Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Operators And Group-Attractors

The more convergent that the eigenstates that are operating in the substringular, from within the Ward-Neumman bounds of a conformally invariant-based sequential series of iterations of group-related instantons -- tends to happen to be Yukawa upon those eigenindices that work to help to form the holonomic substrate of a relatively steady-stated substringular framework at the Poincare level to what is here to be a proximal localized set of superstrings -- that are to be in a state of conformal invariance -- when this is taken in a direct correspondence to the intensity of the even chiral grouping of those so-eluded-to eigenstates that would help here, in so as to work to form the holonomic substrate of a respective local framework, that is to here be undergoing a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, -- the greater that the hierarchy is, of the scalar amplitude of that conformal invariance, that will then be exhibited as such.   This is in so as to work to help to cause those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- that act here in so as to help to comprise the correlative eigenindices of the said holonomic substrate, that is to here be considered as existing in a state of a relatively static equilibrium of a substringular-based condition, to then tend to remain relatively stationary in a global tense -- until there is a spontaneously interactive inter-play of a ghost-inhibitor, that is to the act upon the cohomological mappable tracing of the holonomic substrate-based topological-based setting of the Fourier-based differentiation, that is of the activity of those eigenindices that will work here to comprise the said superstrings, that are here in a Ward-Caucy-based condition of a substringular tense of static equilibrium, to work to push away the initially stated Yukawa-based torsioining of those respective group-attractors -- that had earlier worked to help to keep the respective initial tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- that I had mentioned, in that steady-stated modulus that I had eluded-to in the first place, until the activity of the said given arbitrary eigenstates of what would have here worked to comprise the so-stated ghost-inhibitor -- had acted upon the said initial steady-state substringular field, in so as to work to perturbate the so-eluded-to conformally invariant field from working to bear an initial Reimman-based scattering, into then working to, instead, bear a Rayleigh-based scattering -- in so as to cause the respective eigenindices that were initially ordered, to go into a state of what will then be a condition of relative disorder, in a spontaneous manner, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely Samuel David Roach.

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