Friday, July 8, 2016

Current And The Polyakov Action

The higher that the tense of the scalar amplitude of an eigenstate of the Polyakov Action is, in any given arbitrary respective case scenario -- at one given cite, to where this is happening among discrete energy quanta, -- the more overtly that the directly corresponding mini-stringular segmentation is to then be fed into the general arena, in which the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates are to be at.  The more overt that the directly corresponding holonomic substrate-related quanta, that is of mini-stringular segmentation -- is to be, in terms of the scalar magnitude as to the amount of that mini-stringular segmentation that is to be fed into the given arbitrary respective general arena, where the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates are at, the lower that the frequency will tend to be, as to the vibrational oscillations that are of the nature as to the condition of what the directly affiliated Schwinger-Indices will correspondingly happen to be -- at the correlative respective region, that is most associated with the said discrete quanta of energy impedance -- that are to be acting here in a tightly-knit Fourier-based manner, that is to here be both Yukawa to the directly corresponding superstrings that are to here be proximal localized -- in so as to work to form discrete energy permittivity, as well as this is to also be acting in a tightly-knit Fourier-based manner that is Gliosis to both the directly associated light-cone-gauge eigenstates, as well as here being Gliosis to the directly affiliated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates.  Things tend to bear more of an active charge when these are in motion.  This is the general condition as to what happens in a relatively comparative case, when the correlative Lorentz-Four-Contractions of a given arbitrary respective case scenario, are anywhere from barely existent down to being null --  at the so-eluded-to general substringular locus that is in question here.  This works to explain, as to the tendency of there being comparitively relatively less  charge at a general locus -- that works to bear little to no Lorentz-Four-Contraction, or, in other words, this works to explain as to the tendency of there being relatively less of a general condition of charge at a general substringular locus, that is basically stuck at that moment in a tense of a relative condition of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance.  When there is a relative surplus of mini-stringular segmentation, that is here to be fed into the general Gliosis-based light-cone-gauge-affliated field -- at a specific general locus, during BRST, then, this works to help to form a relative condition of there being an added attenuation of the superfluities of the directly corresponding eigenstates, that are of the centralized knotting of the here pertinent Rarita Structure eigenfield.  This said attenuation of such a surplus -- that is to be existent at the so-stated or the so-eluded-to nodes, works here to help to cause a relative decrease or depletion of the torsional eigenindices -- that would otherwise be delineated more heartily by the overall Hamiltonian momentum (both the spin-orbital and the transversal components combined) of the pertinent twisting of the cites of the directly corresponding eigenstates that are of the so-stated centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure.  This is what works to help to cause the tendency of any entity -- that is of a relatively low velocity-based mode, -- to tend to bear relatively less of an electrostatic charge, than it would otherwise have, if it were to bear more of a substantial velocity over time,  that would otherwise be spontaneously extrapolated in such a case.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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