Friday, October 22, 2021

Calabi-Yau Superstrings -- Gauge Invariance

 Let us initially consider here, the flow of motion, of two different and distinct covariant given arbitrary mass-bearing superstrings, of discrete energy permittivity. Both are moving at the same transversal velocity, when this is here to be taken, in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy. One of these two said kinematical transferred mass-bearing superstrings, is to be kinetically transferred, over a proscribed given arbitrary duration of time, through the general medium, of a Ward-Cauchy-Related environment of space-time-fabric, in which the respective proximal local relative force of gravity, that is here to be incurred, upon such an inferred string of discrete energy permittivity, is here to be maintained, as working to exhibit the display, of both the same type of a nature of gravitational interaction, as well as working to exhibit the display of the same scalar amplitude of a gravitational-related wave-tug, -- to where such a respective said given arbitrary mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is thence to tend to be working to exhibit the general display, of a heuristic Calabi-Yau nature. Yet; The other of these two said kinematical transferred given arbitrary mass-bearing superstrings, is here to be kinetically transferred, over a proscribed given arbitrary duration of time, through the general medium of a Ward-Cauchy-Related environment of space-time-fabric, in which the respective proximal local relative force of gravity, that is here to be incurred upon such an inferred string of discrete energy permittivity, is here to be altering, in so as to thence be working to exhibit the display, of both a relatively changing nature of gravitational interaction, and/or, of a relatively changing scalar amplitude, of a gravitational-related wave-tug, -- to where such a respective said given arbitrary mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is thence to be working to exhibit, the relative display, of a Ward-Cauchy-Related nature, that is here to tend to Not be of a heuristic Calabi-Yau nature. That given arbitrary superstring of the two, of which has been partially described in theory here, that is thence to be working to display the general condition, of tending to be acting as exhibiting the general tense of a Calabi-Yau-Related nature, will consequently have more of a probability, of working to exhibit the general display, of a reductional tense of a condition, of what may here be thought of in such a general type of a case, as being  directly associated, with a state of gauge-invariance, than the other of the two earlier mentioned given arbitrary superstrings of the two, of which has been partially described of in theory here, of which is here, instead, to thence to Not be tending to work, as to be exhibiting the display of the general condition, of acting as exhibiting the general tense, of a Calabi-Yau-Related nature, -- to where this second just inferred type of a mass-bearing superstring, will therefore consequently tend to have a lower probability, of working to exhibit the general display, of working to bear  the general tense of a reductional condition, of a state of gauge-invariance. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

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