Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Fourth Part of Session Four of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

The norm-state-projections that will then here be trapped inside of the Ward-Neumman bounds of any specific respective given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate -- as well as those superstrings, that act as indices that are placed in the Ward-Neumman bounds of the so-stated Klein Bottle eigenstate in a cyclical-based manner, per each individual group-related instanton, over the course of one relatively local group metrical-based duration of one set Kaeler Metric-based translation -- act as a set of a holonomic substrate of substringular phenomenology, that moves, per each relative transition of group instanton, in both a holomorphic and an antiholmorphic-based manner do to the "shaking" that is here involved, in so as to work to form a fractal of an electromagnetic resonation, that would here tend to be proximal to the said respective given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate of any of such case scenarios.  This is particularly the case, when such a given arbitrary correlative Kaeler Metric is of the general manner of being as an example of a gauge-transformation.  As I will explain later in my writings, whenever there is a Calabi-based interaction that is of the metrical-based mode of being in the process of a Kaeler Metric, the directly corresponding Gaussian Transformation that then is here to follow will always tend to be of a gauge-transformation.  The norm-state-projections that work to comprise the initial interior of any of such so-stated Klein Bottle eigenstates, are harmonically ordered in a spatial manner, as is here in accordance with the Reimman scattering that is here to initially bring an order to the so-eluded-to substringular composition of the said given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate.  The superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that act in so as to enter the interior of such a said composition of such an eigenstate, are here to initially re-contract to a maximum-based contraction, and, after such superstrings of discrete are pulled-out of the interior of such a said Klein Bottle eigenstate -- per each individually taken respective part of each of such iterations of group-related instanton, as is here right before each of such correlative individually taken iterations of the directly corresponding Regge Action eigenstates -- these are pulled out of such a said contractive mode, into their fully uncontracted shape, at each of such individually taken loci in which the Regge Slope is to be Gliossi to the topological substrate of each of such individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- that may here be considered in any of such respective given arbitrary case scenarios.  During the metrical endpoint of each directly corresponding iterations of BRST -- that are to here be considered as happening before each individually taken iteration of the mode of one eigenmetric of one specific given arbitrary Kaeler Metric, any superstring of discrete energy that may be considered here, will -- at this point -- be Lorentz-Four-Contracted to the inverse of as to how it is encoded to be expanded in a Clifford-based manner, after the initial instant in which such a directly corresponding mode of BRST is here to be initially commenced.
Superstrings Tend To Always Be Lorentz-Four-Contracted To Their Encoded Degree Of Contraction, At The End Of Each Correlative Iteration Of BRST.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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