Thursday, October 27, 2016

Photons And Entropy, Part One

How about if I am to compare and contrast the characteristics of a photon undergoing Noether Flow, to a photon that is entropic -- right after such a Sterling-based quantum of discrete eletromagnetic energy has just struck another tense of an orbifold eigenset, in a Gliosis-based manner, at a level that is Poincare to the Yukawa-based tense of the so-eluded-to two tenses of orbifold eigensets -- that are to have here collided in a relatively direct manner, -- over the duration of that group-related metric, that would span from just before the so-eluded-to impact, up to just after the so-eluded-to impact.  What you will have here, at starts, is a discrete quantum of energy -- that is partially Yau-Exact, as it travels thru what would tend to be a Hamiltonian operand of ten dimensional space, -- because the holomorphic-based torsional eigenindices, that are of the so-eluded-to illumination-based photon, are to only bend in a hermitian manner -- in six of the ten coniaxion-based back-and-forth degrees of spatial parameter-based freedom, by which such a discrete electromagnetic particle is moving thru, over time.  As the respective photon moves in ten spatial dimensions plus time, over a correlative Fourier Transformation, it will here tend to pervasively continue to alter in ten spatial derivatives, in a systematically cyclical manner, over the proscribed duration in which it is moving through its given arbitrary Lagrangian, via the process of Noether Flow.  Such a discrete quantum of energy, is to here be of a Yang-Mills nature, since the correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are to here be of a Laplacian-based sinusoidal-related nature, during the whole duration of each successive iteration of BRST,  in which the said discrete quantum of energy is as that of a photon.  This works to make a photon of a partially Yau-Exact nature in the substringular realm.  Such a superstring will work to bear a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topological geometry.  Just as the said photon is to strike a different eigenstate of an orbifold eigenset-based phenomenology, the light-cone-gauge topology of the said photon is to then convert -- as like the fractal of a "spring-like nature," -- into then temporarily bearing a Kaluza-Klein or an abelian light-cone--gauge topology.  From that iteration of the just eluded-to correlative group-related instanton -- up to the ensuing 383 iterations of group-related instantons, what was initially to be a discrete quantum of illumination-based electromagnetic energy, will at this point in group-metrical duration, act as an "entropic photon."  Initially from this point in duration, and for the ensuing 63 iterations of group-related instantons, the holomorphic-based torsional eigenindices, that are here to be formed by the said "entropic photon" are to then be of a completely Chern-Simons nature.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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