Friday, August 30, 2019
Forces And Interactions
The activity of the strong force, is an example of a general genus of a Wess-Zumino interaction. Whereas, the activity of spontaneous radioactive decay, is an example of a general genus of a Cevita interaction. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.
Posted by
2:30 PM
Cevita Interaction,
spontaneous radioactive decay,
strong force,

Cohomology Stabilization
When a cohomology is to stabilize, this is an example of a general genus of a Wess-Zumino interaction; yet -- when a cohomology is to become unstable, this is an example of a general genus of a Cevita interaction. Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
1:54 PM
Cevita Interaction,

Cohomology And Interactions
When a ghost-based inhibitor interacts with an initial De Rham cohomology, to alter the said initially stated cohomology into a Dolbeault cohomology, this tends to be an example of a general genus of a Cevita interaction. Consequently -- when a group-attractor interacts with an initial Dolbeault cohomology, to alter the the just said initially stated cohomology into a De Rham cohomology, this tends to be an example of a general genus of a Wess-Zumino interaction. To Be Continued! Sam.
Posted by
1:20 PM
De Rham cohomology,
Dolbeault cohomology,
ghost-based inhibitor,

Group-Attractors And Yau-Exact Orbifold Eigensets
When a group-attractor interacts with an orbifold eigenset -- that is initially to work to bear a Dolbeault cohomology, that is thence to not be of a fully hermitian nature, -- it will then tend to cause such an orbifold eigenset, to alter into the direction of subsequently working to bear a potentially De Rham cohomology; to where this will furthermore work to cause the said orbifold eigenset, that is here to then potentially to be exhibiting such a said De Rham cohomology, to work to bear a more Yau-Exact nature, over an ensuing discrete evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric. (Which will then tend to happen, over an eluded-to ensuing sequential series of group-related instantons.) To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:10 PM
De Rham cohomology,
Dolbeault cohomology,
orbifold eigenset

Ghost-Based Inhibitors And De Rham Cohomology
When a ghost-based inhibitor interacts with a cohomology, that is here to initially be of a De Rham-related nature, -- such a general said genus of an inhibitor, will then tend to make the given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that is here to have initially been exhibiting such a so-stated De Rham cohomology -- to alter from its initial tendency of being of a Yau-Exact nature. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
11:43 AM
De Rham,
ghost-based inhibitor,
orbifold eigenset,

Thursday, August 29, 2019
Piecewise Continuous Transference of De Rham Cohomology
The more piecewise continuous that the motion of an orbifold eigenset, that is here to bear the transference of a De Rham cohomology, is to be expressed as, the more Yau-Exact that such a said orbifold eigenset, that is of a De Rham cohomology, is to tend to be translated as. This is the tendency in a Lagrangian-related manner -- because if such a cohomology is to be traced in a piecewise continuous manner, -- it will tend to only be changing in as many derivatives as the number of spatial dimensions that it is here to be moving through -- over the so-eluded-to duration, of a given arbitrary proscribed sequential series of group-related instantons. Furthermore -- this is also the tendency in a metric-related manner, -- because if such a cohomology is to be traced in a piecewise continuous manner, -- it will then tend to maintain its tense of a dimensional-related pulsation, as well, through this so-eluded-to duration, of such a given arbitrary proscribed sequential series of group-related instantons. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sam.
Posted by
3:01 PM
De Rham cohomology,
orbifold eigenset,
piecewise continuous,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinor And Tense Of Cohomology
When a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinor is to be transferred in a linear manner that is not perturbative, it tends to work to form a De Rham cohomology; whereas -- when a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinor is to be transferred in either a parabolic manner or in an elliptical manner that is not perturbative, it tends to work to form a Dolbeault cohomology. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
11:11 AM
De Rham,

Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinors And Angular Momentum
A Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinor is an orbifold eigenset, that is here to maintain a constant rate of spin, -- that works to bear an angular momentum that is conformally invariant at an internal reference-frame, that is Poincare to the proximal locus of the so-eluded-to "tip" of the spinning of such a general genus of an orbifold eigenset. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.
Posted by
10:45 AM
angular momentum,
constant rate,
orbifold eigenset,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinors And Charge
Let us consider a given orbifold eigenset, that is here to initially act as a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinor. The quicker that such an orbifold eigenset is here to spin -- the more cohomology that it is to generate. This relative increase in cohomology-related generation, is then to reverse-fractal out as an increase in charge-related generation. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:17 PM
charge generation,
orbifold eigenset,

Monday, August 26, 2019
Legendre Homology And Noether-Based Flow
The less conformally invariant that the tense of motion that a Legendre homology is to work to bear, as such a so-stated Legendre homology is here to be undergoing a tense of a Noether-related flow, when its is in the process in which it is here to be "tugging-along" a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset at an external reference-frame -- to where such a so-stated mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is here to be superconformally invariant at an internal reference-frame, since it is here to work to bear a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- the closer that the motion of such a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is then to tend to approach the speed of light, again, as implied a little bit earlier, when such a relatively quick motion is here to be at the vantage-point of being at an external reference-frame from the Ward-Neumman bounds of the said mass-bearing eigenset. Sam.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Cohomology And Charge
Charge is a reverse-fractal of cohomology. Consequently -- charge eigenstates may be thought of, as being the discrete entities of the holonomic substrate of charge; whereas, -- charge eigenindices may be thought of, as being discrete motions, that work to indicate the presence of charge-related eigenstates. Cohomology-related generation thus tends to work to reverse-fractal, into an increase in the generation of charge; whereas, -- cohomology-related degeneration thus tends to work to reverse-fractal, into a decrease in the generation of charge. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
10:47 AM

Thursday, August 15, 2019
Increase Of Entropy, Decrease Of Entropy
The multiplicit tense of gravity, tends to move phenomenology into the general state of an increase of entropy; whereas, -- the multiplicit tense of anti gravity, tends to move phenomenology into the general state of a decrease of entropy. Consequently -- gravity tends to be more directly involved with the activity of Cevita interactions, whereas, -- anti gravity tends to be more directly involved with the activity of Wess-Zumino interactions. Sam Roach.
Entropy And Cevita Interactions
An increase in entropy, is a general tense of one general genus of a Cevita interaction.
A decrease in entropy, is a general tense of one general genus of a Wess-Zumino interaction.
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
A decrease in entropy, is a general tense of one general genus of a Wess-Zumino interaction.
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Cohomology Stablized
Gravity -- tends to work to cause cohomology to tend to be made stable, in a manner that works to involve an impedance-related nature; whereas, anti gravity tends to work to cause cohomology to tend to be made stable, in a manner that works to involve a permittivity-related nature. Sam Roach.
The more tightly-knit that the tense of superconformal invariance is, for a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset at an internal reference-frame -- the greater that its scalar amplitude is, of its directly corresponding Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode. The quicker that such an orbifold eigenset -- that is here to exhibit a high scalar amplitude of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- is to be spatially translated over time, at an external reference-frame, -- the more of a fractal of a charge that the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset will tend to release outward, into its externalized proximal local field, over time. This will then tend to mean, that any relatively fast mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, that is here to be moving kinetically at an external reference-frame -- that is of a tightly-knit tense of superconformal invariance at an internal reference-frame, -- will tend to work to form a relatively greater fractal of an amperage, -- than when such a so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset is to be propagated, instead, at a slower rate of velocity. To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
The more that an initial set of correlative orbifold eigensets -- that are here to each to be in the process of exhibiting a relatively highly knit tense of superconformal invariance, is to work to induce one or more ulterior sets of correlative orbifold eigensets, to then, as well, to be in the process of each having the resultant condition of working to bear an exhibition of having a relatively highly knit tense of superconformal invariance, -- the greater that the scalar magnitude will then tend to be, as to the induction-related characteristics of the initially stated set of correlative orbifold eigensets. Consequently -- the more that an initial set of correlative orbifold eigensets, that work to exhibit a relatively high scalar magnitude of charge capacitance, is to work to influence another set of correlative orbifold eigensets to alter, in so as to consequently ensue the physical condition of bearing a relatively higher scalar magnitude of charge capacitance, -- the greater that the scalar magnitude will then tend to be, as to the induction-related characteristics of the initially stated set of correlative orbifold eigensets. Sam Roach.
Just A Thought
Thought waves may sometimes be translated into gravity waves -- via that Ward-Polarization of the supplemental yet transversal respective Schwinger-Indices -- that are here to initially be of the nature of thought waves, that would here need to, in this particular case, to be from within the proscribed potential wavelengths of individually taken gravity waves (from 5*10^(-22) of a meter to 4*10^(-18) of a meter), to then to consequently alter such said thought waves into gravity waves, -- to where this could potentially happen, via the Yukawa Coupling (of which would almost certainly, in this particular case, to tend to be interactive in a Gliosis-related manner), to where this is made kinematic by the gauged-action of a relatively Nijenhuis group-attractor, that is here to be proximal local at an internal reference-frame, that is of a Fourier-related nature none the less, -- in such a manner that is operationally kinetic upon the topological stratum of the holonomic substrate, that is of the respective thought waves that are here to ensue in so as to then become of the nature of being gravity waves ( to where gravity waves are then to tend to act as perpendicular yet transversal Schwinger-Indices, that are thence to be propagated outward through space over time). To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode And Capacitance For Charge
The greater that the scalar amplitude is, of the average correlative Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode that is of a typical orbifold eigenset -- that works to comprise a given arbitrary mass, that is here to be in question -- the larger that the directly corresponding charge capacitance will consequently tend to be, for that respective mass-bearing phenomenology, that is here to be said in question in such a case.
Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:46 PM
orbifold eigenset,
scalar amplitude

Friday, August 9, 2019
Adjacent D-Fields
Any two different distinct adjacent d-fields, that are of a Noether-based flow -- tend to bear a tense of a relative covariant asymmetric spin -- the one toward the other, to where this works to allow for those particle-related phenomenology, that work to exist from within the Ward-Cauchy-related bounds of such fields, to then to be able to obey the Pauli-Exclusion Principle. This works to help these fields to keep from impeding upon each other's space.
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
1:17 PM
Noether-Based flow,
Pauli Exclusion Principle,

Holomorphic Pulsation That Is Both Radial And Cyclical
If any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset is to initially work to bear a holomorphic pulsation, that is here to be of a radial nature -- that is cyclical in its iteration of overall net cohomological mappable-tracing, -- over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, that is of a reverberating nature -- that is to then to bear a relative antiholomorphic Kahler condition of wave-tug, that is to evolve into what is to then to be an ensuing Ward-orthogonal holomorphic pulsation, that is here, as well, to be of a radial nature that is cyclical in iteration of overall net cohomological mappable-tracing, -- which is to transpire over what is here to be an ensuing evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, that is of a reverberating nature, -- then consequently, the critical cusp at which there is to be the implied eminent antiholomorphic condition, as to the physical presence of a spur in the disturbance of space by which the so-stated orbifold eigenset, that is to then to undergo an orthogonal alteration in its general reiterative cyclical motion, -- from the earlier inferred duration of iterative radial translation of motion to the inferred ensuing duration of iterative radial translation of motion, -- such a general tendency of action will then tend to bear a Lagrangian-related Chern-Simons singularity at the proximal locus of such a said spur of critical cusp. Furthermore -- the general alteration of directoral-related cyclical motion, as the said orbifold eigenset is to then to be pushed into a relatively orthogonal motion -- in the process of working to bear a Ward-Cauchy-related antiholomorphic Kahler condition of wave-tug, will then alter its dimensional-related pulsation, which, will then tend to most certainly work to form a metric-related Chern-Simons singularity at the proximal locus of the critical cusp at which there is to be such a so-inferred critical cusp. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:53 AM
critical cusp,
Kahler condition,
orbifold eigenset,

Thursday, August 8, 2019
The Conveying Of The Forces
The seven basic forces of nature (the thought force, the force of pressurized vacuum, the point commutative force, the "strong force," the electromotive force, the gravitational force, and the weak force), are conveyed by the activity of what I term of as being "Schwinger-Indices." Such Schwinger-Indices are formed by the plucking (like a harp) of gauge-boson eigenstates upon their directly corresponding second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates. For every superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- as is according to my model of string theory -- there are 600 gauge-boson eigenstates, that work to perform the earlier mentioned general genus of such said "plucking."
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Monday, August 5, 2019
Examples Of Tangential And Co-Tangential Flow
The activity of fission, works to form an example of a tangential flow; and,
the activity of fusion, works to form an example of a co-tangential flow.
Therefore, the action itself of fission, is an example of a Cevita Action; and,
the action itself of fusion, is an example of a Wess-Zumino Action.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
the activity of fusion, works to form an example of a co-tangential flow.
Therefore, the action itself of fission, is an example of a Cevita Action; and,
the action itself of fusion, is an example of a Wess-Zumino Action.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
8:21 PM
Cevita Action,
co-tangential flow,
tangential flow,
Wess-Zumino Action

Tangential Flow Versus Co-Tangential Flow
A tangential flow, is a flow that diverges from a central source -- whereas;
a co-tangential flow, is a flow that converges upon a central source. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam.
a co-tangential flow, is a flow that converges upon a central source. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
1:35 PM
central source,
co-tangential flow,
tangential flow

About A Slater Euclidean Metric
Let us consider here, what is to be happening -- if the following two things were to be happening, as two certain given arbitrary orbifold eigensets, -- are to be going through their respective unitary mean Lagrangian paths, over time:
1) Let us say one were to have a tangential flow, via the course of an "identity function."
2) Let us also say that one were to have a co-tangential flow, via the course of an "identity function."
One would thus have two different situations, to where each one is here to exhibit the following common characteristic: Both would bear a discrete & a topologically smooth Slater euclidean metric, that is here to be homeomorphic -- but Not flat.
Let's next say, that (the secant of (e^(the Cevita-based Flow))) = 2^.5, and;
(the co-secant of (e^(the Wess-Zumino-based Flow))) = 2^.5.
As a result: ((((Integral Of (e^(the del of the Cevita-based Flow))))
= (((the inverse secant of e^((the Cevita-based Flow))) = 45 degrees.; and;
(((((Integral Of (e^(the del of the Wess-Zumino-based Flow)) ))
= (((the inverse co-secant of e^((the Wess-Zumino-based Flow))) = 45 degrees.
This would then work to make the reciprocal of the Inverse of both of the immediately prior, to be equal to (1/(2^.5)).
This eludes to the condition -- that the tense of either of such a flow as coming towards "you," would bear a tense of the cosine of 45 degrees (dot-product), or, of (1/2^.5);
And, this eludes, as well, to the condition -- that the tense of either of such a flow as going away from "you," would bear a tense of the sine of 45 degrees (cross-product), or, of (1/2^.5).
To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
1) Let us say one were to have a tangential flow, via the course of an "identity function."
2) Let us also say that one were to have a co-tangential flow, via the course of an "identity function."
One would thus have two different situations, to where each one is here to exhibit the following common characteristic: Both would bear a discrete & a topologically smooth Slater euclidean metric, that is here to be homeomorphic -- but Not flat.
Let's next say, that (the secant of (e^(the Cevita-based Flow))) = 2^.5, and;
(the co-secant of (e^(the Wess-Zumino-based Flow))) = 2^.5.
As a result: ((((Integral Of (e^(the del of the Cevita-based Flow))))
= (((the inverse secant of e^((the Cevita-based Flow))) = 45 degrees.; and;
(((((Integral Of (e^(the del of the Wess-Zumino-based Flow)) ))
= (((the inverse co-secant of e^((the Wess-Zumino-based Flow))) = 45 degrees.
This would then work to make the reciprocal of the Inverse of both of the immediately prior, to be equal to (1/(2^.5)).
This eludes to the condition -- that the tense of either of such a flow as coming towards "you," would bear a tense of the cosine of 45 degrees (dot-product), or, of (1/2^.5);
And, this eludes, as well, to the condition -- that the tense of either of such a flow as going away from "you," would bear a tense of the sine of 45 degrees (cross-product), or, of (1/2^.5).
To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:57 AM
co-tangential flow,
tangential flow

Sunday, August 4, 2019
Cevita Flow And Wess-Zumino Flow
Here is some metaphorical "food for thought.":
A "Cevita-based Flow" (the flow of a Cevita Action) tends to produce a tangential substringular flow, whereas, a "Wess-Zumino-based Flow" (the flow of a Wess-Zumino Action) tends to produce a co-tangential substringular flow.
If e^(Cevita-based Flow) were to equal "u":
((e^(del of the Cevita-based Flow))) = ((d/du) (inverse secant of e^(the Cevita-based Flow))).;
Or, if instead, e^(Wess-Zumino-based Flow) were to equal "u":
((e^(del of the Wess-Zumino-based Flow))) = ((d/du) (inverse cosecant of e^(the Wess-Zumino-based Flow))).
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
A "Cevita-based Flow" (the flow of a Cevita Action) tends to produce a tangential substringular flow, whereas, a "Wess-Zumino-based Flow" (the flow of a Wess-Zumino Action) tends to produce a co-tangential substringular flow.
If e^(Cevita-based Flow) were to equal "u":
((e^(del of the Cevita-based Flow))) = ((d/du) (inverse secant of e^(the Cevita-based Flow))).;
Or, if instead, e^(Wess-Zumino-based Flow) were to equal "u":
((e^(del of the Wess-Zumino-based Flow))) = ((d/du) (inverse cosecant of e^(the Wess-Zumino-based Flow))).
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:48 AM
Cevita Flow,
inverse cosecant,
inverse secant,
Wess-Zumino Flow

When The Ricci Curvature Is Flat
Let's initially consider the condition, of a flat but smooth Ricci Curvature in string theory.
(Lambda*gravity) is here to be zero, to where e^(Lambda*gravity) is here to be one (1).
This is then to consequently mean, that there is then to be no progression in the tense of the deformity of the metric of the directly corresponding Riemannian manifold, -- to where the resultant Ricci Flow is then, in a way, to be null, -- since there is here to be no consequent change or alteration in the scalar amplitude of such an earlier eluded-to tense of deformity in the metric of such an inferred cotangent bundle, that is here to be moving through a given arbitrary Hamiltonian operand -- that is proximal local to the said Riemannian manifold, that is here to be kinematically translated along the space-related course of "free" tangent space. So -- if there is here to be no perturbation in the deformity of the metric of a correlative Riemannian manifold, over a proscribed evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, then, there is then to be no Fourier-related progression in the Ricci Flow, which, in a way, is here to nullify (or, another way of putting it, is that it is here to make it as bearing zero change) the here proximal local tense of such a said Ricci Flow -- over the inferred brief duration of time, in which such a substringular situation is here to arise.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
(Lambda*gravity) is here to be zero, to where e^(Lambda*gravity) is here to be one (1).
This is then to consequently mean, that there is then to be no progression in the tense of the deformity of the metric of the directly corresponding Riemannian manifold, -- to where the resultant Ricci Flow is then, in a way, to be null, -- since there is here to be no consequent change or alteration in the scalar amplitude of such an earlier eluded-to tense of deformity in the metric of such an inferred cotangent bundle, that is here to be moving through a given arbitrary Hamiltonian operand -- that is proximal local to the said Riemannian manifold, that is here to be kinematically translated along the space-related course of "free" tangent space. So -- if there is here to be no perturbation in the deformity of the metric of a correlative Riemannian manifold, over a proscribed evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, then, there is then to be no Fourier-related progression in the Ricci Flow, which, in a way, is here to nullify (or, another way of putting it, is that it is here to make it as bearing zero change) the here proximal local tense of such a said Ricci Flow -- over the inferred brief duration of time, in which such a substringular situation is here to arise.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Speed Of Thought
Thought waves have more of a tendency of being of a tachyonic nature than gravity waves do, and thus, thought waves have less of a tendency of being of a Noether Flow-related nature than gravity waves do. Sam Roach.
Posted by
8:26 PM
gravity waves,
Noether Flow,
thought waves

A Specific General Genus Of The Polarization Of Gravity Waves
If one were to take the proper Fourier-related polarization of a gravity wave, when such a polarization is here to be considered to transpire in its relative holomorphic-based directional drive, as this is to here be at the Poincare level to the time-based translation of its spatial-dimension-related tense, that is of its angular momentum -- when this is taken over a relatively transient duration of time, this may then consequently bear a potential tendency, of then working to form an individually taken case, in which such a so-eluded-to general genus of a Schwinger-Index-related vibration -- as taken along the Rarita Structure, -- may then at least work to then simulate the activity of behaving as a tense of a propagated thought wave.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Unification Of Construction Of Discrete Energy Quanta
Pressurized Vacuum in one manner of form (as a reverse-fractal from that manner, that works to form sub-mini-string), is the force of that general multiplicit positioning of differential geometry -- by which there is then to be the function, that works to allow for first-order point particles that are to coalesce as an operational unit, -- that is here to act as one unitary discrete kinematic disturbance of space, -- to thus to be brought together in a nodal-related manner, -- in so as to work to help form both superstrings, counter strings, and Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates. Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:56 PM
point particles,

The Seven Basic Physical Forces Of Nature
The seven basic physical forces of nature are:
1) The Force Of Thought. (The harmonized articulation of which, may be called "love.")
2) The Force Of Pressurized Vacuum. (The force that unifies the construction of discrete energy.)
3) The Point Commutative Force. (The force that works to move discrete quanta of energy.)
4) The "Strong Force." (The force that works to bind sub-atomic particles together.)
5) The Electromotive Force. (The force that allows for the existence of electromagnetism.)
6) The Force Of Gravity. (The force that works to inter-relate mass-bearing phenomena.); &,
7) The Weak Force (The force of spontaneous radioactive decay.)
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach. (Because, "All Minds Matter!").
1) The Force Of Thought. (The harmonized articulation of which, may be called "love.")
2) The Force Of Pressurized Vacuum. (The force that unifies the construction of discrete energy.)
3) The Point Commutative Force. (The force that works to move discrete quanta of energy.)
4) The "Strong Force." (The force that works to bind sub-atomic particles together.)
5) The Electromotive Force. (The force that allows for the existence of electromagnetism.)
6) The Force Of Gravity. (The force that works to inter-relate mass-bearing phenomena.); &,
7) The Weak Force (The force of spontaneous radioactive decay.)
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach. (Because, "All Minds Matter!").
Posted by
12:30 PM
point commutative,
pressurized vacuum,
strong force,
thought force

Thought Waves
The difference between gravitational waves and thought waves, -- is basically this: It amounts to that the general condition -- that gravitational waves are those resultant Schwinger-Indices, that are exhibited as waves that move both transversally and in a Perpendicular manner to its directly corresponding Hamiltonian operand, via waves that have a wavelength that varies from 5*10^(-22) of a meter to 4*10^(-18) of a meter, in its correlative scalar amplitude; whereas -- thought waves are those resultant Schwinger-Indices, that are exhibited as waves that move both transversally yet in a Supplemental manner to its directly corresponding Hamiltonian operand, via waves that have a wavelength that varies from 10^(-22) of a meter to 4*10^(-17) of a meter, in its correlative scalar amplitude.
P.S.: Please pray (to whatever higher power that you chose to believe in) for one of my friends from Livingston County. His dad just died, and he feels sad. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
P.S.: Please pray (to whatever higher power that you chose to believe in) for one of my friends from Livingston County. His dad just died, and he feels sad. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:52 AM
gravitational waves,
Hamiltonian operand,

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