Friday, September 24, 2021

The "Thrust" And The "Lag" Of An Energy-Related Disturbance Of Space-Time-Fabric

 For Noether-Based discrete energy quanta, that are here to tend to be considered as superstring-related phenomenology, of which are here to exist in such a manner, when individually taken, as holonomic eigenstate-related phenomenology, which are here to be considered at the Ward-Cauchy-Level, to where these stated Noether-Based discrete energy quanta, are thence to have the innate electrodynamic capacity, of exhibiting the eminent  reductional behavior, of displaying the general tendency, to where it is to follow, that the "lag" of an energy-related disturbance of space-time-fabric, of which is here to be tantamount to the general idea, as to the impedance of discrete energy quanta, is to work to help at facilitating the multiplicity of the correlative genus of a gauged-action, of which is here to operate in its inferred interdependent manner, in such a manner, to where such an inferred kinematic interplay, is thereby to work to allow for the resultant physical application, of an optimum scalar amplitude, of a correlative utilization, of a tense of a given arbitrary necessary optimum restraint, that is here to tend to consequently be adequately applied, in a Gliosis-Based manner, upon the directly corresponding "thrust" of an energy-related disturbance of space-time-fabric, which is here to consequentially be tantamount to the general idea, as to that general tense of physical restraint, that may often work at "harnessing" a given arbitrary set of one or more cohesively bound discrete energy quanta, in such a way, to where this general kinematic operation, may then often result, in working to allow for the consequential optimum control, that is thence to be incurred, over the correlative net permittivity of such an inferred "team" of discrete energy quanta, so that the directly associated discrete energy quanta, may have at least some sort of organized stability with its external environment, so  that energy may thereby have the general capacity, of working to bear any sort of stable covariant association, with other potential sets of discrete energy quanta. SAMUEL.

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