Sunday, November 15, 2020

Some Potentially Viable Thoughts AsTo Cohomology-Related Eisenstate Of An F-Field

 Here is a mathematical idea, as to my present perception is to be, in regards to how to help in describing — what the cohomology-related eigenstate of an f-field is:

Initially; take the knotting equation, for whatever the dimensionality of the given arbitrary respective cotangent bundle, for what the directly associated field is to be — as this is here to be taken, in terms of “gamma-knot” — while then multiplying this by the mathematical expression for the product of the Planck Constant, as this is here to be coupled with the applicable square of the directly associated discrete increment of time. Next; Divide this whole just mentioned or inferred expression, by the following, — Take the value of “8*PI^2.”  Multiply this by the following type of a general series of Hamiltonian Operators — ((The Hamiltonian Operator that is most associated with the correlative respective Knot Divided by the square-root of two) + (The Square of The Hamiltonian Operator that is most associated with the correlative respective Knot Divided by two) + (The Cube of The Hamiltonian Operator that is most associated with the correlative respective Knot Divided by two times the square-root of two) + (The Fourth Power of the Hamiltonian Operator that is most associated with the correlative respective Knot Divided by four)).  The consequential resultant of this just inferred mathematical process, is what I perceive to be, as a means of working to describe the entity of a cohomology-related eigenstate. Please feel free to indicate to me, whether or not this idea is reasonably decent! Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

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