Let us consider here, an individually taken discrete quantum of energy. Its general characteristic of discrete energy permittivity, tends to have more of an abelian tendency of motion, than its directly corresponding discrete energy impedance does. Furthermore; The general characteristic of discrete energy impedance, tends to have more of a non abelian tendency of motion, than its directly corresponding discrete permittivity does. This is in part, related to the general condition, that discrete energy permittivity, quite often tends to work to exhibit the display, of a greater tense of inertia-related invariance, than a tense of inertia-related perturbation; Whereas, discrete energy impedance, quite often tends to work to exhibit the display, of a greater tense of inertia-related perturbation, than a tense of inertia-related invariance. Again; Discrete energy permittivity, tends to act as the "thrust"of a discrete quantum of energy. Discrete energy impedance, tends to act as the "lag" of a discrete quantum of energy. Discrete energy permittivity, in and of itself, has the theoretical attribute of tendency, of potentially acting as the unrestrained "drive" of energy. Whereas; Discrete energy impedance, in and of itself, has the theoretical attribute of tendency, of moving towards the general "tempering" of such a mentioned unrestrained "drive" of energy. It is this just stated "tempering" of the unrestrained "drive" of energy, that appears to me, to be the key factor, as to why prolonged physical existence is sustainable at all. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.
Friday, October 29, 2021
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
A Little, As To De-Formative Elastic Permutation
When two different mass-bearing cohesive sets of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to ensue, in so as to collide in a Gliosis-Related manner, are thence to work to bear a potentially high scalar amplitude of modular de-formative elastic permutation, when this is here to be considered, when in terms of the manner of the Ricci-Related flow of its Gliosis-Based contact, at a level that is here to be Poincare, to the external core of the inferred dual covariant field, that is here to bear both its eminently co-determinable and its eminently co-differentiable Yukawa-Based general effect of interdependent interaction, as this is here to be taken, at the vantage-point of the inferred recursively re-delineated internal reference-frame, that is here to tend to be Poincare, in a piecewise continuous manner, to the kinematic motion of the externalized core of the directly corresponding inferred dual field, that is here to be Immediately external from the proximal locus of the correlative covariant interaction, that is here to be spontaneously performed by the inferred dual state of such an inferred tense of entanglement, to where this will thereby work to help to allow for the general case scenario, in which this will thereby tend to work to involve a relatively "prolonged" duration of Gliosis-Based contact, than it otherwise would, if such an inferred modular tense of permutating elasticity, were instead to work to bear a lower potential capacity, in terms of its general innate tendency of de-formative modular elastic wave-tug, as taken over the duration of the covariant Lagrangian-Based flow, that is here to be occurring to the motion of the proximal adjacent dual holonomic substrate, in a manner, to where such a general tense of motion is here to be happening, over the directly associated sequential series of group-related instantons, that are here to act, via a corelative interdependent mingling amongst the two inferred directly corresponding "teams" of mass-bearing energy, in so as to work to help to allow for the respective flow, of the interdependent dual motion of these two inferred interacting mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, over time. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021
As To Heuristic Calabi-Yau Strings
A mas-bearing superstring of discrete energy quanta, may be said to be exhibiting the display of a heuristic Calabi-Yau nature, when it is Yau-Exact. A mass-bearing superstring may be said to be Yau-Exact, when it is to be proximal local, to a physical environment, in which the gravitational force is not altering at all. A Ward-Cauchy physical environment, in which the gravitational force is not altering at all, may be said to be "Ricci Flat." SAM.
Some Cool Stuff, As To The Ricci Flow
Let's say that the expression, (e^(Ricci Flow)), is here to be equal to a scalar-based value, -- of which we will arbitrarily term of here, as being expressed as: u(rho sub n (direction)); To where, if one were therefore to have an interdependent covariant metric-gauge-related pulsation, that were to be formed, between two different cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, to where such a stated pulsation, were here to be brought into a state of fruition, (as a resultant Yukawa Coupling), by the metric-gauging of a correlative proximal adjacent group-attractor, -- to where one may then say, that, if such a said resulting metric-gauge-related pulsation, were here to be of a cartesian nature, -- that it will thereby follow, that: (1/(e^(the del of the Ricci Flow))) = (1/(d(inverse secant of e^(the Ricci Flow))). THANK YOU MUCH! I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.
Friday, October 22, 2021
Calabi-Yau Superstrings -- Gauge Invariance
Let us initially consider here, the flow of motion, of two different and distinct covariant given arbitrary mass-bearing superstrings, of discrete energy permittivity. Both are moving at the same transversal velocity, when this is here to be taken, in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy. One of these two said kinematical transferred mass-bearing superstrings, is to be kinetically transferred, over a proscribed given arbitrary duration of time, through the general medium, of a Ward-Cauchy-Related environment of space-time-fabric, in which the respective proximal local relative force of gravity, that is here to be incurred, upon such an inferred string of discrete energy permittivity, is here to be maintained, as working to exhibit the display, of both the same type of a nature of gravitational interaction, as well as working to exhibit the display of the same scalar amplitude of a gravitational-related wave-tug, -- to where such a respective said given arbitrary mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is thence to tend to be working to exhibit the general display, of a heuristic Calabi-Yau nature. Yet; The other of these two said kinematical transferred given arbitrary mass-bearing superstrings, is here to be kinetically transferred, over a proscribed given arbitrary duration of time, through the general medium of a Ward-Cauchy-Related environment of space-time-fabric, in which the respective proximal local relative force of gravity, that is here to be incurred upon such an inferred string of discrete energy permittivity, is here to be altering, in so as to thence be working to exhibit the display, of both a relatively changing nature of gravitational interaction, and/or, of a relatively changing scalar amplitude, of a gravitational-related wave-tug, -- to where such a respective said given arbitrary mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is thence to be working to exhibit, the relative display, of a Ward-Cauchy-Related nature, that is here to tend to Not be of a heuristic Calabi-Yau nature. That given arbitrary superstring of the two, of which has been partially described in theory here, that is thence to be working to display the general condition, of tending to be acting as exhibiting the general tense of a Calabi-Yau-Related nature, will consequently have more of a probability, of working to exhibit the general display, of a reductional tense of a condition, of what may here be thought of in such a general type of a case, as being directly associated, with a state of gauge-invariance, than the other of the two earlier mentioned given arbitrary superstrings of the two, of which has been partially described of in theory here, of which is here, instead, to thence to Not be tending to work, as to be exhibiting the display of the general condition, of acting as exhibiting the general tense, of a Calabi-Yau-Related nature, -- to where this second just inferred type of a mass-bearing superstring, will therefore consequently tend to have a lower probability, of working to exhibit the general display, of working to bear the general tense of a reductional condition, of a state of gauge-invariance. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Editorial: As To The Net Length Of Laplacian-Based Gliosis-Related Immediately Externalized Field -- Heuristic Calabi-Yau Superstring
At a given arbitrary iteration of instanton, a heuristic Calabi-Yau-Related superstring of discrete energy permittivity, may often tend to work to bear an immediately externalized Gliosis-Related field, that is here to potentially work to bear a net metric length of holonomic projection, at such an implied Laplacian-Based setting, that is here to bear a theoretical trajectory, that is thence to span a length, that is here to bear an amplitude of about (e^1) times the metric scalar magnitude of spatial projection, of the longest actual spatial dimension, that is here to be of the holonomic projected trajectory, of the spatial dimensionality, of such an actual heuristic inferred Calabi-Yau-Related superstring of discrete energy permittivity. SINCERELY, SAM.

Monday, October 18, 2021
Some New Stuff, As To Charge Versus Entropy
Charge basically amounts, to the metric-gauge-related harmonic emission, of perturbated Chern-Simons Invariants; Whereas -- Entropy basically amounts, to the metric-gauge-related anharmonic emission, of perturbated Chern-Simons Invariants. Consequently; It pays to reason, that perhaps, if one were to incur some sort of a type of a Wess-Zumino interaction, upon a Ward-Cauchy-Related source, where there is here to be an initially proximal local presence, of a microscopic emission of entropy-related eigenstates, that perhaps one could possibly form a tense of charge, from an initial tense of entropy. I WILL CONTIUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM ROACH.
Accelerated Rate In The Proximal Local Presence Of Metric-Based Chern-Simons Singularities
An acceleration in the rate of the covariant proximal local presence, of those correlative respective metric-based Chern-Simons singularities, that are here to be incurred upon the Gliosis-related topological manifold, at the Poincare level, of the holonomic substrate of a given arbitrary directly corresponding Noether-Based Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, as this physical entity, of such an inferred basically particle-related eigenstate of discrete energy impedance, is here to be spatially transferred from one delineation-related locus of distribution, to an ensuing correlative delineation-related locus of distribution, will thereby have a relatively high affinity, of working to tend to bear the resultant consequential proximal local presence, at the progressively re-delineated kinematic locus of such a said Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, of tending to result in allowing, for a heightened probability, in which such a given arbitrary inferred eigenstate, of basically a particle-based quantum of discrete energy impedance, is here to be working to bear an increasingly spurious tense of kinematic motion, at the internal reference-frame, of that general field-density, that is here to be proximal local, to its immediately externalized Ward-Cauchy-Related field operand. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.
A Smooth Generative Flow Of Anti Gravitational Force
The kinematic "ripple" in the multiplicity of a smooth generative flow of anti gravitational force, that is here to be Gliosis upon the topological surface, at the Poincare level, of a Noether-Based topological manifold, that is here to work to comprise the general entity, of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently often have a relatively strong probability, of working to form the general tendency, of working to allow for a relative decrease, of any potentially latent spurious motion, that may have been initially present, in those directly associated correlative proximal local Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, that are here to help to work to comprise, what is here to basically amount, to the motion of those impedance-related eigenstates of particle-based holonomic substrate, that are here to help in working to comprise, those composite individually taken discrete quanta of energy, that are here to work to help make-up the inferred "team" of discrete energy quanta, (the said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta), that is here to act as the overall energy of such a system, (Hamiltonian Operator), of such a given arbitrary case scenario. Sincerely, SAM ROACH.
As To Spurious Motion Of Fadeev-Popov-Trace Eigenstate
When all of the other factors involved, are basically held constant; -- For individually taken Noether-Based discrete quanta of energy, -- The more spurious that the motion of a Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is to be, the more inhibited that the transversal motion of the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity, will consequently result in tending to be. It follows, that; -- When all of the other factors involved, are basically held constant, -- For individually taken Noether-Based discrete quanta of energy, -- The less spurious that the motion of a Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is to be, the less inhibited that the transversal motion of the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity, will consequently result in tending to be. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCRERELY, SAMUEL.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Yin(g)/Yang -- Isotropic Stability Of Discrete Energy Impedance
The physical application, of a relatively high scalar amplitude, of a superstring-based "restraint-related influence," that is here to be of a constructive tense, of what I term of as being the E(8)XE(8) superstring-related oscillation-based tendency, (to where, such a constructive tense of such a said tendency, implies what may be thought of, as being "yin(g),"), as this is here to be incurred upon a physical phenomenology, may often have a greater tendency, of exhibiting a potential capacity, of working to help in strengthening the isotropic stability, of those directly effected light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here to become eminently Gliosis, to such an inferred oscillation-based tendency, than a destructive tense of such an inferred tendency, would otherwise be exhibiting. (To where, such a destructive tense of such a said tendency, implies what may be thought of, as being "yang."). The right balance of Yin(g) with Yang, often tends to work to create an increased capability, of working to fortify the arbitrarily wanted tense, of a desired condition of restraint, upon that correlative environment, that is here to be directly effected by it. SAMUEL ROACH.
More Stuff, As To The Nature Of A Heuristic Calabi-Yau Superstring
A given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, may be said to be exhibiting the general nature, of behaving as a discrete quantum of energy, that is here to be exhibiting the general tense, of a heuristic "Calabi-Yau" nature, when such an inferred tense of a discrete quantum of energy, is here to be acting, as a mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to be existent, in a given arbitrary respective physical environment, in which the directly corresponding proximal local force of gravity, that is here to be present, in such a said physical environment, is not to be changing at all, in the net quantum, of its directly corresponding scalar amplitude/scalar magnitude. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM!
Monday, October 11, 2021
As To A Balance In The Even Functional Drive
A relatively predominant physical factor, as to what helps in working to allow for the formation -- of the eminent physical condition, that is here to exist, as this is here to be taken, as among individually taken mass-bearing discrete quanta of energy, is the general presence, of what I term of, as being the proximal local phenomenology, of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, as this is here to be existent, among the multiplicity of such mass-bearing superstring-related phenomenology, -- to where it is the multiplicity of that general genus of gauged-action, by which there is here to often be the reductional tendency, in which there is here to often tend to be a covariant Real Riemannian balance, as taken by the physical coupling, that is here to be incurred upon the region of the core-field-density of such an inferred string, to where the resultant consequential even functional drive, that is here to be incurred between the directly corresponding discrete energy permittivity, (of which may be perceived of, as being the correlative "thrust" of such a directly associated string), and, the respective directly corresponding discrete energy impedance, (of which may be perceived of, as being the correlative "lag" of such a directly associated string), is often to tend to work to form a tense of super conformal invariance, for such a stated mass-bearing discrete quantum of energy, as this is here to be taken, at the internal reference-frame, that is here to be Poincare to the Gliosis-Based stratum of holonomic topological manifold, that is here to be of such an inferred discrete quantum of perceived energy. I WILL CONTINUE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).
Friday, October 8, 2021
Density Of Hamiltonian Operator -- Recursively Smooth Ricci Flow
The denser of a proximal local covariant transferred region, that a given arbitrary kinematic Hamiltonian Operator is to bear, at the covariant successive loci, through which such an inferred overall energy of a system is to be sequentially transferred through, over time, to where such a respective Hamiltonian Operator, is here to be exhibiting the display of a radially transferred recursively smooth Ricci Flow, over the course of such an insinuated given arbitrary proscribed Fourier Transformation, the stronger of a tense of isotropic stability (group action), that such a said respective given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, will consequently tend to result in working to exemplify. TO BE CONTNINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Spurious Transference Of Discrete Energy Permittivity
The more spurious that the spatial transference, that is here to be of the permittivity of a given arbitrary discrete quantum of energy, is to be, the more anharmonic that the delineation, that is here to be of the directly corresponding resultant impedance, of such a respective said given arbitrary discrete quantum of energy, will thereby consequently tend to be. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM.

Thursday, October 7, 2021
Radial Isotropic Stability
A given arbitrary relatively quickly moving mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that works to bear at least some sort of a radial tense of isotropic stability, often tends to generally have a higher probability, of working to bear the potential capability, of ensuing to become of a tachyonic nature, than another similar mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that instead, works to bear only a transversal tense of isotropic stability. I WILL CONINUE LATER! TO BE CONTIUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.
Sunday, October 3, 2021
Eminent Causes Of Relativity -- Impedance/Permittivity
There is one general eminent cause, that works to help in allowing for the general processes of Relativity -- for mass-bearing discrete energy impedance; And -- There is another different and distinct general eminent cause, that works to help in allowing for the general processes of Relativity -- for discrete energy permittivity. The general eminent cause of Relativity, for discrete energy impedance -- is the combination in the potential multiplicity, of both the level and the genre of style, in the general constriction of the spin-orbital motion, of that given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, that is here to be directly associated, with a given arbitrary respective mass-bearing discrete quantum of energy. On the other hand; The general eminent cause of Relativity, for mass-bearing discrete energy permittivity -- is the combination in the potential multiplicity, of both the level and the genre of style, in the general tense of that i*PI(Del) Action, that is here to be directly associated, with a given arbitrary respective mass-bearing discrete quantum of energy. I WILL CONTINUE WTH THE SUSPENSE LATER! (PHS 1989). SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

More, As To Constriction Of Fadeev-Popov-Trace Eigenstates
Discrete increments of distinct Noether-Based energy quanta, tend to be suspended, in what I often tend to call, the innate phenomenology of the “pressurized vacuum” of space-time-fabric. Such a just mentioned physical environment of “pressurized vacuum,” tends to work to form, at least some sort of a tense, of a medium of innate impedance, that is here to work to bear the general characteristic, of a multiplicity, in both its basically endless variations of potential scalar amplitude, as well as in terms of its basically endless variations of potential genre of style. So; When a discrete increment of distinct mass-bearing Noether-Based energy quantum, is to be accelerating through the general medium of space-time-fabric, this general reductional tense, of a respective Lagrangian-Based motion, will consequently often tend to result, in the general kinematic “fishtailing” of the surrounding holonomic topological stratum, that is here to be proximal local to the piecewise continuous covariant motion, of the inferred Noether-Based mass-bearing discrete energy quantum, to where such a stated “fishtailing,’ will consequently tend to result, in working to form a manner of a constriction, that is here to consequently tend to be incurred, upon the spin-orbital motion of that Fadeeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, that is here to be directly associated, with the earlier mentioned accelerating Noether-Based mass-bearing discrete energy quantum. Such a constriction, that is here to be incurred upon the inferred core-field-density of the respective given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, will thereby consequently tend to result, in Decreasing the directly corresponding Polyakov Action eigenstate, to where this will likewise, in lieu of this, thereby as well, tend to consequently result, in Increasing the directly corresponding Lorentz-Four-Contraction. SAM ROACH.
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Constricted Spin-Orbital Motion Of Fadeev-Popov-Trace Eigenstates
In general, for Noether-Based discrete quanta of energy; The faster that a given arbitrary mass-bearing discrete quantum of energy is to be moving, in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy, the more constrictive that the spin-orbital-related motion, of the directly associated respective Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, will therefore tend to be, to where it is to consequentially follow, that this will tend to result, in a general type of a Ward-Cauchy-Related situation, to where both the greater that the Lorentz-Four-Contraction will tend to be, and also, the lower that the scalar amplitude, of the directly corresponding Polyakov Action eigenstate, will therefore result in tending to be.Thereby and consequently, in general, for Noether-Based discrete quanta of energy; The slower that a given arbitrary mass-bearing discrete quantum of energy is to moving, in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy, the less constrictive that the spin-orbital-related motion, of the directly associated respective Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, will therefore tend to be, to where it is to consequentially follow, that this will tend to result, in a general type of a Ward-Cauchy-Related situation, to where both the lesser that the Lorentz-Four-Contraction will tend to be, and also, the higher that the scalar amplitude, of the directly corresponding Polyakov Action eigenstate, will therefore result in tending to be. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED SOON! SAM ROACH.

Friday, October 1, 2021
Residual "Slack" Of Wave-Based Discrete Energy Impedance
The main superstring-related physical operation, of which gauge-bosons perform -- is Tantamount to this:
Gauge-Bosons, in effect, take the equivocal residual "slack" of chorded mini-string-related segmentation, that is here to be viably latent, in the proximal local vibrational holonomic substrate, that is here to be present, at the general region of the core-field-density, of wave-based discrete energy impedance (wave-based discrete energy "lag"), and these inferred gauge-boson eigenstates, are thence to consequently work, at tangentially "slinging," such an inferred tense of equivocal residual holonomic vibrational "slack," of chorded mini-string-related segmentation, in a manner, that is here to be propagated, directionally outward and away from the general proximal local core-field-density, of which is here to be eminent to the general region, of the core-field-density, of the inferred given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that is here to be directly corresponding, to such a given arbitrary associated cased scenario -- to where, such a propagated set of wave-sublets, are thence to ripple along the multiplicity, of the vast array of mini-string-related inter-connective differential configuration, that is here to be latent, along the general multiplicity of the Rarita Structure, in so as to thereby have a general tendency, of working to interact with other superstring-related fields, in order to work at helping to form the multifarious forces of physical nature. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM.