Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Yin(g)/Yang -- Isotropic Stability Of Discrete Energy Impedance

 The physical application, of a relatively high scalar amplitude, of a superstring-based "restraint-related influence," that is here to be of a constructive tense, of what I term of as being the E(8)XE(8) superstring-related oscillation-based tendency, (to where, such a constructive tense of such a said tendency, implies what may be thought of, as being "yin(g),"), as this is here to be incurred upon a physical phenomenology, may often have a greater tendency, of exhibiting a potential capacity, of working to help in strengthening the isotropic stability, of those directly effected light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here to become eminently Gliosis, to such an inferred oscillation-based tendency, than a destructive tense of such an inferred  tendency, would otherwise be exhibiting. (To where, such a destructive tense of such a said tendency, implies what may be thought of, as being "yang."). The right balance of Yin(g) with Yang, often tends to work to create an increased capability, of working to fortify the arbitrarily wanted tense, of a desired condition of restraint, upon that correlative environment, that is here to be directly effected by it. SAMUEL ROACH.

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