Monday, July 23, 2018

Session 12 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Interactions

Electromagnetic energy not only may scatter upon matter, yet it may also scatter upon plain kinetic energy as well.  The process of electromagnetic energy scattering upon plain kinetic energy, is known of as a Calabi-Wilson-Gordan interaction.  Whenever light or any other form of electromagnetic energy exists, it exists as beams of waves -- that are comprised of discrete energy particles that are known of as photons.  As with all increments of discrete energy, an individual photon has a Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate directly associated with it.  A Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is tied to a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, via a light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  The type of superstring that is attached to the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate of a photon, is an example of a bosonic string. Attached to the bosonic superstring of a photon, is a bosonic counter-string.  Photons are examples of discrete energy that involve bosonic superstrings, because photons are considered to be bosonic particles -- on account of the condition that these have a whole spin.  Bosonic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity are closed-looped strings.  When a beam of light strikes a field of plain kinetic energy, one of a few different things may generally occur.  The light may either be completely absorbed, the light may be both partially absorbed and partially scattered, or, the light may be completely scattered.  This depends upon the angle that the light strikes the plain kinetic energy, as well as where on the energy field that the light is to actually end-up striking at.  If all of the light strikes the correlative externalized core-field-densities of all of the individually taken light-cone-gauge eigenstates that it is to collide with, at 90 degrees to the holomorphic projection of the said individually taken light-cone-gauge eigenstates, then the light will completely scatter.  If only some of the light is to strike the correlative externalized core-field-densities of the individually taken light-cone-gauge eigenstates that it is to collide with, at 90 degrees to the holomorphic projection of the said individually taken light-cone-gauge eigenstates, then the light will partially scatter and partially be absorbed by the plain kinetic energy.  If none of the light is to strike the externalized core-field-densities of the individually taken light-cone-gauge eigenstates that it is to collide with, at 90 degrees to the holomorphic projection of the said individually taken light-cone-gauge eigenstates, then none of the light will scatter and all of it will be absorbed by the said plain kinetic energy.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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