Monday, December 20, 2021

One Way Of Perceiving A Tense Of Tesla Energy

 One way of perceiving a tense of Tesla Energy -- Is:

From within the Ward-Cauchy-Related bounds, of a molecular-like medium, in which it may be propagated through; Tesla Energy may be thought of as being: The electro-plasma-related result, of a heuristically dispersed high energy electrodynamic current of "free-charge," in which the initial high energy electrodynamic current mentioned here, is to work to bear a multiplicity of branched-out Lagrangian-Based cohomological spurs, to where the initial De Rham cohomological setting of the said high energy electrodynamic current, is to spontaneously work to bear the tangential flow, of the multiplicity of a recursive externally propagated anharmonic set of electrodynamic delineations, that is here to be transferred in a Dolbeault-Related manner, to where such an eletro-plasma-related phenomenology, is here to interact with the external environment through which it is here to be propagated into,to where it is to often tend to form the multiplicity, of a metaphorical kinematic spatial translation, of a "laser-like fire." SAMUEL ROACH.

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