Friday, July 17, 2015

Part One of Session Four of Course 19 -- the Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differenitiation

The construction of any one particular holonomic substrate of a given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate, is a composition of two orientifolds that are interconnected at the relatively norm-to-reverse-holomorphic end (at the relative bottom of such a construction) by a piecewise fitting rectangular enfoldment, that is brought together in so as to form a parallopiped-like substringular composition.  The relatively norm-to-forward-holomorphic end (the relative top of such a construction) of any respective given arbitrary composition of the holonomic substrate of a said Klein Bottle eigenstate is left open, over the course of any directly corresponding Kaeler Metric group-metrical-related duration, in which such a so-stated Klein Bottle eigenstate-based construction is to be utilized -- in so as to provide the operation of as being a substringular "tool" that is here to work at helping to provide the Fourier-based condition of allowing for those discrete fractals of discrete energy to bear a re-attainment of the state of being discrete energy itself, in so that discrete energy may then be able to exist and persist as the building blocks of energy, period.  The interior of the said holonomic substrate of a so-stated respective given arbitrary Klein Bottle is comprised of by norm-states that are initially (before the so-eluded-to energy that is to work at re-attaining its fractals of discrete energy are to enter its Ward-Neumman bounds) evenly spaced in those physical spatial dimensions, that are most easily explainable at the relative Poincaire level -- to the specific cites of the said norm-states that are based at the so-eluded-to multiplicit region of the said interior of such a respective given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate.  An orientifold is a phenomenon that bears two planes (in this case, rectangular planes) that bear parallel surfaces that are of a Wilson-based linearity (this meaning actually straight, and not curving as space-time-fabric tends to curve).  Such a so-mentioned eigenstate of phenomenology shakes, per iteration of the directly corresponding Kaeler Metric in which discrete energy-based phenomenology is to enter it -- in a Gliossi-based manner.  As such a spin-orbital-based motion is achieved by the Fourier-based activity of the multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstate, the said eigenstate is also moving transversally back-and-forth through that fitting Lagrangian, that is most fitting to the achievement of a directly corresesponding Gauusian-based Transformation (usually here being a gauge-transformation).  So, as I will explain later in my teachings, as such a phenomenology is being translated as such over time, the cohomological-based mappable tracing of the physical memory of such a Klein Bottle eigenstate will form a set of ghost-based indices, that work to form a morphological-based composition -- that appears to be anything but a parallelopiped-based structure, over time.  Whenever such a directly corresponding Gaussian-based Transformation is here to directly involve the scattering of light in a relatively Gliossi-based manner, then, such a Gaussian Transformation is then said to be a gauge-transformation.)
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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