Friday, August 26, 2016

As To Certain Resultant Behaviors

Since the "gluing" together of those sub-atomic particles -- that works to help in the formation of nucleons, works to bear torsional eigenindices that are of a whole spin, -- at the Poincare level to the nucleus of an atom -- the so-stated nucleons, when in a steady-state mobility at the so-eluded-to internal reference frame, will tend to bear more of a tense of rest, at the so-eluded-to Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode that is at the said Poincare level to the nucleus of any given arbitrary atom that is at relative rest at the said internal reference frame.  While, since that "gluing" together of those three leptons in so as to help to form an electron -- works to bear torsional eigenindices that are of a fractional spin, -- at the Poincare level to the outer Ward-Neumman bounds of an atom --  when in a steady-state mobility at the so-eluded-to internal reference frame, will tend to bear more of a tense of rapid changes in positional delineation, at the so-eluded-to Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode that is at the said Poincare level to the outer Ward-Neumman bounds of an atom.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will return to work on the week that is to start on the 4th.

A Little Bit Of Added Explaination

It is gluons that work to help, in the connection of those sub-atomic particles that come together -- in so as to form the nucleons of an atom.  Gluons are one genus of a sub-atomic particle -- that acts as the eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure.  There are other genre of sub-atomic particles, that work to help connect other sub-atomic particles -- in so as to help to form other particles, besides those particles that work to form the nuclei of an atom, in general.  For instance, there is a different genus of a multiplicit eigenstate of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- that works in so as to bind the three leptons together, that are needed in so as to work to help form an electron.  The main difference that exists in-between a gluon (that helps to bind quarks with leptons) and the genus of a sub-atomic particle that helps to bind three leptons together -- in so as to work to form an electron -- is  that the torsioining of a gluon, in so as to work to help to make the charges that are directly associated with the nucleons (a positive charge for a proton, and a neutral charge for a neutron), act in a Fourier-based manner -- in such a way, to where this so-eluded-to activity works to bear individually taken whole spins, over time.  Whereas, the torsioning of that multiplicit genus of a particle -- that works to help to make the charge of an electron, acts in a Fourier-based manner -- in such a way, to where this so-eluded-to activity works to bear individually taken fractional spins.  Bosons work to bear a whole spin, while fermions work to bear a fractional spin.  Likewise, that genus, in general, of an eigenstate of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- that acts in so as to pull together those sub-atomic particles that work to make the composition of a boson -- works to bear torsional eigenindices, that have an integer-based spin.  Thurthermore, that genus, in general, of an eigenstate of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- that acts, in so as to pull together those sub-atomic particles that work to make the composition of a fermion -- works to bear torsional eigenindices that have a fractional-based spin.  This is the general case of two different genre of eigenstates -- that are, in general, of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Test Solution 8 Of The Last Test Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

8)  The strong force, is the force that works to bind the various sub-atomic particles -- in so as to help to form the basic building blocks of atoms -- such as protons, neutrons, and electrons.  This "gluing" together of sub-atomic particles, is made of the holonomic substrate -- that acts as the different genre of the eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure.  There is a certain balance of those respective forces, that work to help in the causation of any eigenstate of the strong force -- to be able to be kept unabated, at the multiplicit general proximal localization at which the strong force is here to be kept non-perturbated-out of being an increment, of what is here to be that general physical phenomenology that is here to be holding together the building blocks of matter -- at the atomic and/or at the subatomic level.  In any given arbitrary case, when such a said general tense of a balance -- as this may be taken as a given arbitrary genre of a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariance-Mode -- is perturbated, via a respective genus of a Rayleigh-based scattering of those eigenindices, that had here altered from those initial respective Ward-Caucy-based conditions, that had acted here, in so as to keep the strong force stable at its general locus to where it was acting at in a Fourier-based manner, -- at the said initial state of conditions, then, such an annharmonic perturbation may often loosen the metaphorical "grip" of the proximal localization of such a respective eigenstate of the strong force -- to where this will then work to help to cause an increment of the Fourier-based activity of a tense of a respective spontaneous radioactive decay, ironically enough.  In this general tense, such an alteration from the initially so-eluded-to conditions of the so-stated balance -- that was affiliated with the strong force, may then help to weaken a respective increment of the strong force, in so as to then work to produce an increment of what may then behave as what may be termed of as a genus of an example of the weak force.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The 7th Test Solution To The Last Test Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

7)  Gravity waves are the vibrational oscillations, of what I term of here as Schwinger-Indices.  Schwinger-Indices are the resultant vibrational indices, that are created by the "plucking" of light-cone-gauge eigenstates by what I term of as gauge-bosons.  It (gravity) is more specifically -- the process of transmitting the general multiplicit physical entity -- of what I term of as third-ordered Schwinger-Indices, as these are propagated along the Rarita Structure -- that act, as that general Fourier-related kinematic process, that acts as the physical activity that is of that gauge-metrical flow of motion, that works to allow for the interdependence of gravity to be Yukawa to all of the other general main forces of nature.  Here:  A given arbitrary gauge-boson is here to be brought into a Gliosis-based contact with a respective given arbitrary second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  The resultant torsioning of the so-eluded-to Yukawa-based contact -- that is here to made, between the so-stated gauge-boson upon the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- is to then act in so as to twitch the so-eluded-to partially derived wave-based holonomic substrate of discrete energy impedance (the correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate) -- in so as to act in order to help to form -- what approaches as being a resonant vibrational oscillation, that is among what is here to be the Ward-Caucy bounds of the respective proximal locus.  At such a so-stated proximal locus -- the correlative Clifford Expansion, that is of the correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstate of such a case,  is to here be undergoing a respective given arbitrary euler-based decompactification of its Poincare-based eigenindices.  This general genus of activity, initially produces vibrations, that  are then to be in a viable condition -- by which such a so-eluded-to set of oscillations, are to bear a Fractal of an open "gate" of delineation, through which the vibrational set of both the potential Real and/or the Complex roots of unattenuated disturbances of space, are to then be made to be propagated along what may be thought of here as a matrix of mini-stringular segmentation -- that may be called the multiplicit so-eluded-to Rarita Structure.  The interaction of this general propagatorial eigenbase, is to play upon the holonomic substrate of both gravitons and gravitinos -- in so as to help to cause the interdependent interaction of gravity upon both mass, energy, and electromagnetic energy, over time.  Here's an alagory:  Picture a "marionette."  Think of the "strings" of such an alagory as the metaphorical gravity waves or Schwinger-Indices, think of the "puppets" as the metaphorical gravitons and the gravitinos, and then think of the "puppeteer" as the metaphorical quanta of discrete energy itself.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Test Solution 6 Of The Last Test Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

6) The general tense of those eigenstates that are of the holonomic substrate of the strong force, when this is taken in terms of the Rarita Structure -- is the respective multiplicit eigenstate of the centralized knotting of the said Rarita Structure.  The multifarious loci, at which there are such eigenstates that are of the so-stated centralized knotting -- are proximal localizations to where there are those cites, to where the forces that work to bind the phenomenology of those sub-atomic particles, that work to come together in so as to work to form the basic building blocks of what work to form atoms -- come into a Gliosis-related manner, by which the so-eluded-to "gluing" of the said sub-atomic particles is to happen, to where such an activity is to then occur, in so as to help to form those atomic fields that operate in so as to work to help to form our physical world.  As the said eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure work,  to differentiate in a kinematic manner, in so as to tend to bear what may here be termed of as torsional eigenindices, such so-eluded-to twisting and spinning will here, help to cause what would arise here as what may be termed of as electrostatic charges -- that is to here be involved with the Fourier-based activity of the electromotive force.  Such a so-eluded-to spin-related motility -- that tends to push in a "cross-product"- manner -- as this may be taken from the central conipoint of an atom, could here be deemed of as a "negative" charge.  And, such a so-eluded-to spin-related motility -- that tends to push in a "dot-product"-based manner, as this may be taken from the central conipoint of an atom as well, could then be deemed of as a "positive" charge.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Quite An Important Aside

As I have mentioned many times before, an orbifold eigenset is a set of superstrings that perform one given function.  There are different layers of reality in time and space, and also, there are different universes of one set of parallel universes, that exist in time and space -- that are each near where one goes, everywhere you may go or travel.  The idea as to a manifold -- that is common to all of the superstrings that belong to one layer of reality -- is what I term of as the distinguishment that exists between the different respective "tori-sector-ranges."  Any one given arbitrary said tori-sector-range, is a manifold-like/membronous-like structure -- from within which, all of the superstrings that belong to any of one given arbitrary layer of reality, are to here be Gliosis to that membronous topological-based holonomic substrate, via which those superstrings that are Yukawa to the Fourier-based wave-tug/wave-push, that is to here be created in part -- by such a so-eluded-to metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian-based operand, is to then be operational, as a physically-based eigenbase of phenomenology.
Each layer of reality -- as taken from within the Ward-Caucy-based bounds of its physical substrate -- has a tense of all of the parallel universes, that are of one given set of parallel universes, as this is incorporated into their general encodement -- via the behavior that may be condoned of as happening, during that general duration that may be called SETS, that happens during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Fifth Test Solution Of The Last Test Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

5)  The Rarita Structure is the fabric-based holonomic substrate of Hamiltonian operand, by which the waves, oscillations, and other vibrations, that work to link the gravitational force to the other basic forces, -- may be commuted amongst each other, in both a covariant, codeterminable, and in a codifferentiable manner, in so as to work to inter-relate the general multiplicit interdependence of the four main forces upon each other, in both an overtly tangible and in a Fourier-related manner, over time.  The multiplicit relative opening end of the Rarita Structure, is the holonomic substrate of the light-cone-gauge.  The multiplicit supplemental end of the Rarita Structure, is the holonomic substrate of the correlative intrinsic field -- that is located at the cite where the gauge-bosons are.  As the so-stated relative multiplicit gauge-boson-related substrate acts, in so as to "pluck" the multiplicit holonomic substrate of the light-cone-gauge-related topology, the thus formed vibrations are then to act as heuristically affiliated gravity waves -- that flow along the so-eluded-to metrical-gauge-related Hamiltonian operand of holonomic substrate that I have eluded to, that may be called the Rarita Structure, in so as to work to form an interdependent oscillation-based cohesion, that is to exist among the whole of all of the main forces, that work to comprise our natural world.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, August 19, 2016

The Fourth Test Solution Of The Last Test Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

4)  The core-field-density of the general phenomenology of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, is the topological surface that is Gliosis to the Ward-Caucy-based holonomic substrate of an eigenstate of any given arbitrary respective superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- as this is taken at the Poincare level to the Laplacian-based Ward-Neumman bounds of the respective incoming given arbitrary mini-stringular segmentation.  As the so-eluded-to mini-stringular segmentation works here, in so as to come together or to integrate as a Reimman scattering, into such a said so-eluded-to node of compiled norm-state-projection-like phenomenology, in such a manner in so as to work to form that relative chiral-based organization of particles -- that bear a level of relatively half full compactification per each individual "mer" -- as to those so-stated first-ordered point particles, that have here to come together into a proximity of their homotopic proximal localization, in so as to form that relative order of the multiplicit disturbance of space, to where this works to form a discrete increment of the pointal-based quanta of energy permittivity.  The directly corresponding counterstrings, of what are typically phenomenology that are positioned relatively parallel to the correlative superstring of any respective case during BRST, are positioned pretty much, just to the relative holomorphic side to the said individually taken superstring, to where such said counterstrings, bear a much greater webbing of mini-stringular segmentation Just Outside Of these first-ordered point particles that work to form their topological-based holonomic substrate.  This is why the counterparts of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- act as more of a multiplicit metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator, that is of the wave-based function of the quanta of the said discrete energy permittivity.  The homotopic inter-binding of pointal/wavelike Ward-Caucy Fourier-related covariant differentiation, that is of those eigenindices that work to form the so-eluded-to discrete energy permititivty -- that is at the Poincare level to such an organized disturbance in space, works to form the topological stratum of the core-field-density of superstrings.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Test Solution 3 Of The Last Test Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

3)  Let us consider one respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, initially, that is of one respective universal setting -- over a directly corresponding Fourier-Transformation, in which such a set of superstrings that operate in so as to perform one specific function, are Yukawa to a relative proximal localized cite -- that is of one substringular region, in which such a metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator is to work to bear here, a topological flow that is Gliosis to the Ward-Caucy bounds of one specific universal tense of a Gaussian-based spacing. All of those discrete quanta of energy, that work here to comprise the so-stated orbifold eigenset, are both codeterminable, covariant, and codifferenitiable to the same Gaussian-based tense of a Jacobian-related eigenbase -- to where all of the "packets" of discrete energy that work to make-up such an orbifold eigenset, are of the same universal setting, or, in other words, to where all of the "packets" of discrete energy that work to make-up such an orbifold eigenset, are all of the same universe.  Next, let us say that there is to here be another relatively adjacent orbifold eigenset, that acts in a Fourier-based manner -- in so as to have component parts that wobble in such a manner -- in so as to not bear here a Yukawa-based Ward-Caucy-related topological sway, that would otherwise be viable in an abelian manner -- upon the eigenstates of the discrete energy quanta, that have worked here to comprise the initially said orbifold eigenset, that is of this respective case. Since the two mentioned orbifold eigensets of such a given case, bear such a Li-based Jacobian eigenbase -- that is heuristically non-viable -- the one tense of the given eigenbase -- when in relation to the first said oribifold eigenset, upon the other tense of the given eigenbase -- when taken in relation to the second said orbifold eigenset, when this is taken in terms of the lack of an abelian topolological sway of the correlative eigenstates of the Rarita Structure of the first mentioned so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset, upon the other respective mentioned so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset, then, the Li-based Gaussian spacing of the two individually taken orbifold eigensets, are not of such a nature, in so as to have a direct spontaneous interdependent homotopic interaction of one of such eigensets upon the other.  This would thus work to cause the two said respective orbifold eigensets, to be of two different universal setting.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Solution To The Second Question Of The Last Test Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

2)  The general flow of the Kahler-Metric, is as follows:  The holonomic substrate of an eigenstate of the Klein Bottle, is moved by the leveraging of the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism -- in so as to be tugged by an eigenstate of the Higgs Boson, into the general relative forward-norm-to-holomorphic direction, until the said eigenstate of the Klein Bottle is to reach that given arbitrary Real-Reimmanian-based plane -- by which it is to interact with discrete energy quanta, in a Gliosis-based manner.  Once that the said eigenstate of the Klein Bottle has then reached the just mentioned plane, it is to then be translated per each successive iteration of group-related instanton -- as it is then moving in the relative forward-holomorphic direction, as the so-stated respective given arbitrary discrete energy quanta "tags along," by interacting with the so-eluded-to Schotky Construction-based compilation, as it is being translated to the relative "left."  After 96 consecutive iterations of group-instanton, that is of the so-eluded-to process of the said discrete energy quanta to here be interacting with the said eigenstate of the holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle, the just mentioned Klein Bottle eigenstate is to then be re-translated back into the relative reverse-holomorphic direction, -- by the activity that is to here be involved with 95 ensuing consecutive iterations of group-related instantons.  (No locus of the iteration of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate is to here be repeated in this so-eluded-to group-metric.)  As the said reverse-holomorphic activity of the so-stated Klein Bottle eigenstate is then being translated back by 95 interactions of group-instanton, the correlative discrete energy quanta act in so as to again "tag along."  After this so-eluded-to Gliosis-based process, that is of the interaction of discrete energy quanta -- inter-mingling with the respective eigenstate of the holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle, is to then happen, the just stated eigenstate is to then be translated in the relative reverse-norm-to-holomorphic direction -- to where this will then here work to cause the said eigenstate of the holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle to be moved out of the Real Reimmanian plane, that had acted as the Yukawa-based Hamiltonian operand of the so-written Kahler-Metric-affiliated tense, that is of the correlative Fourier-related activity.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Test Solution To The First Question Of The Last Test Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

1)  The holonomic substrate of an eigenstate of the Klein Bottle -- whose cohomological mappable tracing works to form what is generally conceived of as being the actual Klein Bottle -- is comprised of in the following manner:  One is to have a set of orientifolds, that is of two adjacent interconnected sets of world-sheets, -- that each bear a Wilson Linearity, that is of a rectangular-based nature, and this so-stated rectangular interconnection has a length that is four times the Planck Length, and two times the Planck Length in width.  The so-called "length" of such an entity, is delineated in a Laplacian-based manner -- in the relative holomorphic direction, while, the same so-called "width" of such an entity, is delineated from the relative reverse-norm-to-holomorphic direction, up to the relative forward-norm-to-holomorphic direction -- in a Laplacian-based manner.  The ends of such a holonomic substrate, are connected by a pair of orientifolds -- that have a relative "height" of the earlier mentioned two Planck Lengths, and this so-stated entity of holonomic substrate -- has a relative thickness -- that works to interconnect its length and height (the "height" of which is here the so-proscribed "width") -- that is of a Laplacian-based scalar magnitude of one Planck-Length.  The so-eluded-to structure of the said holonomic substrate, is as a parallelopiped, that has an open top, in so as to work to allow for the capacity of the here entering discrete energy quanta, that is to act in so as to reattain its fractals of discrete energy, to be able to enter into the Ward-Caucy bounds of the said holonomic substrate-affiliated eigenstate of the Klein Bottle, to be able to have the wherewithal to enter in here as such.  The motion of such an eigenstate of  holonomic substrate, works to form a respective genus of a cohomological mappable tracing -- that behaves as what is actually conceived of, over time, as the actual Klein Bottle eigenstate.  I will explain the shape of such a cohomological mappable tracing, in the process of answering a further test question later.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Session 16 Of Course 19, Test Questions To The Last Test -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

1)  Describe the general shape of the holonomic substrate of a Klein Bottle eigenstate.

2)  What is the general flow of the Kahler-Metric?

3)  Describe the general difference of one orbifold eigenset that is of one universal setting, to another orbifold eigenset that is of a different universal setting.

4)  What is the general condition of the core-field-density of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity?

5)  Describe the Laplacian-based lay-out of the Rarita Structure, from its opening and to its supplemental end.

6)  Describe the general tense of the eigenstates of the holonomic substrate of the strong force, when this is taken in terms of the Rarita Structure.

7)  Describe, in general terms, what gravity waves are.

8)  Describe, in general, what can happen to the strong force -- in so as to open-up conditions for the weak force.

9)  Describe the relationship between gravity, discrete energy permittivity, and discrete energy impedance.

10)  Describe the relationship between both elastic and fractal modulae at a microscopic level, to discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance.  Give two respective examples of how this relates to a more macroscopic level -- one for the general elastic modulus and one form the general fractal modulus.

11)  Describe how alterations in the flow of the Klein Bottle, in general, may often work to tend to effect the setting of a correlative orbifold eigenset.

12)  Describe how a tachyonic orbifold eigenset may interact with an indistinguishably different tense of a set of Kahler-based fields.

13)  Describe the general tense of the indistinguishable differences of norm-conditions -- as these are being recycled throughout the Ultimon.

14)  Describe the general tense of the cohomological mappable tracing of a Klein Bottle eigenstate.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Part Two Of Session 15 Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

Let us here initially consider one given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate -- as the holonomic substrate of what I have described of in the past as being comprised of in the manner as being of the "Schotky Construction."  Let us next consider, that the said holonomic substrate of the respective eigenstate of the Klein Bottle, is to here be in the process of what may be here described of as a duration or an eigenmetric of what may be desecribed of as the Kahler-Metric.  Let us next consider that the so-stated eigenmetric of the Kahler-Metric, is to be initially in the process of working to help at the attainment of having those superstrings, that would here be directly corresponding to one orbifold eigenset (one set of one or more superstrings, that function in so as to have the bearings of one specific subatomic operation), to be able to regain those fractals of discrete energy quanta -- in so as to work to both perpetuate and continue the prolonged existence of discrete energy quanta, that are unfrayed, to remain as the holonomic substrate of the respective discrete energy quanta, by which the eigenmembers -- which are here as the substringular eigenindices -- that would here work to comprise the so-stated orbifold eigenset, are to here continue to be in the process of being a set of both cohesive and covariant integrable discrete energy -- that would work here as a Hamiltonian operator, that had one specific substringular task to perform.  Next, let us say that the so-stated Klein Bottle eigenstate of holonomic substrate, was to initially be performing in such a manner, in so as to partake of an initial directly corresponding universal setting.  Let us next say that the initial general setting -- as to what was here to be of both the relative forward-norm-to-holomorphic end of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate, and, the relative reverse-norm-to-holomorphic end of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate -- were to be vibrating through such a discrete Hamiltonian operand, by which the so-formed Lagrangian-based path was here to engage in a Fourier-based activity in so as to both vibrate and shimmer, in a general path -- that one may typify as a basically unitary Lagrangian-related space-time-funneling, over the initial general pattern, by which such a Hamiltonian operation would be starting to here move into the tendency of being extrapolated, in so as to act in the same universal setting as those adjacent eigenindices of discrete energy quanta, that would work here to bear a tendency of a Gaussian-based orphoganation with those superstrings -- that are of this so-stated orbifold eigenset that I have been mentioning in this respective given case.  If the initially stated Klein Bottle eigenstate of holonomic substrate, were to then torque as one whole entity -- out of the initial so-eluded-to discrete unitary Lagrangian path, that is here to exhibit the latter mentioned so-eluded-to supplemental-based funneling  -- then, this would tend to alter or perturbate at the Poincare level, the Gliosis-based universal setting of both the said eigenstate of the Klein Bottle, as well as to then heuristically alter the universal setting of the said respective orbifold eigenset, -- in so as to be introduced as a Li-based eigenmember, towards the latter written second so-eluded-to tense of universal setting.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Part One Of Session 15 Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

If the overall holonomic substrate of any of one of many directly associated given arbitrary respective Klein Bottle eigenstates, are to each angle from their otherwise relative supplemental Lagrangian-based path operands -- to where both of each of the then altered general reverse-norm-to-forward-holomorphic surfaces as well as their then altered norm-to-forward-holomorphic surfaces -- at which the so-eluded-to holonomic substrate of the respective multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstate, is to then work to both vibrate and/or wobble, as it is to be, in so as is according to the general genus of the here directly corresponding tense of the given arbitrary tense of the Kahler-Metric, to where this is to here be happening as such, then, such a said general genus as to the perturbation of the correlative topological-based end-points, that are here to work to indicate the general mode of the alteration of the eigenbase of the correlative cohomological-based mappable tracing (by which the correlative eigenindices of the holonomic substrate of the said multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstate, are to then form a different tense of a differential geometric norm-state-based funneling, that is of the directly corresponding altered Lagrangian-based path), that is to here work to form the resultant of the here altered path, by which the correlative Hamiltonian operand is to then be pulled through, then, such a change in the Ward-Caucy-based Fourier-related ordering, that is of the correlative funneling of the Kahler-based eigenindices, that are to then to work to form a different tense of a relativistic orphoganation of the proximal localized Gaussian norm-state-projections, will happen, to where this will then tend to work to cause the directly associated superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are directly effected by such a perturbation of the eigenbase of the correlative norm-state conditions -- to where this will then tend to work to cause, what may here be described of as an alteration of the tense of the Gaussian spacing of these said superstrings.  This will then tend to "domino-out" the resultant Li-based changes in the tense of the correlative Gaussian eigenbase of the correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- which will then tend to make these directly associated superstrings to then be of a different universal setting.  This will then work to cause the superstrings, that act as such, a given arbitrary case, to work to re-attain their discrete fractals of energy quanta, -- in so as to work to form both a perpetual and a continual tendency for the existence of discrete energy, -- in what would here be the newly introduced relative tense of that respective universal setting, that such a set of one or more directly correlative superstrings are to have then come into "grips" of then having to become an eigenstate of.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, August 8, 2016

On The Strong Force, In Terms Of The Weak Force

Let us say that there were to be a certain integer number of forces, that are to act upon an eigenstate of the strong force -- at a proximal localization, to the locus at which there is to be an eigenstate of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, in the substringular.  Let us next say that there is to then be the introduction of a ghost-inhibitor -- to the general region at which the so-stated eigenstate of the  strong force was to be initially predominant at, in such a respective given arbitrary case scenario.  Let us next say, that such an introduction of the presence of the said ghost-inhibitor -- was to work to eliminate one or more of the so-eluded-to forces, by which the so-stated proximal locus of the said eigenstate of the strong force, that is of such a directly corresponding case, was to be differential at, in a Fourier-based manner, over an initially present sequential series of group-related instantons.  Let us then say, that the so-eluded-to physical removal of the said one or more forces -- that had worked, in so as to help to cause the here relatively proximal localized holonomic substrate of the said eigenstate of the strong force -- to then happen, to where this would then work in so as to cause an ensuing perturbation of the whole general locus of the said eigenstate.  This said eigenstate, that is of the centralized knotting of the relatively local eigenbase of the Rarita Structure, when this is taken in terms of the eigenbase of the initially so-eluded-to tense of that Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- by which the said eigenstate of the strong force was to have here, had an initial consideration of working to bear a tense of superconformal invariance, from within the so-eluded-to initially considered Ward-Caucy bounds of the proximal localized mass-bearing state, by which the said eigenstate of the strong force was to here be working to help in the stability of what was to here be an eigenstate of a mass, that had initially been in a state of relative static equilibrium -- over a relatively transient duration of time. In such a given arbitrary case scenario, the so-stated elimination of the said one or more forces -- that had worked here, in so as to help in the process of the perpetuity of the so-eluded-to localized eigenstate of discrete mass -- may then often work to help at causing the initially bound condition of a relatively stable mass, that was here to be exhibiting the strong force, to then be locally unstable in its covariant eigenbase, as to its specific localization.  This may then happen, by which such a general condition -- will then be helping to work to cause the directly corresponding mass-bearing eigenstate, to then diverge from its initial state of superconformal invariance.  This may then often work to cause the resultant Ward-Caucy-based conditions of the directly corresponding eigenstate of mass -- that was  to initially be of a convergent nature,  when in terms of its initial state of conformal invariance -- to then work to tend to  bear a condition of spontaneous radioactive decay, thereby, to where this case scenario is to then, ironically enough, to move in the direction by which such a directly corresponding mass, is to then be exhibiting a given arbitrary case of the weak force, instead.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Strong Force Versus Weak Force

Here is some food for thought.  The eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, are that general multiplicit genus of phenomenology -- that act in so as to glue or to put together, the various building blocks of certain sub-atomic particles to be able to be put together, in so as to have the atomic phenomenology of mass-bearing particles.  It is the torsional eigenindices, of such so-stated eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- that  act, in so as to work to form the multifarious physical charges of matter.  If the modulus of the general twisting action of one or more sets of gluons, that are in or of one or more sets of atoms, were to reverse in the general process of its directoral wave-tug/wave-push -- when this is taken in terms of the overall Ward-Caucy-based Fourier-related activity, by which the so-eluded-to Hamiltonian operand of the so-eluded-to gluons were to here be moving through, in so as to work to keep the building blocks of matter together  -- over one of such sequential series of iterations of group-related instanton, by which the Real Reimmanian-based charge, that is to here be directly related to such a set of one or more gluons -- is to here work to bear a tendency, that is to move in the direction of the strong force, then, such a so-stated reversal in the Fourier-based process of the activity of the torsional-related directoral-based permittivity of the said proximal locus -- by which the Gliosis-based eigenindices that are of the topological stratum of that holonomic substrate, that was here to initially be of the formation of the characteristics of the strong force -- would then, instead, work to cause an unwinding of a given arbitrary scalar amplitude of a certain delineation of mini-stringular segmentation, by which that activity that had here worked to initially help in so as to cause a given arbitrary group-metric-based activity, that had involved the strong force, to where this would then, instead, be brought into such a condition -- in so as to help in the process of being able to work to help to form a group-metric, that would here be involved with the correlative Ward-Caucy-based conditions that are related to the weak force.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Operators And Group-Attractors, Part Six

Thus, conformally invariant sets of substringular phenomenology, like Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode related masses -- tend to have more of a convergent set of relations.  Yet, covariant sets of substringular phenomenology -- that tend to diverge,  tend to be relatively more inexact and nonlinear in the expansion of their directly corresponding anti-chiral-based eigenindices, than covariant sets of substringular phenomenology that converge (to where the adjacent of such eigenindices will here be, instead, of an even-based chirality), as such said eigenindices are to tend to then be drawn into different respective substringular groupings.  However, first-ordered point particles, and waves that are delineated as norm-state-projections via the Fourier-based activity, that is here to be of the nature of certain given arbitrary differential geometries that are of such said first-ordered point particles, when such of these "building blocks" -- that are of the rudiments that work to form the composition of both superstrings and norm-state-projections -- when directed with the right angular momentum at the substringular level -- may often act as a fractal of an inductor of the conformal invariance for a set of one or more superstrings, and may often then act as a metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator, that would work here to physically exist as an "integrating factor"-based holonomic substrate, or, in other words, as a catalyst, -- for the correlative Yukawa-based interaction of the directly corresponding group-attractors, to then act upon the topological surface of the directly corresponding specific given arbitrary discrete quanta of energy of such a respective case, in so as to bring this said discrete energy into a tense or a state of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance, at the Poincare level, that is to here be proximal localized at the Ward-Neumman/Ward-Caucy stratum that is to here be Gliossi in this case, to the holonomic substrate that is directly affiliated with the correlative discrete energy, that is being brought into a tense of conformal invariance.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Operators And Group-Attractors, Part Five

Superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that act over time via a divergent series -- in so as to perturbate out of a relative tense of conformal invariance -- tend to have both more Laplacian-based changes and Fourier-based changes as well, to happen to the Gliosis-based respective field, that would directly appertain to the correlative nature of such superstrings in question.  Such so-stated strings of discrete energy permittivity, also tend to work to bear more Gliosis-based accelerations to happen to the holonomic substrate of their immediate field, at the Poincare level to their topological surface, than an otherwise convergent set of such superstrings would.  This  just-stated general tendency, tends to work to form more varied tenses of wave deformation to the multiplicit topological surface of such correlative superstrings of discrete energy -- that are to perturbate in a divergent manner, from one general substringular locus to another, via the processes of a relative tense of what would often here be the case of what may happen in a given arbitrary situation such as this, to where this could here work to form a Rayleigh scattering.  This is because, if a superstring is to be annharmonically altered in its Hamiltonian operand via a Cevita interaction -- to where the correlative adjacent eigenindices are of an odd chirality -- this will then tend to work to form a divergent re-delineation and/or a divergent re-distribution of the here mentioned eigenindices.  As a substringular entity is to be scattered through a field operand, to where this of which is to bear a scalar amplitude that may be described of as bearing a Clifford Expansion -- then, the multiplicit intermittent disturbances of space, that will thus bear more of a tendency to permutate such a "widening" Hamiltonian operand, will then tend to increase in its Hodge-Index, when this is taken relative to the euler eigenbase of the so-stated expansion.  Such an ever increasing influx -- that would often be happening in such a given arbitrary respective case, will often be borne into an expanding operand -- that will then tend to interact more than otherwise, with the so-eluded-to attenuated metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator, that is to here be in the process of diverging as such.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Operators And Group-Attractors

The more convergent that the eigenstates that are operating in the substringular, from within the Ward-Neumman bounds of a conformally invariant-based sequential series of iterations of group-related instantons -- tends to happen to be Yukawa upon those eigenindices that work to help to form the holonomic substrate of a relatively steady-stated substringular framework at the Poincare level to what is here to be a proximal localized set of superstrings -- that are to be in a state of conformal invariance -- when this is taken in a direct correspondence to the intensity of the even chiral grouping of those so-eluded-to eigenstates that would help here, in so as to work to form the holonomic substrate of a respective local framework, that is to here be undergoing a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, -- the greater that the hierarchy is, of the scalar amplitude of that conformal invariance, that will then be exhibited as such.   This is in so as to work to help to cause those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- that act here in so as to help to comprise the correlative eigenindices of the said holonomic substrate, that is to here be considered as existing in a state of a relatively static equilibrium of a substringular-based condition, to then tend to remain relatively stationary in a global tense -- until there is a spontaneously interactive inter-play of a ghost-inhibitor, that is to the act upon the cohomological mappable tracing of the holonomic substrate-based topological-based setting of the Fourier-based differentiation, that is of the activity of those eigenindices that will work here to comprise the said superstrings, that are here in a Ward-Caucy-based condition of a substringular tense of static equilibrium, to work to push away the initially stated Yukawa-based torsioining of those respective group-attractors -- that had earlier worked to help to keep the respective initial tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- that I had mentioned, in that steady-stated modulus that I had eluded-to in the first place, until the activity of the said given arbitrary eigenstates of what would have here worked to comprise the so-stated ghost-inhibitor -- had acted upon the said initial steady-state substringular field, in so as to work to perturbate the so-eluded-to conformally invariant field from working to bear an initial Reimman-based scattering, into then working to, instead, bear a Rayleigh-based scattering -- in so as to cause the respective eigenindices that were initially ordered, to go into a state of what will then be a condition of relative disorder, in a spontaneous manner, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely Samuel David Roach.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Operators And Group Attractors, Part 3

As I was eluding to before, this "disappearing act" works to help form the basis, of what may here be considered as an association with both the minimum distance and the minimum time that a superstringular entity may travel, to where the discrete values that are to here be relative to a direct correlation -- with either the Planck Length and/or the Planck Radius  -- may then be established, based upon a directly correlative extrapolation of such a so-eluded-to scenario.  Now, you may wonder -- how does the homeostasis of the bearings of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, actually work together, -- when this is taken in our initial consideration of relativity, to where this will consequently work-out in the real world, in so as to come into play with any given arbitrary set, that is of that general sequential substringular iterations of group-related instanton, that come together in so as to work to help to form the Fourier-based translation of energy, that is being conveyed over time?  The following may help to start to explain this generic type of question:  Certain first-ordered point particles will end-up at about roughly the same spot over a sequential series of instantons, on account of such a directly related set of superstrings -- that are here to be comprised of such so-stated first-ordered point particles, that are to here be in the process of what may here be called a tense of superconformal invariance.  When a set of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are to here be undergoing a tense of superconformal invariance -- at what is to here be at the Poincare level to the proximal localized tense of static equilibrium, that is to here be involved with such a tense of a relatively stable framework that may be then considered to be of a relatively non-kinematic tense, over time, to where then, such a said set of superstrings that are to be conformally invariant in such a so-stated manner, are to here be undergoing a relatively tightly-knit tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode.  Thus, the directly associated sequential series of group-related instantons of such a tightly-knit tense of conformal invariance, are then said to converge upon the directly corresponding Hamiltonian operand -- by which these are to be in a steady-state with, -- over the directly associated time by which such a static-based framework is to not be kinematically perturbated from the said proximal localized locus of field operators.  Such a tense of a framework, that is to here be in a relatively tightly-knit tense of conformal invariance, is to then, during such a relative tense of invariance, to tend to be in the process of being kept from perturbating as a divergent metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator, by the Fourier-based influence of a set of one or more group-attractors -- that will as well, tend to act in so as to help to keep the said convergent covariant set of operators in tact, as a relatively static Hamiltoniain operation, by the Fourier-based activity that is translated by the activity of the self-same entities that I have just described of as being a directly influential tense of group-attractors, that are to then be Yukawa to the eigenstates of the field generators of the so-eluded-to convergent eigenindices -- that are here to be in the said tense of superconformal invariance.  Now if the so-eluded-to tendency of the so-stated activity of the directly associated group-attractors is to susequently diverge from being Yukawa to the topological substrate of the so-eluded-to superconformally invariant field -- this will often work to cause the initially stated static-based field, to go into the process of a Rayleigh-based scatttering of its correlative eigeninidces, -- which will consequetly tend to work to form an annharmonic wave-tug upon the homotopic residue of the initially static set of superstrings.  This will then tend to form an odd chirality among the adjacent superstrings that were intially of an even chirality -- which will consequently work to disorient any immediately ensuing extrapolation of the point particles that will have here worked to initially help to form the so-eluded-to superstrings of discrete energy permititivty that we were initially discussing.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.