Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Venue-Related Attribute That Works To Allow For Energy Inter-Relation
During a span of which happens to be near the ending part of that generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow, of which is here to occur right before the succeeding iteration of the quaternionic-instanton-field-pulse-mode, -- there is here to be a directly associated mild untying and retying of mini-stringular segmentation, of which is here to occur -- due to the need for that general Ward-Cauchy-related condition of homotopy to tend to exist, when one is here to consider what the countless appropriations of discrete energy have just been encoded for in time and space, in order for the multifarious conditions, that are here to be correlative to the ensuing delineations of discrete energy, to be distributed without any unforseen breakage of the directly corresponding multifarious holonomic substrate of the correlative segmentation of mini-stringular fabric-related entity; -- in so as to tend to help in working to allow for a reasonable translation of that discrete energy quanta of energy of a cohesive set of universes, to be able to be re-distributed to their ensuing location without any unforeseen fraying, -- to where this occurs, in so as to work to prepare for that ensuing mode of activity to happen -- so that there may be a directly viable and eminent physical relationship between the general multiplicit Hamiltonian of discrete energy with the general multiplicit Lagrangian of discrete energy ( a relationship between the energy of "thing" with the energy of "motion.") This then works to explain a little bit, -- as to the importance of the occurrence of the "Space-Time-Bearing Entanglement Topological Setting" to need to happen, right before the quaternionic-instanton-field-pulse-mode, in so as to tend to prevent the countless super string-related fields from any unforeseen fraying or breakage. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
9:36 AM
discrete quanta,
Ultimon Flow,

Monday, June 29, 2020
Pressurized Vacuum And Dimensionality
The more Nijenhuis tensors, that are here to be applied in a Gliosis-related manner, upon that Ward-Cauchy-related pressurized vacuum, that is here to bear an attenuation of its innate impedance -- of which is here to be proximal local to the ensuing Lagrangian-Based holomorphic path, that is of any one given arbitrary respective orbifold eigenset, -- the more spatial dimensions that the herein inferred set of cohesive discrete quanta of energy (the more spatial dimensions that the herein inferred orbifold eigenset), will consequently tend to be subsequently traveling through, -- over the immediately ensuing durational set of group-related instantons. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
1:48 PM
Gliosis-related manner,
holomorphic path,
pressurized vacuum,
proximal local,

Sunday, June 28, 2020
Clifford Expansion, Relating To Rayleigh Scattering Of Component Parts Of Complex Manifolds
Let us initially consider a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, -- that is here to act as the holonomic substrate of a complex manifold. When those discrete quanta of energy, that are here to have worked to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset -- are to result in an action, by which these said quanta are to consequently diverge from each other, via a Rayleigh scattering, such an inferred general genus of a divergence, will often tend to be as appertaining to that of a general genus of a Clifford Expansion. Furthermore; let us next consider a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, -- that is here to act as being of the holonomic substrate of a Real Riemannian nature. When those discrete quanta of energy, that are here to have worked to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset, are to result in an action, by which these said quanta are to consequently diverge from each other, via a Rayleigh scattering, such an inferred general genus of a divergence, will often tend to be as appertaining to that of a general genus of a euclidean expansion. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
3:57 PM
discrete quanta of energy,
holonomic substrate,
orbifold eigenset,
Rayleigh Scattering,

Friday, June 26, 2020
The i*PI(del) Action; Resonant Vibration
Initially, as I have indicated before -- when the i*PI(del) Action works to be associated with an increase in the number of partition-based discrepancies of a particular orbifold eigenset, this general course of an activity, works to indicate the proximal local physical presence, of both a slower rate of the directly corresponding mass-bearing orbifold eigenset -- as well as this being directly associated with an increase in the scalar magnitude of the Polyakov Action.; Furthermore -- the higher that the number of spatial dimensions that any one given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to exhibit, -- as it is here, in this particular case, to work to bear an increased scalar amplitude of a directly corresponding elastic modulus at the same time, -- this particular inferred combination of things, will consequently tend to work to help in being correlative to the herein stated orbifold eigenset, of such a given arbitrary case scenario, to result in having a higher scalar amplitude of a tense of resonant vibration. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
1:54 PM
i*Pi(del) Action,
Polyakov Action,
scalar amplitude

Thursday, June 25, 2020
Tightly-Knit Holomorphic Transfer
Let us initially consider two different cohomology-related mappable-tracings -- of which are here to be correlative to those world-sheets, that are to be of the paths of two different respective individually taken kinematic orbifold eigensets, -- that are here to bear a tense of trivial asymmetry, when this is here to be taken as an overall interdependent Yukawa-related relationship, that is of both a covariant, a co-determinable, and of a co-differentiable nature. Let us next consider, -- that there is here to ensue, the Gliosis-based activity of a group-attractor, that is here to work to form a general spontaneous activity -- that is to result in a general manipulation of the topological manifold of the earlier inferred set of trivial asymmetric world-sheets, by which the the initially mapped-out interdependent Lagrangian-based paths, are then to work to bear a helical-related tensor, that is to be consequently imparted upon the topological surface of the tracings of the said world-sheets, at a level that is Poincare to the surface, that is immediately external to the shell of the core-field-density of the path-based cohomology-related eigenstates, that work to form the world-sheet-related physical memory of those orbifold eigensets, that had just tread upon the herein inferred proximal local Hamiltonian operand. The more tightly-knit that the holomorphic transfer is to be, of the inferred interdependent covariant-related helicity, that is here to work to inter-bind the so-eluded-to trivial asymmetric path-like entities, the greater that the scalar amplitude will tend to be, of the helical twisting, that is here to be of the Yukawa-related coupling of the two said asymmetric paths. Therefore; the less tightly-knit that the holomorphic transfer is to be, of the inferred interdependent covariant-related helicity, that is here to work to inter-bind the so-eluded-to trivial asymmetric path-like entities, the less great that the scalar amplitude will tend to be, of the helical twisting, that is here to be of the Yukawa-related coupling of these two said asymmetric paths. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
5:43 PM
holomorphic transfer,

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Making Things Extra Clear, As To A Certain Relation In Regards To Relativity
Whenever a Noether-based mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to be altering in the velocity that is is to be exhibiting, in its relationship to electromagnetic energy, it will tend to work to bear an alteration in the scalar amplitude of its correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction. Whenever such a said Noether-based mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to alter in the scalar amplitude of its correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction, its individually taken composite superstrings will consequently undergo an eminent general kinematic display of the i*PI(del) Action. Whenever such an inferred aggregate display of the i*PI(del) Action is to occur in an eminent manner, the actual amount of mass-bearing discrete quanta of energy, that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset, (and an orbifold eigenset is a set of discrete energy, that operate in so as to work to perform one specific function) -- this said amount will consequently tend to alter in its number, -- in so as to concur with the general processes of Relativity. This type of a general occurrence, works to help-out -- in the process of the conservation of homotopic residue. (The quicker that the rate of a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to be translated through space over time, the more swiftly that it consequently needs to bear a piecewise continuous manner of generating as much cohomology as it is here to be degenerating. The more swiftly that such a said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset needs to bear a piecewise continuous manner of generating as much cohomology as it is here to be degenerating, the less partition-based discrepancies that the individually taken composite superstrings are to have. In order for a Noether-based orbifold eigenset to be able to act, in so as to work to conserve its homotopic residue -- it is to maintain the overall number of what I have termed of as being "partition-based discrepancies," from within the physical boundary constraints that it is to have. Thereby, whenever a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset -- that is here to not be of a tachyonic nature -- is to be increasing in its velocity, -- in so as to be increasing in its Lorentz-Four-Contraction, -- it will consequently result in working to bear more mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, from within the physical constraints of its Ward-Cauchy bounds. The corollary of this situation, also tends to work to bear the inferred inverse of this general type of case scenario.) To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
9:09 AM
i*Pi(del) Action,
orbifold eigenset,

Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Spurious i*PI(del) Action
Let us initially consider an accelerating mass-bearing orbifold eigenset. The greater that the number of radial-associated tensors, that such an eigenset is to be exhibiting -- over a proscribed period of time, -- as it is here to be undergoing its inferred general course of acceleration, -- the more "spurious" that the directly corresponding eminent aggregate i*PI(del) Action will consequently tend to be, in a spin-orbital sense. The more "spurious" that the spin-orbital tense of the directly corresponding eminent aggregate i*PI(del) Action of a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset will tend to be, over a proscribed period of time, the more of a drive that such an inferred cohesive group of discrete energy will consequently tend to have, in its general direction of motion. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
4:12 PM
i*Pi(del) Action,
mass-bearing orbifold eigenset,

Even though any given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinor, is to tend to bear a transversal manner of superconformal invariance -- at an internal reference-frame, -- since the direction of its correlative angular momentum is to constantly be altering, over time, -- such a said respective general tense of a constantly spinning phenomenon, is to tend to constantly bear a manner, of a directly associated radial acceleration (since, to paraphrase things, an acceleration is a change in either the rate and/or in the direction of any moving phenomenon). To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
9:58 AM
internal reference-frame,
superconformal invariance,

Stability In Molecular Motion, And The i*PI(del) Action
The more likely that any given arbitrary molecule, is to be undergoing a greater tense of the general physical condition of static equilibrium -- over a given proscribed period of time, the more likely that those composite orbifold eigensets, that work to comprise such a said respective molecule, -- will consequently tend to bear a less eminent i*PI(del) Action, over such a proscribed time. Sam Roach.
Posted by
7:52 AM
i*Pi(del) Action,
orbifold eigenset,
physical condition,
static equilibrium,

Friday, June 19, 2020
Outward Exertion Of External Field Of Orbifold Eigensets
That general outward moving propagation-related exertion of the external field, that is of any one given arbitrary Noether-based orbifold eigenset, tends to be the main manner, in which the discrete tense of the holonomic substrate -- of that general force that may be conveyed of here as being correlative to the E(8)XE(8) stringular oscillation-based tendency, -- is consequently to bear a respective propagation into the general realm of the Rarita Structure, in so as to often tend to help to form an influence upon all of the other 7 main forces of nature, over the duration-related processes of the sequential series of group-related instantons. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
3:54 PM
E(8)XE(8) stringular oscillation-based tendency,
external field,
holonomic substrate,
orbifold eigenset,
Rarita Structure,

Friday, June 12, 2020
Eminence Of Solitons
A soliton is a tense of a wave-packet. In the case of a very microscopic tense (at the Ward-Cauchy level), such a wave-packet is to only happen, when the Ricci Curvature is flat. Before I go further with this discussion; try to keep in mind, that we are about to discuss a basic relationship, that is here to exist between two different general types of wave-fronts, that are here to be directly correlative to each other in a viable manner, at the same general locus, -- and these two different types of wave-fronts are: 1) The actual wave-front of the soliton itself; and, 2) The wave-front of the gravitational energy, that is here to be transferred/translated through the general region, at which the actual soliton is to be eminent at, over what will here tend to be a relatively brief amount of extrapolated time.; Here we go with the rest of the topic!: The Ricci Curvature is flat, when the net wavelengths of those particular gravity waves, that are here to be translated through the general region, at which such a directly associated type of a wave-packet is thence to exist, are here to bear a net wavelength of zero, -- even though the general tense of a cotangent bundle, of which is here to act as the holonomic substrate of such a said wave-packet, is obviously to work to bear its own tense of a viable wavelength, at a level that is to be basically Poincare to the topological surface of the inferred packet of wave-like phenomenology. The more pronounced that the reverse-nodal behavior is to be, of those particular Schwinger-Indices, that are here to be propagated in a manner, that is to bear the nature of being of both a transversal and of a perpendicular manner, over time, for what is here to work to help at allowing for the physical conditions of such a tense of a soliton to exist, at a relatively microscopic level -- to where such a general tense of a wave-packet of discrete energy eigenstates, are here to be facilitated into such a tense of activity, by the inferred general characteristic of those implied directly associated gravitational waves, that are here to work to cancel each others' wavelengths at the same general proximal local region at which the stated soliton is here to be formed (even though, certainly, the actual force of gravity that is to be propagated through such a general region of space, in and of itself, is here to tend to be spontaneously translated outward from such a region, in the meanwhile), to where, in the process of working to form the proximal local presence of a soliton-related Ward-Cauchy-based configuration, at the general locus at which the inferred condition of a flat Ricci Curvature is here to be present, by which this tendency will work here to allow for the consequential wave-like characteristics of the said soliton-like construct to resultantly occur as such, -- to where the presence of such a said soliton, will then consequently tend to be more eminent than otherwise. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
6:08 PM
Ricci Curvature,

Tuesday, June 9, 2020
One Of My Views, Appertaining To Chemical Energy And Thought Waves
When Adenine Triphosphate (ATP, or in other words, Biological Chemical Energy) is to bear a kinematic pulse, from within the bounds of a thinking biological entity, -- this general type of a normal activity for most living things, may often tend to work to help at causing at least some sort of an influence -- of the thought energy of such respective life forms -- upon the environment of these inferred/said biological entities. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
7:58 AM
biological entity,
kinematic pulse,
living things,
thought energy

Monday, June 8, 2020
Composition Of The E(8)XE(8) Stringular Oscillation-Based Tendency
The E(8)XE(8) Stringular Oscillation-Based Tendency; is formed or comprised of, by the following general attribution:
Any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is made up of a set of discrete quanta of energy -- that operate together, in so as to work to perform one specific function.
Those discrete quanta of energy, that work to form any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- as these said respective discrete quanta of energy, that are here to be in such an inferred process of working together as a cohesive group -- are inter-bound by an interdependent cohesive set of mini-stringular segmentation. There tends to be both a constant and an eminent interaction, -- between the multiplicit holonomic substrate of mini-stringular segmentation, with both its immediately adjacent and inter-woven Ward-Cauchy-related pressurized vacuum.
Those Noether-based discrete quanta of energy, that work to form an orbifold eigenset, -- no matter how superconformally invariant that these may often tend to act an an internal reference-frame, -- are to tend to always be at least altering in either their position and/or in their alignment, in at least one spatial dimension-related parameter, -- by either the Planck Radius and/or the Planck Length, per each succeeding iteration of group-related instanton.
The multiplicit interdependent vibrational interaction between both the mini-stringular segmentation that works to inter-bind an orbifold eigenset, its correlative immediately adjacent/inter-woven Ward-Cauchy-related pressurized vacuum, the motion and/or the angular repositioning of those discrete quanta of energy that work to comprise the said eigenset, along with the inherent cohesive Betti Action gauge-metrics that are of those composite strings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise such a said respective orbifold eigenset, -- works to form an oscillation-based tendency, that is here to be related to the parametric conditions of the dimensional-related pulsation of such a said eigenset -- to where this general type of an overall oscillation, works to form a tendency, -- of which I call the "E(8)XE(8) Stringular Oscillation-Based Tendency." Such a "force," propagates outward. This interdependent field-like force, at its "root," works to act metaphorically as a fractal of how "microtubules" happen to behave in living cells! Sam Roach.
Any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is made up of a set of discrete quanta of energy -- that operate together, in so as to work to perform one specific function.
Those discrete quanta of energy, that work to form any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- as these said respective discrete quanta of energy, that are here to be in such an inferred process of working together as a cohesive group -- are inter-bound by an interdependent cohesive set of mini-stringular segmentation. There tends to be both a constant and an eminent interaction, -- between the multiplicit holonomic substrate of mini-stringular segmentation, with both its immediately adjacent and inter-woven Ward-Cauchy-related pressurized vacuum.
Those Noether-based discrete quanta of energy, that work to form an orbifold eigenset, -- no matter how superconformally invariant that these may often tend to act an an internal reference-frame, -- are to tend to always be at least altering in either their position and/or in their alignment, in at least one spatial dimension-related parameter, -- by either the Planck Radius and/or the Planck Length, per each succeeding iteration of group-related instanton.
The multiplicit interdependent vibrational interaction between both the mini-stringular segmentation that works to inter-bind an orbifold eigenset, its correlative immediately adjacent/inter-woven Ward-Cauchy-related pressurized vacuum, the motion and/or the angular repositioning of those discrete quanta of energy that work to comprise the said eigenset, along with the inherent cohesive Betti Action gauge-metrics that are of those composite strings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise such a said respective orbifold eigenset, -- works to form an oscillation-based tendency, that is here to be related to the parametric conditions of the dimensional-related pulsation of such a said eigenset -- to where this general type of an overall oscillation, works to form a tendency, -- of which I call the "E(8)XE(8) Stringular Oscillation-Based Tendency." Such a "force," propagates outward. This interdependent field-like force, at its "root," works to act metaphorically as a fractal of how "microtubules" happen to behave in living cells! Sam Roach.
Posted by
10:18 AM
E(8)XE(8) stringular oscillation-based tendency,

Sunday, June 7, 2020
The i*PI(del) Action Not Eminent, And Even Velocity
Whenever any one given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, is to work to maintain the same rate of motion as taken in a constant direction -- when this is here to be taken in its relationship to both the motion and the existence of electromagnetic energy, -- then, the directly corresponding i*PI(del) Action, that is here to be correlative to the relativity of the said respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset of such a case scenario, will tend to not be eminent in its general tense of activity. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:47 PM
electromagnetic energy,
i*Pi(del) Action,
orbifold eigenset

The i*PI(del) Action And The Lorentz-Four-Contraction
Whenever two given arbitrary covariant mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, are to bear the same tense of an i*PI(del) Action -- as this is here to be taken over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, that is both codifferentiable and codeterminable, -- both of such said orbifold eigensets of such a respective case, will consequently tend to work to bear the same inferred altering tense of a Lorentz-Four-Contraction, over the so implied duration of a sequential series of group-related instantons -- when such a given arbitrary respective case is here to be considered, via the vantage-point of a central coni-point. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
10:53 AM
Hamiltonian eigenmetric,
i*Pi(del) Action,
orbifold eigenset,

Friday, June 5, 2020
More As To The Purpose Of The Quaternionic-Instanton-Field-Pulse-Mode
Intrinsically speaking; the Lagrangian of discrete energy (the energy of the motion of such said discrete energy) and the Hamiltonian of discrete energy (the energy of the holonomic substrate of such said discrete energy), correlate to each other -- by a factor of (-i);
And, as an ansantz, (-i) equals the negative square-root of (-1).
When one takes (-i) to the power of Four, it is equal to "1." ((-i)^4 = 1).
Consequently, when one is to consider my particular model of string theory; the general activity of the quaternionic-instanton-field-pulse-mode, of which I believe to happen to occur, during that portion of the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow, -- that is to happen immediately before the ensuing iteration of group-related instanton, -- works to help to directly equate the "motion" of energy (its directly affiliated Lagrangian) with the "thing" of energy (its directly affiliated Hamiltonian) -- whereby, there is then to be a direct relationship, that is consequently to exist between the general multiplicit superstringular activity, -- as taken at a fundamental level, And, its corroborative fabric-related entity, -- that is again to be taken at the recently inferred fundamental level, of such a respective case. Sincerely, Sam Roach.
And, as an ansantz, (-i) equals the negative square-root of (-1).
When one takes (-i) to the power of Four, it is equal to "1." ((-i)^4 = 1).
Consequently, when one is to consider my particular model of string theory; the general activity of the quaternionic-instanton-field-pulse-mode, of which I believe to happen to occur, during that portion of the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow, -- that is to happen immediately before the ensuing iteration of group-related instanton, -- works to help to directly equate the "motion" of energy (its directly affiliated Lagrangian) with the "thing" of energy (its directly affiliated Hamiltonian) -- whereby, there is then to be a direct relationship, that is consequently to exist between the general multiplicit superstringular activity, -- as taken at a fundamental level, And, its corroborative fabric-related entity, -- that is again to be taken at the recently inferred fundamental level, of such a respective case. Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
6:36 AM
holonomic substrate,
Ultimon Flow

Thursday, June 4, 2020
Impelling Of The Motion Of An Orbifold Eigenset
Whenever any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset is to work to bear a consequential resultant Ward-Supplemental reaction, to the impelling of its initially inferred general flow of Lagrangian-based motion, -- then, such a said respective orbifold eigenset, will tend to result in working to form a set of antiholomorphic Kahler conditions -- to where the just mentioned eigenset will consequently tend to ensue, in so as to work to be directly associated with the formation of a set of one ore more correlative Chern-Simons singularities, -- to where, in the meanwhile, such a herein stated general tense of an orbifold eigenset of such a given arbitrary case, will also simultaneously work to form (via the vantage-point of a central coni-point), the general proximal local Ward-Cauchy-related condition, of consequently becoming Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric, over a relatively brief duration of time. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
7:22 PM
orbifold eigenset,
proximal local,

Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Holomorphic Transfer -- Manner Of Double-Helix Shape
Le us initially consider a given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset -- that is of an f-field, that is here to be innately propagated in four spatial dimensions plus time, that is to propagate in a smooth and in a Noether-related manner, -- over the course of a relatively brief period of time, of which is here to work to directly involve an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric. Let us next say, that one were to be able to map-out the Lagrangian-based trace of the path -- by which such an earlier stated eigenset of cohesively interdependent quanta of discrete energy, are to have just moved along the surface of, over the earlier implied brief duration of time. Let us next stipulate; that the mentioned mass-bearing orbifold eigenset -- is here to have just been conveyed or propagated, in a manner that is both homeomorphic And of a De Rham tense of cohomology-related generation. Let us next say, that the said eigenset is to "simultaneously" work to bear two different spin-related tensors, via the vantage-point of a central coni-point -- one spin-related tensor of which is twisting at 90 degrees to the other spin-related tensor. Next; let us consider, in this particular case, that the herein stated orbifold eigenset, -- is to be moving along a non-perturbative sinusoidal path, in the process of working to form the earlier inferred cohomology-related mappable-tracing. At this point in time; let us next say that one is here to place, in a theoretically Laplacian-related manner, a trivially asymmetric wave-front, that is here to work to bear the same tense of intersecting spatial indices, along that given arbitrary respective central coni-axion of such a case, at which is here to behave as the theoretical equivalence of a "0PI"-related embarkment. Let us next consider; based on a relationship that is here to exist, on account of the specific tense of the directly corresponding Holomorphic Transfer -- that is to be correlative to the here stated orbifold eigenset, -- what would tend to need to happen in theory, if one were to decompactify the spatial tensoric attribute of the two trivially asymmetric mappable-tracings, that are here to be of the respective given arbitrary cohomology-related translation through space, by a helical-related torque -- that is here to be exhibited by a theoretical twisting, that is to be in two alternative spatial dimensions plus time. Let us next stipulate, that one is here to happen to be simply considering the Laplacian-based "snapshot" in time, that is to be dealing with a cohomology-related mappable-tracing of five overall piecewise-continuous 2PI cycles of such a sinusoidal pattern, in which there is here to neither be any Lagrangian-based spurs, NOR, is there is here to be any alterations in the directly corresponding dimensional-related pulsation of the here mentioned/inferred mass-bearing orbifold eigenset. If the type of a sinusoidal path that will to have here been just mapped-out, is to behave as just a typically thought of sinusoidal nature, consequently -- the two paths will then consequently tend to spiral upon themselves PI times per the net of 5 overall 2PI cycles. Yet; if the sinusoidal paths are to be dampened from the general tense of a sinusoidal-related pattern, -- then, the helical-related torque will tend to be greater (on account of there consequently being a shorter distance to reach the respective coni-axion); Consequently; if the two paths, instead, are to be augmented from the general tense of a sinusoidal-related pattern, -- then, the helical-related torque will tend to be less (on account of there being a greater distance to reach the respective coni-axion.) This is, in part, -- an idea that I happen to have, as to WHY the DNA molecule -- OF WHICH I BELIEVE TO BE A REVERSE-FRACTAL OF SUCH A TENSE OF A PATTERN, AS WELL AS DNA EXISTING AS A REVERSE-FRACTAL OF A BALANCE BETWEEN THE THOUGHT FORCE AND THE GRAVITATIONAL FORCE -- exists in the particular shape that it does.
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Schwinger-Indices And Interactions
The general propagation of those harmonic Schwinger-Indices, that are here to be produced by the plucking action of gauge-bosons upon the topological stratum of their correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates, -- often leads into the direction of tending to work to form a set of one or more Wess-Zumino interactions; Whereas -- the general propagation of those anharmonic Schwinger-Indices, that are here to be produced by the plucking action of gauge-bosons upon the topological stratum of their correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates, -- often leads into the direction of tending to work to form a set of one ore more Civita interactions. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
8:14 AM
Civita interactions,
light-cone-gauge eigenstates,
Wess-Zumino interactions

Harmonics Of Schwinger-Indices
When those particular Schwinger-Indices, that are here to be produced by any given arbitrary set of light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- that are here to be relatively proximal local to any one given arbitrary proscribed super string-related region, -- are to work to bear a vibrational propagation that is of a harmonic nature, this general tense of an occurrence will tend to "move into the direction" of attributing to the consequential Fourier-related activity, of a set of one or more relatively local Riemann scatterings of cohomology-related generation, that will tend to occur at a region that is here to be relatively adjacent to the earlier mentioned initially formed harmonic Schwinger-Indices, that are here to tend to have just been formed by that general plucking activity of gauge-bosons upon the topological surface of their correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates. Consequentially; when those particular Schwinger-Indices, that are here to be produced by any given arbitrary set of light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- that are here to be relatively proximal local to any one given arbitrary proscribed super string-related region, -- are to work to bear a vibrational propagation that is of an anharmonic nature, this general tense of an occurrence will tend to "move into the direction" of attributing to the consequential Fourier-related activity, of a set of one or more relatively local Rayleigh scatterings of cohomology-related generation, that will tend to occur at a region that is here to be relatively adjacent to the earlier mentioned initially formed Schwinger-Indices, that are to tend to have just been formed by that general plucking activity of gauge-bosons upon the topological surface of their correlate light-cone-gauge eigenstates. Sincerely, Samuel D. Roach.
Posted by
7:08 AM
light-cone-gauge eigenstates,
Rayleigh Scattering,

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