Sunday, August 4, 2019

When The Ricci Curvature Is Flat

Let's initially consider the condition, of a flat but smooth Ricci Curvature in string theory.
(Lambda*gravity) is here to be zero, to where e^(Lambda*gravity) is here to be one (1).
This is then to consequently mean, that there is then to be no progression in the tense of the deformity of the metric of the directly corresponding Riemannian manifold, -- to where the resultant Ricci Flow is then, in a way, to be null, -- since there is here to be no consequent change or alteration in the scalar amplitude of such an earlier eluded-to tense of deformity in the metric of such an inferred cotangent bundle, that is here to be moving through a given arbitrary Hamiltonian operand -- that is proximal local to the said Riemannian manifold, that is here to be kinematically translated along the space-related course of "free" tangent space.  So -- if there is here to be no perturbation in the deformity of the metric of a correlative Riemannian manifold, over a proscribed evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, then, there is then to be no Fourier-related progression in the Ricci Flow, which, in a way, is here to nullify (or, another way of putting it, is that it is here to make it as bearing zero change) the here proximal local tense of such a said Ricci Flow -- over the inferred brief duration of time, in which such a substringular situation is here to arise.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To  Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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