Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Partially Yau-Exact Superstrings

Let us take into consideration, the motion of one given arbitrary photon -- over time.  A photon exists in a p-field. A p-field works to appertain to a superstring, that moves through a minimum of ten spatial dimensions plus time.  This would then work to elude to the condition, that there may here be a ten spatial dimension-related coniaxion, that may be mapped-out -- in the directoral-based Lagrangian of the holomorphic direction that the said photon is to be moving through, over a sequential series of instantons.  As the interconnective mini-stringular segmentation that works to inter-bind both the correlative counterstring of such a respective given arbitrary case, to its directly corresponding superstring, as well as the interconnective mini-stringular segmentation that is to here be of that holonomic substrate of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- that works to inter-bind the directly corresponding superstring to its correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, is to here work to bear a torsioning of its directly appertaining eigenindices, over time -- to where the intrinsic tendency will here be, that six of the ten spatial-related coniaxials-- as appertaining to the perturbative torsional eigendindices that are to here be of the overall ten of the so-eluded-to spatial-related coniaxials, that are to here be directly associated with the Hamiltonian-based motion of the said photon through space, will bear a bending through space that is of a hermitian-based nature, while, the other four of the ten spatial-related coniaxials -- as appertaining to the perturbative torsional eigenindices that are to here be of the overall ten of the so-eluded-to spatial-related coniaxials, that are to here be directly associated with the Hamiltonian-based motion of the said photon through space, will bear a bending through space that is, instead, of a Chern-Simons-based nature.  It may often vary-- as to which of the ten spatial-related coniaxials are to be of a relatively Yau-Exact nature, and, which of the ten said coniaxials are to be of a relatively Chern-Simons nature.  This will then mean, that a photon that is not entropic, will tend to work to bear such resultant singularities -- that may be mapped-out from both the so-eluded-to hermitian and the Chern-Simons- related torsionings -- that will appertain to both hermitian and Chern-Simons Lagrangian-based singularities, over time.
This works to cause the condition, that photons are superstrings that tend to be partially Yau-Exact.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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