Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Holomorphic Transfer -- Manner Of Double-Helix Shape

Le us initially consider a given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset -- that is of an f-field, that is here to be innately propagated in four spatial dimensions plus time, that is to propagate in a smooth and in a Noether-related manner, -- over the course of a relatively brief period of time, of which is here to work to directly involve an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  Let us next say, that one were to be able to map-out the Lagrangian-based trace of the path -- by which such an earlier stated eigenset of cohesively interdependent quanta of discrete energy, are to have just moved along the surface of, over the earlier implied brief duration of time.  Let us next stipulate; that the mentioned mass-bearing orbifold eigenset -- is here to have just been conveyed or propagated, in a manner that is both homeomorphic And of a De Rham tense of cohomology-related generation.  Let  us next say, that the said eigenset is to "simultaneously" work to bear two different spin-related tensors, via the vantage-point of a central coni-point -- one spin-related tensor of which is twisting at 90 degrees to the other spin-related tensor.  Next; let us consider, in this particular case, that the herein stated orbifold eigenset, -- is to be moving along a non-perturbative sinusoidal path, in the process of working to form the earlier inferred cohomology-related mappable-tracing.  At this point in time; let us next say that one is here to place, in a theoretically Laplacian-related manner, a trivially asymmetric wave-front, that is here to work to bear the same tense of intersecting spatial indices, along that given arbitrary respective central coni-axion of such a case, at which is here to behave as the theoretical equivalence of a "0PI"-related embarkment. Let us next consider; based on a relationship that is here to exist, on account of the specific tense of the directly corresponding Holomorphic Transfer -- that is to be correlative to the here stated orbifold eigenset, -- what would tend to need to happen in theory, if one were to decompactify the spatial tensoric attribute of the two trivially asymmetric mappable-tracings, that are here to be of the respective given arbitrary cohomology-related translation through space, by a helical-related torque -- that is here to be exhibited by a theoretical twisting, that is to be in two alternative spatial dimensions plus time.  Let us next stipulate, that one is here to happen to be simply considering the Laplacian-based "snapshot" in time, that is to be dealing with a cohomology-related mappable-tracing of five overall piecewise-continuous 2PI cycles of such a sinusoidal pattern, in which there is here to neither be any Lagrangian-based spurs, NOR, is there is here to be any alterations in the directly corresponding dimensional-related pulsation of the here mentioned/inferred mass-bearing orbifold eigenset.  If the type of a sinusoidal path that will to have here been just mapped-out, is to behave as just a typically thought of sinusoidal nature, consequently -- the two paths will then consequently tend to spiral upon themselves PI times per the net of 5 overall 2PI cycles.  Yet; if the sinusoidal paths are to be dampened from the general tense of a sinusoidal-related pattern, -- then, the helical-related torque will tend to be greater (on account of there consequently being a shorter distance to reach the respective coni-axion); Consequently; if the two paths, instead, are to be augmented  from the general tense of a  sinusoidal-related pattern, -- then, the helical-related torque will tend to be less (on account of there being a greater distance to reach the respective coni-axion.)  This is, in part, -- an idea that I happen to have, as to WHY the DNA molecule -- OF WHICH I BELIEVE TO BE A REVERSE-FRACTAL OF SUCH A TENSE OF A PATTERN, AS WELL AS DNA EXISTING AS A REVERSE-FRACTAL OF A BALANCE BETWEEN THE THOUGHT FORCE AND THE GRAVITATIONAL FORCE --  exists in the particular shape that it does.

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