bounds, of a proximal local conformally invariant region, the directly associated "team" of mass-bearing energy quanta, that are here to be incurred upon, by the respective correlative affective gravitational force of a corroborative type of a case scenario, will often consequently have the general tendency, of generating as much cohomology, as it is here to be degenerating. 'TILL NEXT TIME; TO BE CONTINUED, LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Incursion Of Nijenhuis Tensor -- Spontaneous Alteration From Gauge-Invaiance

 When a given arbitrary Noether-Based initially gauge-invariant mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to spontaneously work to bear the ensuing additive general physical attribute, of a Nijenhuis tensor, that is here to be incurred upon its net gauged-action, this general type of a superstring-related case scenario, will often tend to cause a perturbation of the initially considered respective tense of gauge-invariance, to where the inferred "team" of mass-bearing energy quanta, will thereby consequently work to spontaneously alter, out of its initial tense of gauge-invariance. Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

High Frequency Thought Waves -- Relatively Quick Transference

 A given arbitrary Noether-Based thought wave, that is here to be of a relatively low wavelength, may often tend to work to bear a relatively high frequency, to where, if such a respective thought wave is here to be incurred upon, by a recursively covariant isotropically stable kinematic source, of gauge-action-related phenomenology, in such a manner, to where the resultant kinematic transversally applied wave-tug, is here to work to bear a monomial tense of a scalar amplitude, this will often tend to consequently work, to cause the said thought wave in question here, to be physically transferred to its transversally delineated destination, at a relatively higher rate of velocity, than it otherwise would. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM.

Heuristic Supplemental Collision, Of Two Relatively Nijenhuis Cohomological Topological Manifolds

 When the given arbitrary projected kinematic Lagrangian-Based flow, that is appertaining to the kinematic approach, of two different and distinct individually taken Noether-Based braided cohomological topological manifolds, that are here to be of the nature, of being directly associated, with two different and distinct Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, of which are here to work to bear a heuristic Nijenhuis tense of a uniform scalar amplitude, when this is here to be considered at the Poincare level, that is here to be taken, at the relative recursively permutative covariant center-state of their incoming approach, to where, these two different individually taken cohomological mass-bearing teams, are to spontaneously ensue, in so as to work to subsequently make a Gliosis-Based collision with each other, at the coni-center of the eigen-base, that is here to work to allow for a direct collision, as among the immediately externalized core-field-density, that is here to be situated, at the proximal local holonomic cite, of both of their individually taken net angular momentum eigenstates; this may, at times, work to allow for a dissipation, of each of their initially considered cohomological topological structures. SAM.

Wavelength Of Gravitational Perturbation

 When the given arbitrary Noether-Based wavelength of gravitational perturbation is zero, the directly corresponding  Ricci Curvature, is thence to be flat, and, the correlative Ricci Flow, will thereby tend to be smooth. When the given arbitrary Noether-Based wavelength of gravitational perturbation is less than zero, the directly corresponding Ricci Curvature, is thence to have a general tendency, of being eminently associated with a fractional value, and, the correlative Ricci Flow, will thereby tend to not be smooth. Furthermore; When the given arbitrary Noether-Based wavelength of gravitational perturbation is more than zero, the directly corresponding Ricci Curvature is thence to have a general tendency, of being eminently associated, with a value that is more than one, and, the correlative Ricci Flow, will thereby tend to not be smooth. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Rayleigh Scattering/Riemann Scattering -- Relative Tense Of Space-Time Viscosity

When a Rayleigh Scattering is to be incurred, as this is being eminently acting in a Yukawa-Based manner, upon a given arbitrary Noether -Based holonomic tense of space-time-fabric, this may often have the general tendency, of working to bear a fairly high probability, of being eminently associated, (as the said scattering is to be acting in a Gliosis-Related manner, upon the general region at which the said/inferred scattering is here to have been occurring), with the exhibition of a respective region, that is here to be working to bear a Relatively Heightened State, of a proximal local tense of viscosity, as this is here to be considered, along the dispersive topological manifold, that is here to be situated, in a given arbitrary respective spot in time and space; Whereas; When a Riemann Scattering, is to be incurred upon a given arbitrary Noether-Based holonomic tense of space-time-fabric, this may often have the general tendency, of working to bear a fairly high probability, of being eminently associated, with the exhibition of a respective region, that is here to be working to bear a Relatively Diminished State, of a proximal local tense of viscosity, as this is here to be considered, along the dispersive topological manifold, that is here to be situated, in a given arbitrary respective spot in time and space. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Heterogeneous Space-Time Pressurized Vacuum -- Tendency Of Greater Viscosity

 A relatively heterogeneous tense of space-time pressurized vacuum, often has the general tendency, of working to bear a greater viscosity, than a relatively homogenous tense of space-time pressurized vacuum. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Dissipation Of The Embroidery Of Electrodynamic Rays -- Function Of P-Adic Cohomology-Related Operation

 The general kinematic activity, which is of the dissipation of that initially embroidered topological manifold, that is here to initially be of a respective braided structural tense of cohomology, of which is to subsequently be acted upon in the general inferred manner, to where the correlative unsheathing of such a general tense, of certain of such respectively incurred upon kinematically covariant propagated electrodynamic rays, in a way, may often be eminent in its association, with a particular given arbitrary genus, of the general function, of certain ulterior forms, of kinematically covariant propagated p-adic cohomology-related operations, which are often to act, over the general durational course, that may be surmised by the mathematical workings of a correlative Fourier-Transformation, in so as to often tend to kinematically act to undo, the potentially proximal adjutant presence, of a covariant kinematically propagated co-tangentially imparted Etale cohomology of topological manifold, of which is here to have had a relatively high probability, of working to bear a spontaneously Gliosis interaction, with the inversely considered general genus of a respective cohomology-related structural projection, as the initially inferred moving sheathed cohomology, is here to subsequently work to bear a tense of becoming unsheathed. SAMUEL ROACH.

The Coupling Of Two Projected Etale Cohomology-Related Covariant Kinematic Structures, That Are Relatively Nijenhuis To One Another

 The Gliosis-Based coupling of two different initially projected Etale cohomology-related covariant kinematic structures of topological manifold, that are here to bear the initial state or condition, of working to exhibit the display, of a relatively Nijenhuis relationship with one another, may, at times, have the general tendency of consequentially resulting, once these are here to work to bear the ensuing inferred coupling interaction, in the spontaneous subsequent formation, of a set of one or more p-Adic cohomology-related covariant kinematic structures of topological manifold. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Initially Isotropically Stable Net Gauged-Action -- Heterogeneous Pressurized Vacuum -- Loss Of Isotropic Stability

 When an initially isotropically stable net gauged-action, that is here to be of a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to be spontaneously tugged, into a general region of space-time-fabric, that is here to be comprised of a general tense, of a Ward-Cauchy-Related state of a heterogenous pressurized vacuum, this general process, will thereby have the reductional tendency, of working to facilitate a spontaneous resultant loss of isotropic stability, for the stated net gauged-action, to where this will consequently tend to result, in the general condition, in which the earlier stated respective Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will thereby, at times, have the general reaction to this, to where this may often tend to result, in a spontaneous incursion of a directly affiliated set of attributable Chern-Simons singularities, as this is here to be directly corresponding, to the gauge-metric-related flow, of the directly associated Metric/Lagrangian-Based cohomology-based Fourier-Related-Progression, that is here to be correlative, to the general recursively iterative Hamiltonian drive, of which is here to act, as a general tense of the effectual import, of the net momentum eigenstates of the Lagrangian-Based wave-tug, that is of the general net kinematic exhibition, of the reductional display of such an earlier stated respective Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, as this is here to be tugged along its general reductional course, as this is here to be taken, over the duration of a sequential series of group-related instantons. THANK YOU! SAM ROACH. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! (PHS 1989). (U OF M). 

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Equivocal Instanton-Related Eigenstate

 When a given arbitrary directionally delineated second-order torsional heuristic-pulse, that is in a proximal local association, with a discrete quantum of energy, that is to be inversely coupled with the drive of the directionally delineated Hamiltonian Operation, that is here to be directly associated, with the earlier inferred individually taken discrete increment of quantum energy of this case, this may often tend to work, to form the equivocal parametric vector quantization, of an individually taken instanton-related eigenstate. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH. (1989).

An Idea, As To The Forming Of The Holonomy Of A Metric-Gauge-Related Eigenstate

 When a second-order torsional metric-pulse, is to be inversely coupled, by the proximal local net effect, of the drive of the wave-tug, of a discrete Hamiltonian Operator, this may often have the general tendency, of working to form the projected holonomy, of a metric-gauge-related eigenstate. Thank You! Sam Roach.

Pulsation, Velocity, And Acceleration

 When a first-order torsional metric-pulse, is to be inversely coupled, by a first-order torsional heuristic-pulse, this will often tend to work, to form the general tense, of a transversal-based velocity. Furthermore; When a first-order torsional metric-pulse, is to be inversely coupled, by a second-order torsional heuristic-pulse, this will often tend to work, to form the general tense, of a transversal-based acceleration. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER!  TO BE CONTINUED! SAM. 

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Inverted Torsional Metric-Pulse

 When one is to have a given arbitrary case scenario, of which is here to work to involve a first-order inverted torsional metric-pulse, acting as a given arbitrary example of a particular genus of a Chern-Simons Invariant gauge-action, this may often work to involve a directly corroborative loosening, of a state or condition of a proximal local wave-tug, as acting to work to exhibit the Fourier-Related display, of the workings of a directly associated p-Adic cohomology. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Friday, April 1, 2022

Superstrings Comprised Of By "Mini-Stringular" Segmentation -- Possibility Of Multiple Functions -- Individually Taken Strings

 Since, by my model of string theory, the smallest thing that can be diviid-out, is the general phenomenology, that I call, "mini-stringular segmentation,"(which is on the order of Zero-Point-Energy), it is only feasible, that an individually taken superstring of discrete energy permittivity, may, at times, be able to operate to perform multiple functions at once. Therefore; it may then be said, that for an individually taken superstring of discrete energy permittivity, to be in such a situation, to where it is here to only be performing one specific function at one time, to where it is then, when under the possible stipulation of such a general case scenario, to thenceforth be behaving, as being attributable to exhibiting the display of a homomorphic field, is a potential case scenario, in which the multiplicity of such a general behaviorism of superstrings, in which their fields are to act in a group action-like manner, at the Planck-Related Level, is therefore NOT the only general way that superstrings are able to behave, --  if, as this model of string theory verbally illustrates, the Planck Level is not the smallest level of interaction, -- to where, instead, the Zero-Point-Energy Level is here to be considered, as the smallest level, by which phenomena are able to actually be diviid-out. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Abelian Wave-Tug Of First-Order Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate -- Homomorphic Discrete Quantum Of Energy

 The more abelian of a nature, that the wave-tug of a given arbitrary Noether-Based first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, is to work to exhibit, as this respective wave-tug, is to be incurred upon a directly associated superstring/counter string of discrete energy permittivity, the greater the probability, that this will consequently tend to result, in working to facilitate the general physical condition, to where the directly corresponding quantum of discrete energy, that is here to have been implied in such a respective given arbitrary case scenario, will thereby work to become more likely to exhibit, the display of a homomorphic field. I WILL CONTNUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

The Wave-Tug Of Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstates

 The stronger that the wave-tug of a Noether-Based first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate is to be, the greater that the corresponding restraint which it consequently tends to incur, upon its directly associated superstring/counter string of discrete energy permittivity. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH. (1989).