Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Making Things Extra Clear, As To A Certain Relation In Regards To Relativity

Whenever a Noether-based mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to be altering in the velocity that is is to be exhibiting, in its relationship to electromagnetic energy, it will tend to work to bear an alteration in the scalar amplitude of its correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction. Whenever such a said Noether-based mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to alter in the scalar amplitude of its correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction, its individually taken composite superstrings will consequently undergo an eminent general kinematic display of the i*PI(del) Action. Whenever such an inferred aggregate display of the i*PI(del) Action is to occur in an eminent manner, the actual amount of mass-bearing discrete quanta of energy, that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset, (and an orbifold eigenset is a set of discrete energy, that operate in so as to work to perform one specific function) -- this said amount will consequently tend to alter in its number, -- in so as to concur with the general processes of Relativity. This type of a general occurrence, works to help-out -- in the process of the conservation of homotopic residue. (The quicker that the rate of a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to be translated through space over time, the more swiftly that it consequently needs to bear a piecewise continuous manner of generating as much cohomology as it is here to be degenerating. The more swiftly that such a said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset needs to bear a piecewise continuous manner of generating as much cohomology as it is here to be degenerating, the less partition-based discrepancies that the individually taken composite superstrings are to have. In order for a Noether-based orbifold eigenset to be able to act, in so as to work to conserve its homotopic residue -- it is to maintain the overall number of what I have termed of as being "partition-based discrepancies," from within the physical boundary constraints that it is to have.  Thereby, whenever a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset -- that is here to not be of a tachyonic nature -- is to be increasing in its velocity, -- in so as to be increasing in its Lorentz-Four-Contraction, -- it will consequently result in working to bear more mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, from within the physical constraints of its Ward-Cauchy bounds.  The corollary of this situation, also tends to work to bear the inferred inverse of this general type  of case scenario.) To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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