Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Noether Flow And Lagrangian-Related Path

Let us initially consider a general Stoke's-based Lagrangian-related path, that may be extrapolated in many different potential ways -- since such a said path may vary in its relative multi-dimensional depth, over time.  Let us next consider the given arbitrary respective orbifold eigenset, that is to be able to go through such a general genus of a path -- over a here considered evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, which may vary in its specific duration, -- when this is in consideration of the actual specific as contrasted with just the general path, that is here to be extrapolated.  Let us next consider, that the said orbifold eigenset here -- is to be undergoing a Noether-related flow, over the course of its translation through the extrapolated Lagrangian-related path -- that is here to be brought through, via an even set of a sequential series of instantons, in the process of an even-function-based Fourier series.  The higher that the tense of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode is, that is of the said orbifold eigenset -- the more conformal invariant that the directly corresponding translation will be, of the correlative Lagrangian that is related to the transfer of the said orbifold eigenset from one spot to the next over time, that is here to be traversed over a general path that may vary in the specifics of its depth-related parameters, as is according to the specific manner of the correlative extrapolated Stoke's-related depth. The more conformal invariant that the directly corresponding translation will be, of the correlative Lagrangian that is related to the transfer of the said orbifold from one spot to the next over time, -- the more time that it will tend to take for the said orbifold eigenset to then to be able to be translated over the general said Stoke's-based Lagrangian-related path --  since the said orbifold eigenset will then tend to have less of a thrust of motion over the course of going through the said general extrapolated path, as a set of discrete quanta of energy that function to form one specific operation, to where the so-eluded-to holonomic substrate of energy as being the said orbifold eigenset, will then tend to have less energy of net transversal motion, as this will then tend to cause the general transversal Lagrangian to be impeded along its general path, when this is taken along the so-eluded-to specific path of a potentially varying depth.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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