Thursday, February 3, 2022

Tachyonic Clifford Expansion -- Directed Into A Parallel Universe -- Smoothly Dampened Homeomorphic Topological Sway

 Let us say, one were here to have an initially Noether-Based hermitian cohomology, that is here to directly appertain, to the mappable-tracing of the Lagrangian-Based path, that is here to be "forged" by the impelled net wave-tug, of a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. Let us then stipulate, that the holonomic entity of the inferred "team" of mass-bearing energy, is then to ensue, in so as to be spontaneously tugged into a perturbative cohomology-related mode of motion, that I surmise, may best be described of, as a "tachyonic Clifford Expansion," as the stated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta of such a respective case scenario, is here to be directed into the workings of a relatively earlier time in a parallel universe. At the onset of the particular respective directly associated Fourier-Related-Progression of such mentioned tachyonic Clifford Expansion, there is to be an initial escalation of the mappable-motion of the Fourier-Related projected trajectory, that is here to be directly appertaining to the viably altered multi-dimensional spatial translation, of the cohomology-related  path-like mode of motion, that is here to be directly corresponding, to the correlative change, in the perturbation of that respective net wave-tug, that is here to be eminently related, to the net tense of the topological sway, of which such a mass-bearing set of discrete energy, is here to be heuristically incurred in a spurious manner, around the very duration-related moment, at which such a cohomology-related perturbation is to initialized, upon the topological manifold, of such an inferred mass-bearing "team" of discrete energy quanta. Next; Let use now say, in this type of a Ward-Cauchy-Related situation, that one of the general characteristics, that is here to remain relatively stable about the motion of this specific given arbitrary inferred "team" of mass-bearing energy, is that the scalar amplitude of the directoral topological sway of such an inferred "team" of discrete mass-bearing energy quanta, is to work to bear the general homeomorphic tendency, of being spatially translated, in a manner that is here to bear a diffeomorphic relative maximum of wave-tug-related pulsation, as this is here to tend to be exhibited as such, at a level that is to be Poincare, to a vantage-point, that is here to be proximal local, to the space-time positioning, that is of the field-density, that is immediately external to the core-field-density of the said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. Let use next stipulate, that one may here, in this given arbitrary general genus of a case scenario, consider that the scalar magnitude of the directly corresponding Ricci Flow, is here to be denoted, as a "negative two (-2)." As according to my particular calculations on this topic, this type of a case scenario, will then at least Occasionally have some sort of a tendency to result, in a general genus of dimensional-related-pulsation, to where, right at the specific locus at which such an inferred metric-based Chern-Simons singularity, is here to be incurred upon the cohomology-related Lagrangian-Based structure, in which such a stated mass-bearing set of energy is to be heuristically tugged, into what I am here to be terming of as being, a "tachyonic Clifford Expansion" into the Fourier-Related-Progression, of the general correlative metric-spatial distribution, of such an insinuated directional delineation of a kinematically flowing tense of mass-bearing discrete energy, that this will consequently have at least some sort of tendency of working to result, to where each of the net partials of topological sway, that may here be physically represented, by the net vibrational oscillation, that is here to be incurred upon the topological manifold, of each of the respective individually taken covariant kinematically considered spatial axions, that are here to each respectively bear a tensor-related co-determined co-differentiable generation of cohomology-related eigenstate, will thence occur, to where this will thereby often have a tendency, in which each of such inferred vibrational sublets, will thereby consequently tend to become Dampened In a Homeomorphic Manner. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL. 

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