Wednesday, October 27, 2021

A Little, As To De-Formative Elastic Permutation

 When two different mass-bearing cohesive sets of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to ensue, in so as to collide in a Gliosis-Related manner, are thence to work to bear a potentially high scalar amplitude of modular de-formative elastic permutation, when this is here to be considered, when in terms of the manner of the Ricci-Related flow of its Gliosis-Based contact, at a level that is here to be Poincare, to the external core of the inferred dual covariant field, that is here to bear both its eminently co-determinable and its eminently co-differentiable Yukawa-Based general effect of interdependent interaction, as this is here to be taken, at the vantage-point of the inferred recursively re-delineated internal reference-frame, that is here to tend to be Poincare, in a piecewise continuous manner, to the kinematic motion of the externalized core of the directly corresponding inferred dual field, that is here to be Immediately external from the proximal locus of the correlative covariant interaction, that is here to be spontaneously performed by the inferred dual state of such an inferred tense of entanglement, to where  this will thereby work to help to allow for the general case scenario, in which this will thereby tend to work to involve a relatively "prolonged" duration of Gliosis-Based contact, than it otherwise would, if such an inferred modular tense of permutating elasticity, were instead to work to bear a lower potential capacity, in terms of its general innate tendency of de-formative modular elastic wave-tug, as taken over the duration of the covariant Lagrangian-Based flow, that is here to be occurring to the motion of the  proximal adjacent dual holonomic substrate, in a manner, to where such a general tense of motion is here to be happening, over the directly associated  sequential series of group-related instantons, that are here to act, via a corelative interdependent mingling amongst the two inferred directly corresponding "teams" of mass-bearing energy, in so as to work to help to allow for the respective flow, of the interdependent dual motion of these two inferred interacting mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, over time. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

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