Wednesday, September 14, 2016

As To Discrete Quanta Entering Holonomic Substrate Of Klein Bottle Eigenstate

As The Kahler-Metric is Yukawa to the topological stratum of an orbifold eigenset of discrete energy quanta, the directly associated discrete quanta of energy that are to work to inter-mingle with the Ward-Caucy-based bounds of the holonomic substrate of the correlative Klein Bottle eigenstate -- immediately after each individually taken iteration of BRST -- fall into the Ward-Neumman bounds of the said respective given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate, in so as to then shake back-and-forth eight overall times (primarily from the relative holomorphic direction to the relative reverse-holomorphic direction and back again, a total of eight times until the completion of such a "shaking"), in so as to work to help the so-eluded-to discrete quanta of energy, to reattain one fractal of the cross between both discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance, -- right before finishing up in the process of one iteration of group-related instanton, by then participating in the gauge-metric of the directly affiliated correlative iteration of the Regge Action. As discrete energy quanta work to enter the "shuffleing," so-to-speak, upon the Ward-Neumman bounds of the said holonomic substrate, that is of the respective Klein Bottle eigenstate -- then, those individually taken norm-state-projections, that had initially worked to bear what would have tended to be a purely harmonic Reimman-based distribution, will then be pushed into a resultant Rayleigh-based scattering, -- at the Poinare level to the Gliosis-based topological stratum of those norm-state-projections, that had initially been in what would have started out as bearing both a homeomorphic and a homogeneous distribution. The activity of both the shaking of the discrete quanta of energy, that had just entered into the Ward-Neumman bounds of the so-stated holonomic substrate of the respective Klein Bottle eigenstate, along with the process of the said discrete quanta of energy being temporarily scattered in an annharmonic manner, -- works to imbue the needed individually taken fractal of discrete energy quanta, upon the topological substrate of those "packets" of energy that need to go into the process of both persisting and existing, in the ensuing Ultimon Flow.  Once that discrete energy quanta leave the Ward-Neumman bounds of the so-stated holonomic substrate of the respective eigenstate of the Klein Bottle, the general motion that the substringular realm bears, during the then eminent Regge Action -- will then work to cause the eigenindices of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate, to then perform a Reimman-based scattering, -- in so as to bring these said eigenstates back into a condition of being both of a homeomorphic and of a homogeneous nature, at the Poincare level to the topological surface of the so-eluded-to Kahler-based eigenstate.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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