Monday, July 18, 2016

The Integration Of Segmentation, And The Polyakov Action

Let us here initially consider a bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is fully Lorentz-Four-Contracted -- over the course of one given arbitrary iteration of a respective metric of BRST. The Polyakov Action eigenstate that is to here happen to this said given arbitrary superstring, is to here happen to this said superstring, in a manner that will not bring about the substringular condition of any net decompactification to then happen to the so-eluded-to discrete quantum of energy permittivity -- during the course of such an eluded-to iteration of BRST. Due to this general classification of there being relatively no tense of net decompactification to happen to the topological holonomic substrate of such a fully contracted increment of discrete energy -- there will thereby be no net additional mini-stringular segmentation to be added to the Gliosis-based indices, that are to be involved with the Ward-Neumman bounds of the topological eigenindices that are of the said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is to here be stationed at the general locus to where the so-stated quantum is to here be simultaneously be undergoing the Beti Action -- via the vantage-point of a central conipoint.  This will then here work to be involved with that condition, that the main homotopic stemming -- at which there is here to be a tense of static equilibrium to be happening here -- to where, when this is taken in terms of the equal flow of that enterence of the holonomic substrate of mini-stringular segmentation, that is to be evenly paired with an equal flow of the exiting of the holonomic substrate of mini-stringular segmentation -- this will then happen in such a manner, of which will then bear its eminent locus of the convergence of zero net aquisition of core-field-density-based eigenindices, at the Ward-Neumman-based locus, to where its single "partition" would here be existent at such a so-stated locus, as a holonomic substrate that is involved with a relatively Laplacian-based Transform, that such a said superstring is to here be differentiating through as.  Such a "partition" is here to act as a separation from a condition of bearing a unitized Lagrangian-based flow -- at a proximal localized spot, that is of a relatively Laplacian-based manner.  This so-stated locus, to where this is here to be at such a "partition," is to then be homotopically bound to the cite, -- to where it is topologically intertwined, -- as a tied set of mini-stringular segmentation-based eigenindices, that act in a relatively flexible manner during BRST, by interchanging an equal number of Hodge-based eigenstates to be brought into the Gliosis-based core-field-density of the topological stratum -- that is of the here differentiating bosonic superstring of such a respective given arbitrary case, in an even symmetrical manner towards the interchanging of the same relative Hodge-based quantity of the same genus of the tense of the scalar magnitude of the eigenstates, that are here, to instead, be brought out of the Gliosis-based core-field-density of the topological stratum, that is of the here differentiating respective given arbitrary bosonic string of such a case.  This so-stated Laplacian-based condition, may be thought of here as an occurrence -- that is to happen during a tightly-knit array of kinematic activity, that is to happen here, from within the Ward-Caucy bounds of one discrete increment of time.  Time is the successive series of group-related instantons, and, an iteration of BRST is involved with the first 6hbar increments of the 2pi hbar increments of one discrete instanton.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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