Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Fascinating Interim

Here is a brief synapses as to  the general tendency, as to the differences between a neutrino that moves via Noether Flow, as compared to a neutrino that moves via tachyonic flow.  A neutrino that moves via Noether Flow has an abelian, or in other words, a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology.  Such a neutrino that moves via Noether Flow, alters in its holomorphicity, in such a manner that is only of a hermitian-based nature,  in all ten spatial dimensions that it is moving through.  This means -- that a Noether-based neutrino works to bear its torsional eigenindices in such a manner, to where such eigenindices tend to change in as many derivatives as the number of spatial dimensions that such a torsional-based activity is moving through in a Fourier-based manner, over time.  This works to make neutrinos that move in a Noether-based manner, to be of a Yau-Exact nature.  Yet, neutrinos that move in a tachyonic manner, work to bear a non-abelian, or, in other words, a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology.  Such a neutrino that moves via a tachyonic flow, alters in its holomorphicity in such a manner, that is only hermitian in ten of the twelve overall spatial dimensions that it is moving through.  A tachyonic neutrino moves in twelve spatial dimensions, yet, the torsioning of the holomorphic-based eigenindices of a neutrino, tends to only work to alter in up to ten of such twelve of its so-eluded-to spatial dimensions.  This means -- that a tachyonic-based neutrino, works to bear its torsional eigenindices in such a manner, to where such eigenindices tend to change in two more derivatives, than the number of spatial dimensions that such a torsional-based activity is moving through, in a Fourier-based manner, over time.  This works to make neutrinos that move in a tachyonic-based manenr, to be of a partially Yau-Exact nature.

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