Monday, December 20, 2021

In Regards To The Innate Pressurized Vacuum Of Space-Time-Fabric -- Hermitian Pulse

 The less spurious that the innate pressurized vacuum of space-time-fabric is to be, the more hermitian that the correlative motion of pulse, that is here to be of such a given arbitrary Noether-Based discrete quantum of energy, of which is here to be in the process of being kinetically tugged through such a stratum, that is here to be of the multiplicity of such implied individually taken discrete energy quanta, to where such mentioned discrete energy quanta, are thence to tend to work to bear a tangential flow, that is here to be externally propagated, via the general mappable course of the Rarita Structure, as such a stated tangential flow, is here to tend to bear the innate physical drive, to be tugged into the inferred given arbitrary respective holomorphic direction, as the general flow of the respective inferred Lagrangian-Based propagational wave-tug, is here to be kinematically delineated, via a directly corresponding Fourier-Based progression, through the general operand, that is to be of the proximal local presence, that is of the earlier stated pressurized vacuum, of which is here to be of the general topological stratum, that works to form the "topological manifold," of what used to be thought of as being, "empty space," SAMUEL ROACH.

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