Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The 7th Test Solution To The Last Test Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

7)  Gravity waves are the vibrational oscillations, of what I term of here as Schwinger-Indices.  Schwinger-Indices are the resultant vibrational indices, that are created by the "plucking" of light-cone-gauge eigenstates by what I term of as gauge-bosons.  It (gravity) is more specifically -- the process of transmitting the general multiplicit physical entity -- of what I term of as third-ordered Schwinger-Indices, as these are propagated along the Rarita Structure -- that act, as that general Fourier-related kinematic process, that acts as the physical activity that is of that gauge-metrical flow of motion, that works to allow for the interdependence of gravity to be Yukawa to all of the other general main forces of nature.  Here:  A given arbitrary gauge-boson is here to be brought into a Gliosis-based contact with a respective given arbitrary second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  The resultant torsioning of the so-eluded-to Yukawa-based contact -- that is here to made, between the so-stated gauge-boson upon the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- is to then act in so as to twitch the so-eluded-to partially derived wave-based holonomic substrate of discrete energy impedance (the correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate) -- in so as to act in order to help to form -- what approaches as being a resonant vibrational oscillation, that is among what is here to be the Ward-Caucy bounds of the respective proximal locus.  At such a so-stated proximal locus -- the correlative Clifford Expansion, that is of the correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstate of such a case,  is to here be undergoing a respective given arbitrary euler-based decompactification of its Poincare-based eigenindices.  This general genus of activity, initially produces vibrations, that  are then to be in a viable condition -- by which such a so-eluded-to set of oscillations, are to bear a Fractal of an open "gate" of delineation, through which the vibrational set of both the potential Real and/or the Complex roots of unattenuated disturbances of space, are to then be made to be propagated along what may be thought of here as a matrix of mini-stringular segmentation -- that may be called the multiplicit so-eluded-to Rarita Structure.  The interaction of this general propagatorial eigenbase, is to play upon the holonomic substrate of both gravitons and gravitinos -- in so as to help to cause the interdependent interaction of gravity upon both mass, energy, and electromagnetic energy, over time.  Here's an alagory:  Picture a "marionette."  Think of the "strings" of such an alagory as the metaphorical gravity waves or Schwinger-Indices, think of the "puppets" as the metaphorical gravitons and the gravitinos, and then think of the "puppeteer" as the metaphorical quanta of discrete energy itself.

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