Monday, September 27, 2021

Core-Field-Density Of Mini-Stringular Segmentation -- Fadeev-Popov-Trace Eigenstate

 Let us initially consider the idea, as to the geometric construct, of an entire given arbitrary discrete quantum of energy. From this point in discussion, make a Laplacian-Based mappable-tracing, that is here to be directly appertaining, to the the general genus of a spatial projection, that is here to be proximal local, to that general holonomic substrate, which is here to work to be comprised of, by the eminent presence, of each of those individually taken second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here to be present within the general Ward-Neumman bounds, of which is here to be appertaining, to the directly corresponding field-density of that correlative first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, which these said second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates are here to work to make-up, to where such a Laplacian-Based mappable-tracing, is here to be projected in a covariant manner, From where these are tied, at the general proximal local region, that is adjutant to the directly corresponding correlative core-field-density, that is of the covariant conformally invariant locus, of that reductional tense of a topological manifold, which is here to be directly associated, with the superstring/counter string tense, of such a correlative physical entity of discrete energy permittivity. Next; Project this earlier inferred Laplacian-Based tracing, from the general region, that is adjutant to the core-field-density, of the covariant locus of the directly related superstring/ counter string phenomenology, over towards the covariant locus of the directly corresponding holonomic substrate, that is of the topological manifold, of the directly associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate. The closer that such a given arbitrary Laplacian-Based-Trace, is to be drawn TOWARDS the respective given arbitrary locus, of such a given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, the denser that the eminent presence of mini-string-related segmentation will tend to be, to where it consequently follows, that such a respective tense of a given arbitrary case scenario, will thereby tend to result, in a general type of a situation, to where there will therefore also tend to be here, a denser eminent presence of Ward-Cauchy-Related core-field-density involved here. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM.

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