Tuesday, March 10, 2020

In Reference To Holomorphic Direction

Let us initially consider a superstring of discrete energy permittivity. Let us now say, that such a said string is to be facing -- in a Laplacian-related manner, towards the relative forward-holomorphic direction. Let's say that one is then to theoretically consider a Laplacian-related pivoting of the mentioned string, as a whole entity, by 90 overall degrees into the forward-holomorphic direction, to where the said string of such a given arbitrary case, is now to be facing, what was initially to be in its relative reverse-norm-to-holomorphic direction. (One is here to consider the relative "bottom" of the said string, to be at a fixed general locus.) Next; let's say that one were, instead, to consider a Laplacian-related pivoting of the said string, as a whole entity, by 45 overall degrees into the relative forward-holomorphic direction, from its initially stated positioning mentioned at the start of the given arbitrary scenario of this post. Let's say here, that the Initially inferred Holomorphic direction of this said given arbitrary superstring, is to be taken as to be of the general "i" direction. Consequently; once that the said string has been determined to have a Laplacian-related pivoting, as a whole, by 45 overall degrees, into the forward-holomorphic direction from its initial positioning, -- instead of the Norm-To-Holomorphic positioning of such a string to be facing in the relative (i-1) direction, -- instead, at this point in re-arrangement, the norm-to-holomorphic positioning of such a string, is now to be facing in the relative (((i-3)*(2^.5))/2) direction.  Consequently; at this point in consideration, the Reverse-Norm-To-Holomorphic positioning of such a string, is now to be facing in the relative (((3-i)*(2^.5))/2) direction (instead of it facing in its initially existent (1-i) direction.)  I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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