Saturday, September 17, 2016

Test Solution 12 To The Last Test Of Course 19

12)  Let us consider an orbifold eigenset, that is to here be currently undergoing the process of the Kahler-Metric.   Let us say that the said respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is to then be currently moving in a tachyonic manner.  Let us say that -- over the whole general course of such a respective group-based activity of the Kahler-Metric, that the said orbifold eigenset will be moving in the so-eluded-to manner, that is to then not be of the tendency of the motion of a Noether-based flow, over the directly correlative duration of time by which such a set of superstrings that operate in so as to perform one specific function, is to be going through such a so-eluded-to group-metric.  In so long as such an eigenset is to fully go through the said duration of the Kahler-Metric -- the directly corresponding orbifold will then be going through those 384 iterations of group-related instanton, that are to be related to a flow that is of the Kahler-Metric, although the so-stated orbifold eigenset will be directly associated with an indistinguishably different specific substringular neighborhood or substringular region -- over the course of each succeeding iteration of group-related instanton, in which the said orbifold eigenset is to be going through each successful ensuing step, that is here to be related to the successive series of the Kahler-Metric.
I will continue with the suspense later!   To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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