Friday, July 21, 2017

Cyclic Permutations Involving Ward-Supplemental-Based Paths

Let us initially consider an orbifold eigenset, that is to be traveling through an initially considered discrete Lagrangian-based path.  Let us say, that all of the sudden -- the said orbifold eigenset, is to be effected by the Chern-Simons-based condition of a Ward-Supplemental-based perturbation, upon the topological stratum of the holonomic substrate of the said orbifold eigenset.  This will then work to cause the said eigenset, to ensue at attaining an antiholomorphic Kahler condition.  Let us say that the said orbifold eigenset, is to be traveling through six spatial dimensions plus time, in this general respective given arbitrary case.  So, there are actually quite a number of possibilities as to what exactly are to be the arrangement -- of those respective complex roots, that are to here to be directly associated with the here resultant antiholomorphic Kahler-based Lagrangian path.  Let us next say, that the said eigenset is to then to reverberate back into one of its original parameters of homomorphism, in so as to then to work to attain an antiholomorphic Kahler-based condition, --  that may be attributed to it in the meanwhile.  This to, is to be associated with one of a number of a potential sets of arrangements of those respective complex roots, that are to here to be directly associated with the here resultant antiholomorphic  Kahler-based Lagrangian path.   Let us next consider this general genus of activity to repeat -- in an analogous but cyclical permutative manner -- to where, over a relatively spread-out group-metric, the same Lagrangian-based paths are Not to be identically mapped-out in the same fashion -- but in such a manner, to where there are here to be an iterative cycle of a set of similar but different combinations of complex roots, that are to work here in so as to help at working to form similar but different combinations of the resultant antiholomorphic Kahler-related Lagrangian-based paths.
 I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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