Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Just A Thought

Thought waves may sometimes be translated into gravity waves -- via that Ward-Polarization of the supplemental yet transversal respective Schwinger-Indices -- that are here to initially be of the nature of thought waves, that would here need to, in this particular case, to be from within the proscribed potential wavelengths of individually taken gravity waves (from 5*10^(-22) of a meter to 4*10^(-18) of a meter), to then to consequently alter such said thought  waves into gravity waves, -- to where this could potentially happen, via the Yukawa Coupling (of which would almost certainly, in this particular case, to tend to be interactive in a Gliosis-related manner), to where this is made kinematic by the gauged-action of a relatively Nijenhuis group-attractor, that is here to be proximal local at an internal reference-frame, that is of a Fourier-related nature none the less, -- in such a manner that is operationally kinetic upon the topological stratum of the holonomic substrate, that is of the respective thought waves that are here to ensue in so as to then become of the nature of being gravity waves ( to where gravity waves are then to tend to act as perpendicular yet transversal Schwinger-Indices, that are thence to be propagated outward through space over time).  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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