Saturday, September 18, 2021

Minimal "Slack" In Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate

 The balance that is here to exist, between the general interaction of the proximal local presence, of that general "dual-state" of permittivity and impedance, that is of any one individually taken Noether-Based discrete quantum of energy, is to tend to be gauged in such a general manner, to where there is here to often tend to be a superstring-related general physical attribute, that is to be exhibited in its display in such a reductional way, by which, the "slack-in-the-line," that is here to often be potentially spontaneously displayed, by the differentially covariant gauge-metric-related wave-based fluctuations, of the respective directly associated individually taken second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, of which are here to work to comprise that respective directly corresponding inferred first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, will thereby often tend to result, in working to directly involve, the general genus of such a given arbitrary respective case scenario, whereby the covariant geometric differential delineation of such an inferred light-cone-gauge eigenstate, will thus often tend to have a relatively minimized "slack-in-the-line," in that continual kinematic distribution, of that directly eminent mini-string-related segmentation, to where the proximal local topological manifold of the holonomic substrate,  that is here to work to comprise the overall proximal local physical stratum, of those individually taken metric-gauge-related eigenstates, of which are here to be "made-up," of a relatively vast array of a discrete set of "sub-quanta" of zero-point-energy-related eigenstates, to where the inferred actual discrete quantum of energy, as we would often tend to think of it as being, will thereby have a relatively heightened tendency, of having a relatively sufficient amount of wave-tug, upon the earlier inferred discrete quantum of energy, of which most people would often tend to think of, as being of the ultimately small constituent of phenomenology -- Yet; the theoretical condition of pure pressurized vacuum, as being the only possible guidance of the directional wave-tug upon discrete energy, is something that I "beg to differ" upon. In my particular model of string theory, mini-string-related segmentation, is the primary source of guidance, whereby the proximal adjutant presence, of what I often tend to term of, as being the general phenomenology, of discrete quanta of, as being, "mini-string-related segmentation," is NOT just a relationship between the Planck Energy And the Planck-Bar Energy. SAMUEL DAVID. (1989).

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