Friday, December 27, 2019

Non Orientable Superstrings And A General Tense Of Anharmonic Vibration

When the individually taken superstrings of discrete energy, that work to comprise any one given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, are to bear a holomorphic vibration in an anharmonic manner in so as to be taken here in an odd number of spatial dimensions, at a general point in duration that is here to occur, both right before and right after any one given arbitrary iteration of BRST, that these said superstrings are here to be directly affiliated with, then any general example of such an inferred individually taken string, that is here to be of such an orbifold eigenset, will consequently tend to become of a non orientable nature, both during the directly corresponding Betti Action, and during its immediately subsequent directly affiliated Regge Action (to where there will here exist a covariant-related condition, to where the field that is here to exist from in-between the correlative superstring and its directly corresponding counter string, will not be of a homeomorphic nature).  This will then tend to result in a condition, by which such a said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, will then tend to immediately ensue, in so as to go from initially being of a Noether-related flow, Into then resulting to go into an ensuing tense of a tachyonic-related flow.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Contiued! Samuel David Roach.

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