Sunday, July 31, 2016

Operators And Group Attractors, Part Two

As to those points that seem to "disappear" during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow, these first-ordered point particles, if remaining in and of the same universal setting, reappear after at least one minimum valued discrete time increment of being gone, and, as well, these will then tend to reappear at at least the radius of a minimum-sized first-ordered point particle -- away from where these had appeared over the immediately subsequent iteration of group-related instanton.  Now, at the sub-stringular level, the so-stated "disappearing act" of a respective point particle, is only at the relative discrete region that is from within the immediate Ward-Neumman locus -- of what may here be described of as the "neighborhood" of the said point particle.  The said "disappearing act" of the so-stated point -- at the globally distinguishable realm -- is the result of the Fourier-based point commutation of point particles,  that have moved from an exact and linear status, to where these said points often tend to act in so as to work to change in their propagation of condensed oscillation, to where these particles are to then to tend to be translated into a different Gaussian tense, that would then be of a Li-based nature or of a Njenhuis-based nature, as compared to the directly subsequent tense of the here relative Real Reimmanian spacing that these had had -- immediately prior to the so-eluded-to change in their Gaussian-based propagation.  When the spacing of a set of one or more first-ordered point particles is altered in its predominant Gaussian-based format, that genus of extrapolation that would then tend to be applied, in so as to work to predict the detection of that set of point particles in the initial set of circumstances, will tend to not be sufficient as a genus of extrapolation -- that could otherwise work to predict the spacing of that selfsame set of first-ordered point particles, as these so-stated point particles are to then be of a different universal setting in the ensuing so-eluded-to case in "point."  Such a "disappearing act" will then work to form part of the rudiments -- as to that general activity that happens over time, in so as to integrate into both those superstringular entities and those substringular activities, that work to distinguish the Li-based Gaussian tense of one set of eigenstates that may be distinguished in one universal setting, towards a covariant extrapolation  that may be directed into working to determine those substringular activities and those substringular entities,  that may work here to distinguish the Li-based Gaussiain tense of one or more other sets of eigenstates that may be considered as part of one or more ulterior universal settings.  Often as well, one may occasionally be able to extrapolate the potential and/or the actual ebbing of one or more sets of eigenstates of one or more universal settings -- either into or out of another set of one or more universal settings, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Operators And Group Attractors, Part One

First, do you know how certain things come in discrete bundles -- like electric voltage, electric charge, the energy of light, etc. ...?  Well, let us first observe how this effects the globally distinguishable realm, then we'll see how this is an operational-associated function of the substringular realm.  Let us get down to the partitional level --- as we would logically detect it.  You know how a first-ordered point particle in the globally distinguishable has a diameter that is on the order of 10^(-86) of one meter?   And that this, in a way, may often act as a relatively Njenhuis-based length -- when this is taken relative to other first-ordered point particles that are not of the same universal-based setting, -- in the process of extrapolating the covariance of the Gaussian-based spacing of one first-ordered point particle that is of one tense in the substringular, to the covariance of the Gaussian-based spacing of another first-ordered point particle that is of another respective tense in the substringular.  Well, as any said given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, works to exist as a differential set of integrative segments, that are separated by what may be thought of as partitions, that work in this case in so as to make-up the Gliosis-based topology of the holonomic substrate of a superstring,  in which such a given case scenario will then work to consist of at least one of such so-called separations -- its constituent-based first-ordered point particles, after a discrete period of being an eigenstate of free space during the generally noticed duration of Ultimon Flow (which is during the course of one iteration of group-related instanton), will then seem to our detection, to disappear as a kernel of free space -- over what will here be in the process of an iteration of the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow.  I will discuss what happens here in more detail soon.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Some Stuff About The Gell-Namn-Najshima Relations

Those sets of boundary-based conditions of the multiplicit acting quarks -- when one discerns the covariance of their so-eluded-to parity-based interactions -- that work to establish the kinematic interplay of their Ward-Caucy bounds, as taken over the multiplicit Sterling-based approximations of their sequential series of iterations, that is of their directly corresponding group instantons, -- that work to form that energy that such quarks function in, in so as to operate as such a partial of any directly related subatomic source of physical entity over time, -- is the concept of as to what may here be termed of as the Gell-Namn-Najshima relations that exist in the substringular.
 I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Indistinguishable Differences - What this often means

What I mean by the term as to "indistinguishable differences" or "indistinguishable replacements," is, the general type of effect -- to where, there are often to be either respective changes (differences) and/or replacements of certain phenomenology that exist in the substringular, yet, such changes and/or replacements are to happen in such a manner, that is Not identifiable when one is to extrapolate the multiplicit given arbitrary physical situation at a level that is "above" the quantum level.  Another way of looking at this very generic general type of concept -- is to where, there are often to be either respective changes (differences) and/or replacements of certain phenomenology that exist in the substringular, that are Not identifiable when one is to extrapolate the multiplicit given arbitrary physical situation at a level that is macroscopic to the quantum level.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, July 25, 2016

About Substringular Delineation

Ponder the delineation process of the pointal-wave detention of those first-ordered point particles of one given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate -- that work toward attaining a tense of conformal invariance, after a series of  successive sequential recurrences of a slice of an approaching group-attractor, to where this said group-attractor, of which is to, as well, be occurring in a series of successive sequential recurrences in and of itself, too.  In order to acheive this so-eluded-to tense of conformal invariance, any directly associated detention of first-ordered point particles that exist in either a layer of reality-based sector or in a set of layer of reality-based set of sectors, -- that are localized in a Laplacian-based manner, outside of the respective correlative supremumized pointal propagation, which would here work to form either hermitian and/or Chern-Simons singularities at the localization of the correlative substringular neighborhood that is of the initially stated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, Must have a directly corresponding Hamiltonian-based path operand, that is of that eigenmatrix of light-bearing bosonic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that directly correspond to at least one of the so-eluded-to layers of reality, over a relatively transient duration of time -- that is of the directly corresponding affilated tense of one or more Fourier-based Trasformations.  Such a so-stated eigenmatrix, that is directly related to the kinematic differentiation of photons -- in terms of the interaction of the said photons with other phenomenology that is of one or more layers of reality, over a set of one or more Fourier-based Transformations that work to involve a correlative tense of a set of one or more Calabi-related interactions -- will here work to directly involve an interdistinguishable set of eigenstates of one or more sets of entropic photons, over time, that will here work, as well, to mutually replace the prior so-eluded-to literal eigenstates of that Calabi-based interaction or interactions, when this is taken in terms of that recycling of differential geometries that singularize at the so-eluded-to general locus of such a tense of the replacement of homotopic indices -- that works to form those indistinguishably different alterations -- that happen to both electromagnetic energy and non-photon-based superstrings of discrete energy permittiivty, as well, over a relatively more prolonged but semi-transient period of the correlative but respective time.  Such activity is involved with the so-stated indistinguishably different changes that happen to all superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, over time.  The general tense of the respective Hamiltonian operand of any given arbitrary case -- that is to happen in any case as to the indistinguishably different replacements of homotopic indices, over time, will tend to form a certain degree or manner of the holonomic substrate of non-ablelian-based waves, as the traversal of its Ward-Caucy-based range will here work to denote a general tense of oscillation, to where the so-stated general genus of the holonomic substrate of such said waves, will work to complete the process of the delineation of those eigenindices that are to be re-distributed and re-adjusted into the proper framework of "appropriation," that is necessary for those indistinguisable changes, that operate in so as to work to allow for the so-stated recycling of differential geometries, that is needed in order for the substringular to bear the tendency of being unfrayed.  This happens at that homotopic condition -- that is Poincare to the external cites of the sum of those individually taken first-ordered point particles, that are to here be directly involved with the revamping of the directly affliated substringular indices.  Such so-stated "waves" will therefore be involved with the permittivity of the local regional instanton-quaternionic-field-pulse-mode, whereby the said general genus of pointal-based interactions -- will then act as the general  "catalist" that works to help to allow for the existence of all electromagnetic energy, primarily including light.  It may be described of as a "catalist," by the right -- that it works to help in the continued torsioning of the eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, to where the correlative pointal wave-based connections that are here to be directly involved, may then be denoted by the center-state of the predominant layer of reality or layers of reality that are proximal to the correlative localized region.  This, in turn, works to allow for the recycling of norm-states into ground-states, and back again, by then working to revamp the existent general condition of the existence of the Bases of Light -- and thereby acting as a generator of the prolonged existence of light itself.  I will continue with the suspense later!
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Mini-Stringular Segmentation And Conformal Dimensionality

The higher that the scalar magnitude of the Polyakov Action eigenstate is for any of one given arbitrary bosonic superstrings of discrete energy quantization, in immediate conjunction with the scalar magnitude by which such a said general genus of eigenstate is Yukawa to any one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- during a respective given arbitrary iteration of BRST -- consequently, the higher that the directly corresponding nature is, to that the correlative superstring will have a symmetrically higher scalar magnitude of an influx of mini-stringualr segmentation, -- that will thence be brought into the Ward-Neumman bounds of the topological stratum of the holonomic substrate that is of the physical phenomenology of the so-stated superstring -- in the form of those eigenindices of the said superstring, that may be described of here as the directly corresponding first-ordered point particles that work to comprise the core-field-density of such a said superstring.  There would here be a directly corresponding condition -- that the conformal dimension of the said bosonic superstring, although being basically exactly two,  will here be of the nature of being just barely of a higher scalar amplitude (although not significantly so), than of that of another of such a given arbitrary bosonic superstring that would, instead, be of a lower scalar magnitude of its correlative Polyakov Action.  For instance, let us here compare two different superstrings that are of basically the same bosonic-based nature, except that the first of such an arbitrary superstring is not fully decompactified by the Polyakov Action by a factor of two, while the other of such an arbitrary superstring is not fully decompactified by the Polyakov Action by a factor of ten-thousand.  The first of such respective bosonic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity will bear a conformal dimension of:
1+(2^(1.5*10^8)/10^43)), while the other of such a respective bosonic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity will instead bear a conformal dimension of:
1+(2^(3*10^4)/10^43)).  Anything to the zero power is one, so both of such so-stated bosonic superstrings would then have a conformal dimension of basically exactly two, but not literally exactly so.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Partitions And Mini-Stringular Segmentation

Let us initialy consider a bosonic suprstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is Lorentz-Four-Contracted by a factor of 10,000.  If this is the case, then, this so-stated superstring will thereby bear the scalar magnitude of the correlative Polyakov Action by a factor of 3*10^4. If a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity bears, over the course of one iteration of BRST, the scalar magnitude of its directly corresponding Polyakov Action by a factor of 3*10^4, then, it will work to have implemented upon it, over the course of this said iteration of BRST -- 3*10^4 of what I happen to call as "partitions."  When a bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity bears 3*10^4 of these so-eluded-to separations from a condition of working to bear a unitized Lagrangian-based flow -- then, this tense of a Laplacian-based differentiation of such  so-eluded-to multiple  proximal localized spots that each work to bear one of such "partitions" -- that are homotopically bound to the holonomic substrate of the topological surface of the said superstring, in a Gliosis manner at the Poincare level to the external main surface of the core-field-density, that is of that so-stated respective given arbitrary superstring, -- to where the overall net effect of the total said 3*10^4 partitions, will then work to intertwine with the said main surface of the core-field-density of this string -- as a metric-gauge-based phenomenology that operates here, in so as to bring a respective net flow in this case, of 3*10^4 times as much of the scalar amplitude of a net flow of mini-stringular segmentation that is here to be directed into the Ward-Neumman bounds of the core-field-density of the said string, than the scalar amplitude of a net flow of mini-stringular segmentation that is instead to here be directed out of the Ward-Neumman bounds of the core-field-density of the said string.  Such a net of incoming mini-stringular segmentation is to here be imbued upon the so-stated bosonic superstring of this case, in the form of those first-ordered point particles that work here in so as to help to comprise the eigenindices of the said bosonic string of discrete energy permittivity.

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Integration Of Segmentation, And The Polyakov Action

Let us here initially consider a bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is fully Lorentz-Four-Contracted -- over the course of one given arbitrary iteration of a respective metric of BRST. The Polyakov Action eigenstate that is to here happen to this said given arbitrary superstring, is to here happen to this said superstring, in a manner that will not bring about the substringular condition of any net decompactification to then happen to the so-eluded-to discrete quantum of energy permittivity -- during the course of such an eluded-to iteration of BRST. Due to this general classification of there being relatively no tense of net decompactification to happen to the topological holonomic substrate of such a fully contracted increment of discrete energy -- there will thereby be no net additional mini-stringular segmentation to be added to the Gliosis-based indices, that are to be involved with the Ward-Neumman bounds of the topological eigenindices that are of the said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is to here be stationed at the general locus to where the so-stated quantum is to here be simultaneously be undergoing the Beti Action -- via the vantage-point of a central conipoint.  This will then here work to be involved with that condition, that the main homotopic stemming -- at which there is here to be a tense of static equilibrium to be happening here -- to where, when this is taken in terms of the equal flow of that enterence of the holonomic substrate of mini-stringular segmentation, that is to be evenly paired with an equal flow of the exiting of the holonomic substrate of mini-stringular segmentation -- this will then happen in such a manner, of which will then bear its eminent locus of the convergence of zero net aquisition of core-field-density-based eigenindices, at the Ward-Neumman-based locus, to where its single "partition" would here be existent at such a so-stated locus, as a holonomic substrate that is involved with a relatively Laplacian-based Transform, that such a said superstring is to here be differentiating through as.  Such a "partition" is here to act as a separation from a condition of bearing a unitized Lagrangian-based flow -- at a proximal localized spot, that is of a relatively Laplacian-based manner.  This so-stated locus, to where this is here to be at such a "partition," is to then be homotopically bound to the cite, -- to where it is topologically intertwined, -- as a tied set of mini-stringular segmentation-based eigenindices, that act in a relatively flexible manner during BRST, by interchanging an equal number of Hodge-based eigenstates to be brought into the Gliosis-based core-field-density of the topological stratum -- that is of the here differentiating bosonic superstring of such a respective given arbitrary case, in an even symmetrical manner towards the interchanging of the same relative Hodge-based quantity of the same genus of the tense of the scalar magnitude of the eigenstates, that are here, to instead, be brought out of the Gliosis-based core-field-density of the topological stratum, that is of the here differentiating respective given arbitrary bosonic string of such a case.  This so-stated Laplacian-based condition, may be thought of here as an occurrence -- that is to happen during a tightly-knit array of kinematic activity, that is to happen here, from within the Ward-Caucy bounds of one discrete increment of time.  Time is the successive series of group-related instantons, and, an iteration of BRST is involved with the first 6hbar increments of the 2pi hbar increments of one discrete instanton.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Centralized Knotting Versus Superstrings

Those first-ordered point particles that work to comprise superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, work to bear a point-fill that is of a factor of a half full compactification.  This is at any spot in any superstring of discrete energy permittivity, for any of such superstrings -- no matter what the degree of either the scalar amplitude of the correlative compactification is, or, no matter what the degeree of the inverse relationship of the scalar amplitude of the correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction is. Again, this is for any superstring that is of either a Calabi-Yau manifold, a Calabi-Wilson-Gordan manifold, or of a Calabi-Calabi manifold. On the other hand, the eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, are holonomic substrate-based phenomenology -- that tend to bear a point-fill that is of a relative scalar amplitude, that is over one-half of full compactification.  The phenomenology that is correlative to the eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, are strictly associated more to a Calabi-Yau tense of manifolds -- than of rather being associated to either a Calabi-Wilson-Gordan or to a Calabi-Calabi tense of manifolds.  Calabi-Yau manifolds are strictly manifolds that are of a mass-bearing nature.  This then works to mean, that the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- works to bear its eigenstates most specifically to be associated with the bearings of both mass-related superstrings and mass-related manifolds.  The Rarita Structure is what most specifically works to link the activity of superstrings with the activity of both gravitons and gravitinos.  The "heart" of the Rarita Structure eigenstates, are due to its centralized knotting.  This then works to clarify as to why -- it is the properties of mass-bearing manifolds, that tend to more directly associate with both the activity and the force of gravity -- than the other general genre of superstring-related manifolds do.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Cites Where Mini-Stringular Segmentation Is Pushed Into And Out Of

The eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- are the holonomic substrate-based entities, that act in so as to be of that phenomenology of the strong force, that works to imbue the Fourier-based general conditions -- that act in so as to help to piece together those multivarious sub-atomic particles together, in so as to work at helping to form the basic particles that work to form the multiplicit mass of atoms.  Such so-stated eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, are the main cites to where these act as the multivarious loci to where mini-stringular segmenation is to here be fed both outward and inward -- into where such said mini-stringular segmentation is to then be respectively fed into and out of the directly corresponding ever-changing multiplicit "knotted" holonomic substrate, that acts as the corresponding respective multiplicit nodal-based phenomenology, that is of the recycling of those general indistinguishably different point-fill-based conditions, that are of the directly corresponding commuators that operate in so as to function as first-ordered point particles.  The manner of such a general format of activity -- that is as the manner of a to-and-fro-based ebbing of mini-stringular segmentation, happens in such a manner in so as to work to provide more of a point-fill to the first-ordered point particles, that work to comprise discrete energy quanta, rather than that point-fill that is instead more directly affiliated with the composition of an eigenstate of a norm-state-projection.  What "point-fill" is, is the scalar amplitude of the density of a first-ordered point particle.  A superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- during BRST -- tends to be at a scalar amplitude of one-half that of being at a maximum density -- as to the Ward-Caucy-based modulae (combined fractal and elastic modulae) of the tightness of that mini-stringular segmentation, that works to comprise it.  (As to the respective Laplacian-based substringular condition, that is of the said respective general genus of such  first-ordered point particles.)  Yet, an eigenstate-related first-ordered point particle, that works to comprise a norm-state-projection, instead, tends to bear a scalar amplitude on the order of one-ten-thousandth of that maximum density as to the Ward-Caucy-based modulae (combined fractal and elastic modulae) of the tightness of that mini-stringular segmentation -- that works to comprise it.  (As to the respective Laplacian-based substringular condition, that is of the said respective general genus of such first-ordered point particles.)  The tighter the modulae of one eigenstate of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure is, -- the more likely that such a directly affiliated eigenindex of such a respective locus, will then tend to exhibit a strong force-related reaction.  Yet, the weaker the modulae of one eigenstate of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure is, -- the more likely that such a directly affiliated eigenindex of such a respective locus, will then tend to exhibit a weak force-related reaction.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Some As To The Looping Of The Rarita Structure

So,  it is the general condition that it is the multiplicit gauge-bosons that work to "pluck" the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- in so as to form Schwinger-Indices.  Schwinger-Indices work to interconnect the primarily wave-based phenomenology of discrete energy impedance, with what are known of as both gravitons and gravitinos -- in so as to help to work at forming the inter-relationship that exists between discrete quanta of energy and gravitational-based particles.  From both the multiplicit gravitons and gravitinos -- the Rarita Structure loops from the just mentioned general genus of particles, back up to the multiplicit region where the gauge-bosons exist.  So, in a sense, it is the "plucking" of the said light-cone-gauge eigenstates by the gauge-bosons, that works to "kick-start" the activity of the Rarita Structure, -- the multiplicit locus of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates, acting as the relative starting general locus of the Rarita Structure, and, the multiplicit locus of the gauge-bosons -- acting as the relative ending general locus of the Rarita Structure.  The so-stated plucking of the multiplicit starting point of the Rarita Structure by the multiplicit ending point of the Rarita Structure, then acts as what works to help in the perpetuity of the multiplicit interdependence of the four general genre of physical forces, that works to make up the grand unification of energy -- that works to make-up the composition of physical reality itself.
I will continue with the suspense later!   To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Last Part Of Session 14 Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Diffferentiation

One could say that the smallest kinematic-affiliated particles, that are of the overall space-time-continuum, are, in a sense, comprised of an endless number of infinitely small point particles -- that are of the volume of each of such infinitessimal point particles -- being of the recently mentioned proscribed volume of ((pi*(0+^3)/6)m^3.  Yet, those infinitely small point particles, that are of such a sub-Hamiltonian-based nature -- in so as to act as "placeholders" instead of being of the composition of actual commutative kinematic point particles, -- do not tend to impart a direct wave-tug/wave-push upon any of the Hamiltonian-based operations, that are of that general metric-gauge-based operation, that is here to instead be more related to the process of both the continual multiplicit delineation and re-delineation of the countless eigenindices, that interdependently interact -- in so as to help to work towards the general condition of the organized embellishment of the multiplicit disturbance of space.  There is, as well, a continual process of the indistinguishablly different replacements, of the occupancy of such infinitely small point particles.  This latter mentioned concept -- is basically in reference to the relative multiplicit genre, that is of the condition of the occupancy that infinitessimal point particles work to fulfill, in so as to work to comprise those discrete point particles of the overall space-time-continuum, that operate in so as to actually commutate, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, July 11, 2016

An Additional Post On Session 14 Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

Most phenomena that we generally conceive of, tends to be radially dependent.  Yet -- phenomenology that is literally of a pointal-based nature at the substringular level, tends to generally be more dependent upon its respective diameter-based associations than its radial-based associations.  Do you remember that I had recently mentioned of the existence of certain literally infinitessimal point particles, that act as fabric-associated phenomenology -- that are inherent as acting as being predominantly placeholder-affiliated eigenindices of holonomic substrate, that may often torque and bend along the topological stratum by which the fabric of the relative respective proximal localized multiplicit sheet-based composition of space-time-fabric is to be intrinsically twisted and contorted -- even though these said occasionally extrapolated infinitely small point-source-based placeholders are not of the general Fourier-based nature, that would exist in so as to otherwise re-delineate, propagate, or commutate, over time.  Such so-stated infinitessimal point particles, that act as median-related singularity-like attenuated indices -- have a diameter that may be thought of as having a scalar amplitude or a scalar magnitude of "0+" meters in diameter.  In spite of the condition that such so-stated infinitely small point particles, tend to be more dependent upon their diameter than their radius, extrapolating their volume may possibly be an exception to this rule.  This would then work to mean that the volume of such an absolute minimal so-eluded-to point particle, would then work to bear the extrapolated general volume of {{4pi/3}*(0+m/2)^3}, which would then work to allow this to be the equivalence of a respective volume of {{{pi*{0+^3m^3}}/6}.  This is the way that I perceive of such a model of string theory at this "point."
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

The Next Part Of Session 14 Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

There are "non-kinematic" particles in the overall space-time-continuum.  These particles are what may be thought of as those literally infiinitessimel point particles, that exist from within the said overall space-time-continuum -- that act as point sources, that tend to not be pushed-around very much by the pressurized vacuum-based indices -- that work to help to form the stratum of third-ordered point particles.  These so-stated infinitely small point sources, are integrated along the topological sheet-like space-time-fabric, that is of the holonomic substrate of the Main world-tubes, in such a manner by which these may be torsioned along the topological substrate that is among the basic fabric of space and time, -- even though such said infinitessimel point sources are not of a general delineatory-based nature, by which these would otherwise commutate over time. The so-eluded-to Fourier-based nature -- as to both the arrangement and the rearrangement of such infinitely small point sources, tends to only bear a propagatorial re-displacement as a sub-Hamiltonian operation, that is of the literal twisting and re-twisting of the fabric of space-time-related phenomenology itself.  These so-stated "non-kinematic" particles -- which are of an infinitely small nature, are not spuriously re-adjusted along the topological world-sheet-based holonomic substrate of space-time-fabric -- to where such infinitessimel point particles do not tend to revamp in their positioning, as a multiplicit genus of what would otherwise act as a substrate that would act as a phenomenology, that would then act as a multiplicit metric-gauge-based Hamiltonian operand.  This is because such infinitely small point particles act as index-based placeholders of space-time-fabric, that may be topologically contorted, yet, not displaced -- as a mutiplicit genus of an operator of the disturbance of space.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Current And The Polyakov Action

The higher that the tense of the scalar amplitude of an eigenstate of the Polyakov Action is, in any given arbitrary respective case scenario -- at one given cite, to where this is happening among discrete energy quanta, -- the more overtly that the directly corresponding mini-stringular segmentation is to then be fed into the general arena, in which the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates are to be at.  The more overt that the directly corresponding holonomic substrate-related quanta, that is of mini-stringular segmentation -- is to be, in terms of the scalar magnitude as to the amount of that mini-stringular segmentation that is to be fed into the given arbitrary respective general arena, where the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates are at, the lower that the frequency will tend to be, as to the vibrational oscillations that are of the nature as to the condition of what the directly affiliated Schwinger-Indices will correspondingly happen to be -- at the correlative respective region, that is most associated with the said discrete quanta of energy impedance -- that are to be acting here in a tightly-knit Fourier-based manner, that is to here be both Yukawa to the directly corresponding superstrings that are to here be proximal localized -- in so as to work to form discrete energy permittivity, as well as this is to also be acting in a tightly-knit Fourier-based manner that is Gliosis to both the directly associated light-cone-gauge eigenstates, as well as here being Gliosis to the directly affiliated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates.  Things tend to bear more of an active charge when these are in motion.  This is the general condition as to what happens in a relatively comparative case, when the correlative Lorentz-Four-Contractions of a given arbitrary respective case scenario, are anywhere from barely existent down to being null --  at the so-eluded-to general substringular locus that is in question here.  This works to explain, as to the tendency of there being comparitively relatively less  charge at a general locus -- that works to bear little to no Lorentz-Four-Contraction, or, in other words, this works to explain as to the tendency of there being relatively less of a general condition of charge at a general substringular locus, that is basically stuck at that moment in a tense of a relative condition of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance.  When there is a relative surplus of mini-stringular segmentation, that is here to be fed into the general Gliosis-based light-cone-gauge-affliated field -- at a specific general locus, during BRST, then, this works to help to form a relative condition of there being an added attenuation of the superfluities of the directly corresponding eigenstates, that are of the centralized knotting of the here pertinent Rarita Structure eigenfield.  This said attenuation of such a surplus -- that is to be existent at the so-stated or the so-eluded-to nodes, works here to help to cause a relative decrease or depletion of the torsional eigenindices -- that would otherwise be delineated more heartily by the overall Hamiltonian momentum (both the spin-orbital and the transversal components combined) of the pertinent twisting of the cites of the directly corresponding eigenstates that are of the so-stated centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure.  This is what works to help to cause the tendency of any entity -- that is of a relatively low velocity-based mode, -- to tend to bear relatively less of an electrostatic charge, than it would otherwise have, if it were to bear more of a substantial velocity over time,  that would otherwise be spontaneously extrapolated in such a case.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Pulling Of It Together

Gauge-Bosons pluck light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- in so as to to form Schwinger-Indices that are then propagated along the Rarita Structure, as well as the condition that superstrings of discrete energy permittivity oscillate -- in so as to help to form vibrational ripples along the Rarita Structure eigenstates, over time.  The Rarita Structure acts as that holonomic substrate, by which superstrings effect other superstrings, -- in a gravitational-based manner, over time.  The nodes or the eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure,  are what act as those entities that operate,--  what may be called the strong force.  The Hamiltonian-based operation of the torsional eigenindices, that are of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- works to form charges.  The activity of charges works to form the electrostatic force.  The dalapitation of the arena of strong-force eigenstates -- via the reversal of the mode of certain given arbitrary eigenstates of the centralized knotting of Rarita Structure eigenstates, works to form the process of spontaneous radioactive decay.
This moves in the direction of understanding the Grand Unified Field Theory.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Spontaneous Radioactive Decay

Let us initially consider a nuclear isotope, that is set in an individually taken case scneario -- to where this exists as a set of the given respective element-based composite -- that is set and untouched, relatively speaking, at a location, where it may exist at a relatively macroscopic level -- to be, otherwise speaking, in a state of static equilibrium, over a duration of time.  Such a given arbitrary composite, that is of a radioactive-based nature, will tend to decay over a pronounceably longer than transient duration of time that it is set at at its spot, to here remain relatively untouched by its environment.  Due to the nature of the unstable condition of the nucleon/electrostatic manner of such a radioactive composite, the directly associated eigenstates of the multiplicit centralized knotting -- that is of the mass-bearing eigenstates that are of the given arbitrary composite of unstable radioactive mass of this case -- are of a nature, to where the torsional-based eigenstates that are of the nature of the correlative charges -- that are of both the valence-based nature and of the nuclear charge nature of the overall composite -- are torsioned or unloosed in an outward manner from the overall set phenomenology of the decaying nuclear debris, in a relatively dot-product-based manner, over time.  This so-eluded-to weakening of the transgressive interplay -- of the ever-weakening eigenstates of those centralized knotting-based  cites of the Rarita Structure, that are here correlative to a "domino-effect" of a loosening of such homotopic loci, that would here involve taking the initial condition of the "gluing" of particles of the nuclear composite -- to where the exterial cites work here at being brought into a position to where the loosening of one set of such cites will eventually of its own accord, tend to work to form a process of working to weaken a systematic interplay of such eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- to where this is the basis as to the workings of the general activity of spontaneous radioactive decay.
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Entropy And Chirality

Whenever electromagnetic energy strikes a given arbitrary phenomenology -- in a Gliosis-based manner, over time, this works to form at least a certain scalar amplitude of entropy.  Whenever entropy happens to a Calabi-based quanta of energy -- that acts as a holonomic substrate, that may here be described of as being an eigenindex, there always tends to be at least a certain amount of a Rayleigh-based scattering -- that is to happen to the so-stated Calabi-based eigenindex -- to where there is to here be a certain scalar amplitude of disorder that is to be exhibited by the so-eluded-to eigenindex, as this may be indicated by the ensuing existence of an odd chirality among those eigenstates that are of the here respective given arbitrary tense of the proximal local Calabi-based field of such a given arbitrary case.  Right after the said Rayleigh-based scattering is to occur -- both the here present existence and the here present activity of gravity waves, will then tend to act as an eigenbase of a holonomic substrate -- that works in so as to help the so-eluded-to Gaussian-based eigenmembers, that are of the respective Calabi-based field that had just recently became more unstable, due to a recently increased scalar amplitude of physical disorder -- to act in so as to help those said proximal local states that had just increased in entropy, to tend to then be able to vibrate to an extent -- into more of a condition of an even chirality, in so as to help to keep the so-stated locus of interaction from resonating into more of an overt tense of chaos.  This happens due to the Reimman-based coalescence -- that is of the proximal localized harmonics of Schwinger-based indices that are rippling along the local eigenstates of the Rarita Structure, with the vibrational oscillations of the directly corresponding discrete quanta of energy that had just been struck in a Gliosis-based manner, in this respective given arbitrary case, by the external Fourier-based activity of a quanta of electromagnetic energy, over time.  To Be Continued!
Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Entropy And Quantum Entanglement

Whenever electromagnetic energy strikes anything, there is entropy.  Whenever electromagnetic energy strikes anything, the Clifford-based expansion of the multifarious light-cone-gauge eigenstates are torqued -- at least in part -- in a Njenhuis-based manner.  This works to help to cause an "invasion" of the Poincare-based indices, that are of the core-field-density of superstrings.  The "invasion" of the Poincare-based indices, that are of the core-field-density of superstrings -- may be thought of as quantum entanglement.  This is at least in part, why any entropy always works to involve at least a certain degree or a certain manner of the physical phenomenology, that is known of as quantum entanglement.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

A Special Case Of A Reverse Fractal

When superstrings of discrete energy permittivity interact with the torsional indices of the relatively proximal localized eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- this will tend to work to form at a more macroscopic level, more of a point-based natured tense of magnetism that is in the lines with the activity of voltage -- than in the lines with the activity of current, when this is taken over time.  Yet, when the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates in the substringular, work to interact with the torsional indices of the relatively proximal localized eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- this will tend to work to form at a more macroscopic level, more of a point-based natured tense of magnetism that is in the line with the activity of current than with the lines with the activity of voltage, when this is taken over time.

A Special Case As To A Bringing Of Different Concepts Together

The strong force -- is that tense of activity, by which certain phenomenology are put together or "glued" together -- in so as two make-up or comprise those sub-atomic particles, that are inherent to both the existence and the activity of matter.  The specific cite at which there are those individually taken subatomic entities -- at which these are proximal localized at the so-eluded-to loci, where in which these exist in so as to perform the earlier mentioned "gluing" together of subatomic particles, -- may be thought of as eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure.  The Rarita Structure, in general, may be thought of as the holonomic substrate -- via by which gravity waves or Schwinger-Indices, are to be commutated from one multiplicit spot to another -- in so as to act as that multiplicit Hamiltonian operand, that is to exist, so that gravity is able to work to cause its effectual import upon phenomenology.  When the holomorphicity of the flow of the angular momentum of gravity is to be of an even parity, when this is in context with those eigenindices -- that are of the substringular entities that are Yukawa to the relative Real Reimmanian bearings of an even chiral eigenbase -- that is to here be directed towards the directly corresponding Ricci field, then, this will consequently tend to work to cause the correlative eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, to bear a proximal localized Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational force, that is to then be directed at the local cites of the pertinent gluons.   This works to form the establishment of matter.  If the parity that was just mentioned is to be reversed, while yet still maintaining the so-stated Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode -- this will then tend to work to form what may be called the general phenomenology of reverse magnetism.  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Magnetism Versus Gravity

Antigravity is when the general direction of one or more cites as to the initial flow of those vibrational eigenindices, that are to then act along one or more eigenstates of the Rarita Structure -- is to spontaneously change in so as to then be flowing in the opposite direction.  Magnetism is the enactment of the multiplicit wave-tug associated push -- that is caused by the torsion-based eigenindices that are of the multiplicit eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- to where this of which works to then form the enactment of the multiplicit charges of space-time-fabric to then become Yukawa upon the holonomic substrate of other phenomenology of space-time-fabric.  So, when one is to reverse a cite as to the general direction of an initial flow of a certain given arbitrary quantum of the vibrational eigenindices that are to act along one or more eigenstates of the Rarita Structure over time, this will then tend to work at effecting the flow of the torsional-based eigenindices that are then of certain respective given arbitrary eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- which would thereby work to effect at least in part, both the directoral eigenbase of one ore more eigenstates that are of the magnetic force, as well as also effecting the scalar magnitude of one ore more eigenstates that are of the magnetic force.  In such a manner -- antigravity may often work to effect both the direction and the "amount" of magnetism that may be portrayed.  I will continue withe the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.