Monday, October 31, 2016

More As To "Entropic photons"

After the initial 64 consecutive iterations of group-related instantons that have happened to a given arbitrary photon -- as had happened over the course of here starting with that instanton at which the respective given arbitrary photon of this case, had struck another holonomic substrate of physical phenomenology in a Gliosis-based manner -- in a manner that would here be at the Poincare level to the two respective eluded-to orbifold eigensets that had just been brought into a direct impact, the so-eluded-to "entropic photon" will then work to bear one of its ten parametric spatial dimensions, to bear the holomorphic tendencies, that will bear torsional eigenindices that may bend in a hermitian-based manner -- to where such a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy will then be barely partially Yau-Exact -- since one of the ten spatial dimensions of the said photon will be Yau-Exact, while nine of the ten spatial dimensions of the said photon will, at this point in group-metric, be of a Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons nature, -- as the said photon is to then be traveling through a Lagrangian-based Hamiltonian operand that will be moving in a minimum of 10 spatial dimensions plus time.  This is as the said "entropic photon" will here work to bear a tendency of changing in ten spatial-based derivatives -- in so as to make such a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy to basically be of a Chern-Simons nature, during this so-eluded-to transient duration of group-metric.  This will proceed, over the ensuing 64 iterations of group-related instanton.  To Be Continued!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Photons And Entropy, Part One

How about if I am to compare and contrast the characteristics of a photon undergoing Noether Flow, to a photon that is entropic -- right after such a Sterling-based quantum of discrete eletromagnetic energy has just struck another tense of an orbifold eigenset, in a Gliosis-based manner, at a level that is Poincare to the Yukawa-based tense of the so-eluded-to two tenses of orbifold eigensets -- that are to have here collided in a relatively direct manner, -- over the duration of that group-related metric, that would span from just before the so-eluded-to impact, up to just after the so-eluded-to impact.  What you will have here, at starts, is a discrete quantum of energy -- that is partially Yau-Exact, as it travels thru what would tend to be a Hamiltonian operand of ten dimensional space, -- because the holomorphic-based torsional eigenindices, that are of the so-eluded-to illumination-based photon, are to only bend in a hermitian manner -- in six of the ten coniaxion-based back-and-forth degrees of spatial parameter-based freedom, by which such a discrete electromagnetic particle is moving thru, over time.  As the respective photon moves in ten spatial dimensions plus time, over a correlative Fourier Transformation, it will here tend to pervasively continue to alter in ten spatial derivatives, in a systematically cyclical manner, over the proscribed duration in which it is moving through its given arbitrary Lagrangian, via the process of Noether Flow.  Such a discrete quantum of energy, is to here be of a Yang-Mills nature, since the correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are to here be of a Laplacian-based sinusoidal-related nature, during the whole duration of each successive iteration of BRST,  in which the said discrete quantum of energy is as that of a photon.  This works to make a photon of a partially Yau-Exact nature in the substringular realm.  Such a superstring will work to bear a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topological geometry.  Just as the said photon is to strike a different eigenstate of an orbifold eigenset-based phenomenology, the light-cone-gauge topology of the said photon is to then convert -- as like the fractal of a "spring-like nature," -- into then temporarily bearing a Kaluza-Klein or an abelian light-cone--gauge topology.  From that iteration of the just eluded-to correlative group-related instanton -- up to the ensuing 383 iterations of group-related instantons, what was initially to be a discrete quantum of illumination-based electromagnetic energy, will at this point in group-metrical duration, act as an "entropic photon."  Initially from this point in duration, and for the ensuing 63 iterations of group-related instantons, the holomorphic-based torsional eigenindices, that are here to be formed by the said "entropic photon" are to then be of a completely Chern-Simons nature.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Fascinating Interim

Here is a brief synapses as to  the general tendency, as to the differences between a neutrino that moves via Noether Flow, as compared to a neutrino that moves via tachyonic flow.  A neutrino that moves via Noether Flow has an abelian, or in other words, a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology.  Such a neutrino that moves via Noether Flow, alters in its holomorphicity, in such a manner that is only of a hermitian-based nature,  in all ten spatial dimensions that it is moving through.  This means -- that a Noether-based neutrino works to bear its torsional eigenindices in such a manner, to where such eigenindices tend to change in as many derivatives as the number of spatial dimensions that such a torsional-based activity is moving through in a Fourier-based manner, over time.  This works to make neutrinos that move in a Noether-based manner, to be of a Yau-Exact nature.  Yet, neutrinos that move in a tachyonic manner, work to bear a non-abelian, or, in other words, a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology.  Such a neutrino that moves via a tachyonic flow, alters in its holomorphicity in such a manner, that is only hermitian in ten of the twelve overall spatial dimensions that it is moving through.  A tachyonic neutrino moves in twelve spatial dimensions, yet, the torsioning of the holomorphic-based eigenindices of a neutrino, tends to only work to alter in up to ten of such twelve of its so-eluded-to spatial dimensions.  This means -- that a tachyonic-based neutrino, works to bear its torsional eigenindices in such a manner, to where such eigenindices tend to change in two more derivatives, than the number of spatial dimensions that such a torsional-based activity is moving through, in a Fourier-based manner, over time.  This works to make neutrinos that move in a tachyonic-based manenr, to be of a partially Yau-Exact nature.

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Second Interim In-Between Sessions 2 and 3 of Clourse 20 -- Calabi Interactions and Calabi Manifolds

Neutrinos are comprised of one general genus of mass-bearing superstrings (and therefore Yau-Exact), that are of discrete energy permittivity.  Neutrinos are thereby comprised of, in part, by a certain type of Calabi-Yau bosonic string -- that is existent in a Gliosis-based manner, from within the Ward-Caucy bounds of the so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset, that works to operate as the manifold of the  said respective individually taken neutrino -- as a genus of a superstring, that is of a p-field that works to alter in its holomorphicity in what would only tend to be in a hermitian manner, over time.  This would then mean, that the mass-bearing superstrings that work to comprise the so-stated neutrino, are closed-loops that act as two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are configured to the correlative ten-dimensional spatial environment that the said p-field is to here be going through, over time, in a Yau-Exact manner.  This then means, that the torsional eigenindices of those mass-bearing superstrings -- that work to comprise neutrinos, tend to always bend in a hermitian manner, over the correlative sequential series of instantons by which such a neutrino would be metrically going through.  This would then mean, as well, that if such a string as a neutrino, were to travel through or be propagated through a relatively unitary Lagrangian-based Hamiltonian operand, over time, then, the so-eluded-to neutrino, as an orbifold eigenset, will then tend to not directly bear any Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities -- via any directly corresponding Yukawa-based manner.  This would mean, that, the Real Reimmanian-based propagation of any given arbitrary respective neutrino -- will tend to not work to directly form any spontaneous Doubolt cohomologies of a Njenhuis-based nature, in and of themselves.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Interim One In-Between Sessions 2 and 3 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Manifolds And Calabi Interactions

Let us consider two general types of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity. The first general category of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that I will discuss, is that of nucleons. These mass-bearing superstrings, are bosonic strings that exist in f-fields.  Superstrings that exist in f-fields -- act in a Fourier-based manner, in so as to move thru a minimum of four spatial dimensions plus time.  Mass-Bearing strings, that are of f-fields -- are closed-looped or two-dimensional phenomenology -- that are configured to a four-dimensional spatial field.  The next general category of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that I will discuss here, are those of d-fields.  Superstrings that are of d-fields, exist in a minimum of six spatial dimensions plus time, as these travel thru a successive series of instantons.  Such bosonic superstrings, tend to be those that are generally associated with electrons.  The mass-bearing superstrings of electrons -- are closed-looped superstrings -- that are to acts as two-dimensional strings, that are configured to the format of a six-dimensional-based spatial field.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Partially Yau-Exact Superstrings

Let us take into consideration, the motion of one given arbitrary photon -- over time.  A photon exists in a p-field. A p-field works to appertain to a superstring, that moves through a minimum of ten spatial dimensions plus time.  This would then work to elude to the condition, that there may here be a ten spatial dimension-related coniaxion, that may be mapped-out -- in the directoral-based Lagrangian of the holomorphic direction that the said photon is to be moving through, over a sequential series of instantons.  As the interconnective mini-stringular segmentation that works to inter-bind both the correlative counterstring of such a respective given arbitrary case, to its directly corresponding superstring, as well as the interconnective mini-stringular segmentation that is to here be of that holonomic substrate of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- that works to inter-bind the directly corresponding superstring to its correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, is to here work to bear a torsioning of its directly appertaining eigenindices, over time -- to where the intrinsic tendency will here be, that six of the ten spatial-related coniaxials-- as appertaining to the perturbative torsional eigendindices that are to here be of the overall ten of the so-eluded-to spatial-related coniaxials, that are to here be directly associated with the Hamiltonian-based motion of the said photon through space, will bear a bending through space that is of a hermitian-based nature, while, the other four of the ten spatial-related coniaxials -- as appertaining to the perturbative torsional eigenindices that are to here be of the overall ten of the so-eluded-to spatial-related coniaxials, that are to here be directly associated with the Hamiltonian-based motion of the said photon through space, will bear a bending through space that is, instead, of a Chern-Simons-based nature.  It may often vary-- as to which of the ten spatial-related coniaxials are to be of a relatively Yau-Exact nature, and, which of the ten said coniaxials are to be of a relatively Chern-Simons nature.  This will then mean, that a photon that is not entropic, will tend to work to bear such resultant singularities -- that may be mapped-out from both the so-eluded-to hermitian and the Chern-Simons- related torsionings -- that will appertain to both hermitian and Chern-Simons Lagrangian-based singularities, over time.
This works to cause the condition, that photons are superstrings that tend to be partially Yau-Exact.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Perturbative Torsional Eigenindices

Let us initially consider one discrete quantum of energy -- of which is here to work to bear a wave-tug/wave-push, in one general direction over time.  Let us say that the so-stated discrete quantum of energy of this case, is to soon alter in its specific path trajectory, in so as to then alter in the genus of its respective holomorphicity.  Let us next say, that the external force -- of which is to here work to alter the directoral-based holomorphicity, that may be described of by the perturbation of the Lagrangian-based path of the said discrete quantum of energy -- is to here be of the nature of a Real Reimmanian-based charge of some kind, that is to here be delineated in a relatively Gliosis-based manner upon the holonomic substrate of the so-stated discrete quantum of energy, in what may be described of here as a relatively Rham-based cohomological-based tracing of a path trajectory, over a successive series of instantons.  The tendency of such a respective given arbitrary case, will be to where the resultant Fourier-based action, that will here be enacted upon the topological surface of the inter-connective mini-stringular segmentation, that is to here work to bind the correlative respective counterstring to its correlative resepctive superstring, of which is to bind to its correlative respective Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate of such a case -- will be a tendency in which the said topological surface will end-up being bent in a torsional way, just as the said discrete quantum of energy is to here be re-delineated from one substringular displacement to the next.  If the directly corresponding superstring is to here be Yau-Exact, then, such a perturbative torsioning of the eigenindices of that said inter-connective mini-stringular segmentation, will tend to be bent in a completely hermitian manner.  Yet, if instead, the directly corresponding superstring is to here not be of a Yau-Exact manner, then, such a perturbative torsioning of the eigenindices of that said inter-connective mini-stringular segmentation -- will tend to be bent in a Chern-Simons-based manner, over the correlative successive series of instantons.
 I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Torsional Eigenindices Of Discrete Energy Quanta

Let us take into consideration, the physical conditions of a discrete quantum or quanta of energy -- that moves, under the Ward-Caucy-based conditions of having, over a correlative group-metric, the Fourier-based state as to having the presence of non-perturbative torsional eigenindices -- over the so-stated correlative group-metric.  It is the Yukawa-based Ward-Caucy-related activity of the directly corresponding Njenhuis charges, that are to here be physically applied to the holonomic substrate of a discrete quantum or a discrete quanta of energy, -- that would then tend to work to alter or to perturbate the initially so-eluded-to Jacobian eigenbase, as to the correspondence of the translation of the holonomic substrate-based eigenindices of the directly corresponding discrete quantum or quanta of energy -- that are to here be directly effected, in a Yukawa-based manner, by the so-eluded-to Imaginary set of one or more charges -- that would act here, in so as to tend to work to help, in the process of then working at forming such a genus of a flow of the said respective discrete quantum or discrete quanta of energy, to where the so-stated discrete energy is to then be "pushed" or "tugged" as a unit, in any directly corresponding holomorphicity, in which the respective given arbitrary pulse of the correlative Njenhuis or Imaginary charge or charges, that will have here been applied to the said discrete energy, will have here been proscribed for as, over a successive series of group-related instantons.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Part 5 Of Session 2 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Interactions And Calabi Manifolds

Let us initially consider the general tendency, as to the general differential geometry of the relative conglomeration of one discrete quantum of energy, to where there are here to be:  one respective given arbitrary correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, its correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity, as is to here be at a positioning that is just to the relative forward-holomorphic of a Laplacian-based distribution at the very start of BRST, and, the here correlative counterstring, as is to here be at a positioning that is just to the relative forward-holomorphic of a Laplacian-based distribution, as well, at the very start of BRST.  It is the correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstate, of the so-eluded-to discrete quantum of energy -- that acts in so as to work to inter-connect the so-stated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate with its directly correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  And, it is a correlative proximal localized set of mini-stringular segmentation -- that acts in so as to work to inter-connect the so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity with its directly corresponding counterstring.  The most inert tendency of a given arbitrary holomorphic flow, is to here, be going in a Fourier-based manner, in a relatively "straight" manner -- from the initial relative Laplacian-based distribution of the here correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, towards the initial relative Laplacian-based distribution of the here correlative counterstring, -- over a successive series of group-related instantons.  Quite often, in reality (the theorertical versus the actual), when there is any general genus of a torsioning, that is to here happen to the holonomic substrate of any of one individually taken discrete quantum of energy, it will then tend to cause a Fourier-based differentiation of a kinematic-based Hamiltonian operation, to where the interconnections, that may have here been of an initial state of linearity -- will then work to, instead, bear a tendency towards an oscillitory-based bending of the torsional-based eigenindices -- that are to here be interconnecting the proximal localized partially integrated genre, of such a said discrete quantum of energy.  Such a resultant oscillation of the kinematic-based eigenindices, that work to bind the partially integrated genus of one respective given arbitrary quantum of energy -- will work to help in the here resultant alteration of the directoral-based Hamiltonian operation, that is to here be correlative to a continued change in the here respective holomorphic direction of the said discrete quantum of energy.
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Further Interim As To Session 2 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Manifolds Calabi Interactions

If the Ward-Caucy-based Yukawa Coupling, that is of one set of zero-norm-state-projections, that are to strike one superstring of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, in so as to work to form a photon via the Fujikawa Coupling -- is to strike the just mentioned superstring at one given arbitrary angle, as would here be subtended from in-between the correlative said set of zero-norm-state-projections and the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate -- the directly corresponding angle, that is to here be delineated by the directly corresponding individually taken set of zero-norm-state-projections, that are to here strike the correlative counterstring of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, by which this is to result in forming the directly corresponding counterpart of the said photon, via the Fujikawa Coupling -- this will happen, to where this is to then be subtended by the same genus of a Ward-Caucy-based angle, from in-between the correlative said set of zero-norm-state-projections and the correlative core-field-density of the directly corresponding superstring, that was here initially mentioned as working to form the so-stated photon.  If the so-eluded-to angle of Gliosis-based strike, is to be either more acute or more obtuse than it should theoretically be, in so as to work to form the initially extrapolated tense of the holomorphic pulse -- that the soon forming photon and its counterpart were to have -- in order to not veer in its directoral-based propagation, then, the holomorphic direction of the soon propagated photon and its counterpart will contorsion, as I will soon explain later!
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

An Interim In-Between Two Parts Of Session 2 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Manifolds And Calabi Interactions

The following is the general tendency as to the relative Gliosis-based positioning, of those zero-norm-state-projections, that are to here act upon a quantum of discrete energy that is released as the excess energy of an electron -- in so as to result in working to form a photon (and its counterpart).  In one given arbitrary case scenario, as the two individually taken sets of zero-norm-state-projections, that work to form both the respective photon and the respective counterpart of the photon -- via the Fujikawa Coupling -- are acting in a Gliosis-based manner upon the holonomic substrate of both the respective given arbitrary discrete quantum of particle-based kinetic energy permittivity, and, the respective given arbitrary discrete quantum of wave-based kinetic energy permittivity -- the so-eluded-to two open loop amplitudes, that are here of the holonomic substrate of both the respective one-dimensional superstring of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, and, the respective one-dimensional counterstring of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, are here to be closed, via the duration of a successive series of group-related instantons, in a hermitian manner -- in so as to work to help in the forming of the resultant respective said photon and the resultant respective counterpart of the so-stated individually taken photon.  This said Fourier-based tense of differentiation, is to here work to form both a resultant bosonic superstring of discrete electromagnetic energy permittivity, that is completed in its formation -- at having the superstring that is to here be formed as such, to be knotted at a spot, that is here be be Gliosis to the said formed bosonic superstring, at a general locus that is proximal localized at the relative central index of curvature that is Njenhuis to the forward-holomorphic positioning of both that respective so-stated resulting two-dimensional superstring, and, at that respective so-stated resulting two-dimensional counterstring that will have here just been formed by the so-stated Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function. This would then mean that, over the course of the Fourier-based activity of the said eigenmetric of the Fujikawa Coupling -- that the hermitian-based closing of the two said loop amplitudes, that will here result in the formation of both the here formed photon and its counterpart, will happen as a radial-based delineation of the initially so-eluded-to open-loop amplitude, in a directoral-based curvature that is here to work to bear a wave-tug based motion, that is to here be flush in the said relative Njenhuis to forward-holomorphic direction, in both of these so-stated cases.  This is in so long as there is to here be no contorsioning, in what is to here be the directoral-based Lagrangian affliliated propagation of the initially so-eluded-to holomorphic direction, that is of the motion of the here formed photon and its counterpart, over the course of the said eigenmetric of the Fujikawa Coupling.
I will continue with the supsense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Part Four Of Session 2 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Manifolds And Calabi Interactions

Do you remember me mentioning the two sets of zero-norm-state-projections that work upon that discrete quantum of kinetic energy permittivity, in order to allow for that process that may be called the Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function?  This involves one of such sets of zero-norm-state-projections, that is to here act upon the pointal-based quantum of discrete kinetic energy permittivity (the respective given arbitrary superstring) -- and one of such sets of zero-norm-state-projections, that is to here act upon the wave-based quantum of discrete kinetic energy permittivity (the correlative respective given arbitrary counterstring).  The angle that exists in-between the locus of Gliosis-based contact, in which the initially so-stated set of zero-norm-stated projections is to be working to form an abelian-related Fourier-based Yukawa Coupling upon the said superstring of discrete pointal-based kinetic energy permittivity, in so as to undergo a successive set of iterations of group-related instantons, in so as to work to allow for the correlative activity of the Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function -- in so as to help the said discrete quantum of kinetic energy permittivty to subsequently work to form a photon -- and the Laplacian-based position-based iterative delineation at which the correlative respective Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is to here be in the process of being "tagged-along," is of a Ward-Caucy-based inter-relation of 22.5 degrees. As well, the angle that exists in-between the locus of Gliosis-based contact, in which the secondly so-stated set of zero-norm-state-projections is to be working to form an abelian-related Fourier-based Yukawa Coupling upon the said counterstring of discrete wave-based kinetic energy permittivity, in so as to undergo a successive set of iterations of group-related instantons in so as to work to allow for the correlative activity of the Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function -- in so as to help the said discrete quantum of kinetic energy permittivity to subsequently work to form the counterstring of a photon -- and the Laplacian-related position-based iterative delineations at which the correlative respective superstring that is of the pointal-based nature of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, is to to here be in the process of being "tagged-along," is of a Ward-Caucy-based inter-relation of 22.5 degrees.  Due to the trivially isomorphic assymetry that is to here exist, in both of these two said general cases, of a proximal localized Ward-Caucy-based torsioning, that -- due to the just mentioned manner of assymetry -- works to form an abelian eigenbase of a general Fourier-related activity, in spite of the non-abelian nature of the Laplacian-related delineation of such a respective torsioning.  In both the case of the superstring, and in the case of the counterstring -- the correlative individually taken set of zero-norm-state-projections, will then work to form the equivalence of a supplemental-based wave-tug upon the Gliosis-based locus as to where the so-eluded-to discrete quantum of kinetic energy permittivity is to bear its so-eluded-to Yukawa Coupling, as to the ensuing activity of what is here to be the activity of the said Fujikawa Coupling, to where, in spite of the so-stated angling of the Laplacian-based Hamiltonian curvature that is to here be pushed at an angle that is not actually supplemental, -- the resultant Hamiltonian-based operation of the wave-tug that is to be applied in both of the eluded-to cases of a Yukawa-based thrust -- will then work to form a propagation that is to here happen to both the superstring and to its counterstring simultaneously via the vantage-point of a central conipoint, that is of a relative Wilson linearity to, what would be in both cases, in the relative forward-holomorphic direction as to the directoral tug of the then forming photon and its correlative counterstring.  I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Third Part Of Session 2 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Manifolds And Calabi Interactions

The light-cone-gauge topology that is directly associated with a photon, is of a Yang-Mills, or, in other words, is of a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology.  This works to mean -- that those second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that work to form the holonomic substrate of the light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that works to inter-bind any one respective given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate to the directly correlative superstring of discrete electromagnetic energy permittivity of any respective case, will tend to bear a Laplacian-based Ward-Caucy condition -- as to working to bear a sinusoidal delineation -- when this is taken as a Fourier-translated standing wave basis, via which there is a Clifford Expansion as to the scalar amplitude of the correlative mini-stringular segmentation, that works here, in so as to work to form such so-eluded-to second-ordered eigenstates, during the immediate Ward-Caucy condition that is related to the here proximal localized eigenstate of the correlative Polyakov Action. Yet, think about the Ward-Caucy-based conditions of the delineation of a superstring, during the course of any one respective iteration of BRST, in which the discrete particle-based quantum of energy permittivity is here to bear a relatively Laplacian-based displacement relation to the discrete wave-based quantum of energy permititvity, of which is to here bear a relatively Laplacian-based displacement relation to the discrete particle-based quantum of energy impedance, of which is to here bear a relatively Laplacian-based displacement relation to the discrete wave-based quantum of energy impedance.  This would then work to mean, that the Laplacian-based inter-relationship of those zero-norm-state-projections -- that are to here act as two different sets of individually taken mini-stringular segmentation, that is upon both the respective superstring of discrete particle-based permittivity and upon the respective counterstring of discrete wave-based permittivity, is to bear a Fourier-translated Ward-Caucy delineation, that is to work in a smooth-curved nature at the region that is most proximal localized at the Gliosis cite of contact, by which there is to here be a Yukawa-based contact of each said set of zero-norm-state-projection upon the two so-eluded-to tenses of discrete energy permittivity, -- in such a manner to where such a hermitian tendency of contact is going to then tend to bear a local wave-tug topology, that will then be of a non-abelian nature, over those correlative sequential series of group-related instantons, by which the Fourier-based activity of the Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function is to happen -- so that discrete electromagnetic energy permititivty is to here be formed from discrete kinetic energy permititvity, that is bent in a hermitian-based manner, as may be extrapolated by the said Green Function, over time.  Such a so-eluded-to torsioning upon the holonomic substrate of the so-eluded-to eigenstates of zero-norm-state-projection, may then here work in so as to act, via the said Fourier-based activity of the Fujikawa Coupling, via the Ward-Caucy-based Laplacian condition of a trivially isometric assymetry, by which the earlier stated non-abelian geometry of the so-stated zero-norm-state-projections, that are proximal localized at that substringular region that is Yukawa to that motion that is Ward-Caucy to the said superstring and its couterstring, of which tends to work here, in so as to form a tense of a supplemental wave-tug/wave-push, that will then operate in such a Hamiltonian-based nature, by which the resultant Gliosis-based push of the said zero-norm-state-projections will then be able to work to bear a Yukawa-based torsion that will ironically act in an abelian-based manner.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

The Second Part Of Session 2 Of Course 20

As the substringular process that is appertaining to that operation by which a set of two correlative zero-norm-state-projections, will here work to help to cause one respective given arbitrary superstring to undergo the Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function -- in so as to work to assist one given arbitrary maximum contracted discrete quantum of kinetic energy, that is released from the Ward-Caucy-based bounds of an electron, to form one given arbitrary respective discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy -- there is here to be as well, at a proximal localized Fourier-based gauging, another set of two correlative zero-norm-state-projections, that will work here to help to cause the directly corresponding counterstring, that is correlative to the said superstring, to work to form the counterpart-based Fourier-based activity of the Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function.  This happens, in so as to work to help to allow, for not only the particle-based nature of the here proximal localized quantum of discrete energy permittivity to be able to then form a photon, but as well -- to work to help to allow for the wave-based nature of the here proximal localized quantum of discrete energy permittivity -- to then be able to form a photon.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Part One Of Session 2 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Manifolds And Calabi Interactions

The Fujikawa Coupling is central, not only to that activity that is related to the formation of two-dimensional superstrings of discrete eletromagnetic energy permittivity -- that are known of as photons -- From the Fourier-based activity of one-dimensional superstrings of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, that has to have here just dropped an energy level from within the Ward-Caucy bounds of a respective given arbitrary atom -- yet, it is also quintessential to the Fourier-based translation of having to work to help in the process of causing one respective individually taken fully Lorentz-Four-Contracted one-dimensional open-strand of plain kinetic energy permittivity, to be able to thenceforth work to help in the formation of a fully contracted closed-loop two-dimensional superstring that is of a discrete bosonic-based nature.  The Fujikawa Coupling is what had initially worked to form the light-like energy, from those initial open-strands of individually taken eigenstates that were of the correlative disturbances of space, that had been just struck by whatever worked to form the Big-Bang -- by the resultant of that discombobulation that had happened right after the core of the Big-Bang was struck, in so as to work to form the initial energy that had subsequently worked to form the multiverse, this of which had to have happened -- soon after the initial Higgs Boson eigenstate or the Isoelliptiabelianoid, had worked to form the initial set of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.