Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dimensions, Kahler-Based Quotients, And Partition-Based Discrepancies

Let us initially consider two different mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, that are here to be moving at the same velocity -- when this is taken in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy.   Both of such orbifold eigensets, are thence to work to bear the same scalar amplitude of a Lorentz-Four-Contraction. Both also work to bear the same scalar magnitude of mass.  Both also work to be moving through two different paths, that are here to involve the same general genus of a Lagrangian-based path.  One of these inferred mass-bearing orbifold eigensets is to bear a higher spatial dimensionality, than the other inferred mass-bearing orbifold eigenset.  That orbifold eigenset mentioned -- that is here to work to involve a higher number of directly involved spatial dimensions, will then tend to work to bear a greater Kahler-based quotient, than the other inferred orbifold eigenset.  Since the Laplacian-related spread of the delineation of those partition-based discrepances, that work to exist along the topological contour of any one given superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to be of a relatively homogeneous nature, and also, since the two earlier inferred orbifold eigensets are to both to work to bear the same scalar amplitude of a Lorentz-Four-Contraction, -- not only will all of the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise both of the here inferred orbifold eigensets of such a given arbitrary respective case, work to bear the same number of partition-based discrepancies, -- yet -- there will, as well, tend to be a tighter proximity of such inferred partition-based discrepancies, among those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise that orbifold eigenset, that is of a lower number of spatial dimensions, than that attribution of the proximity, that is of those inferred partition-based discrepancies, that are here to exist at the Poincare level -- that is proximal local to the bearings of the topological contour of that orbifold eigenset of such a given arbitrary case, that is, instead, to be of a higher number of spatial dimensions.  Sam Roach.

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