Monday, July 31, 2017

Substringular Jittering

Let us initially consider a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that is to be undergoing the physical condition of a state of superconformal invariance -- by oscillating in so as to be hovering at one general specific proximal locus -- in a state of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance, in such a manner in so as to be at both a Lagrangian-based and at a metrical-based steady-state Ward-Cauchy-based condition, -- over a set sequential series of group-related instantons.  Such a physical condition, will tend to mean, that, over the so-eluded-to group-metric -- that the composite discrete quanta of energy will be differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, in so as to work to form a set of Rham-based cohomologies, -- of which will then tend to neither spontaneously generate nor to spontaneously degenerate neither a net scalar amplitude nor a net scalar magnitude of significant cohomological residue, in so as to exhibit the Calabi-Yau behavior of then working to bear a relatively strong tense of a Yau-Exact nature, over the so-eluded-to transient duration of time in which such an orbifold eigenset is to be acting in such a so-eluded-to state of a Ward-Cauchy-based tense of "static equilibrium."  Let us next say, that an external force is to be applied to the Yukawa-based eigenindices of the topological stratum of the said orbifold eigenset -- in so as to work to perturbate the respective given arbitrary eigenset, to then move as a group of discrete energy quanta, into an overall holomorphic direction that is of a unitary-based nature, in such a manner in so as to then alter out of its state of conformal invariance -- at the so-eluded-to internal reference frame.  Such a perturbation in the sequential-based delineations of the Calabi-based eigenindices, that are of the said orbifold eigenset, will then work in this given arbitrary case, to generate a significant scalar amplitude and/or a significant scalar magnitude of cohomological indices -- in so as to then tend to, as well, to generate a genus of a Doubolt cohomology, that will then tend to form at least one set of Lagrangian-based and/or metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities, in the process of such a perturbation out of a substringular state of homeostasis.  Such a general genus of cohomological generation -- will tend to form at least one set of Lagrangian-based and/or metrical-based Njenhuis roots of singularity.  The nature of the covariant-based differentiation of such so-eluded-to complex roots, will then also tend to depend upon if the inferred scattering that is to happen here,  in so as to work to cause such a perturbation of the eigenstates of the orbifold eigenset-based Hamiltonian operand -- is to result in working to form adjacent eigenindices, that are either of an even chirality (Reimman scattering) or of an odd chirality (Rayleigh scattering).
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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