Saturday, July 4, 2015

An Aside To As To The Fractals Of Discrete Energy

So, here is the general gist of as to how discrete quantum-based increments of energy are pulled through the Kaeler Metric, in so as to re-attain those discrete fractals of both the particle-based genus and the wave-based genus of both discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance -- this process of  re-attainment of which is necessary, in order for the correlative discrete energy to be able to sustain the condition of being the multiplicit holonomic substrate of the said quantum eigenbase of energy.  A superstring, its counterstring, its correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, and its correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstate, are pulled out of BRST into the Minkowski-based surface of the relatively norm-to-forward-holomorphic cite -- of the locus of a directly corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate.  Upon entering the Ward-Caucy bounds of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate, the so-eluded-to eigenstate shuffles around eight times back-and-forth at its relatively Laplacian-based locus, during the relative ending duration of an iteration of group-related instanton.  The Klein Bottle, as a holonomic substrate, bears an intrinsic Wilson linearity in its physical structure.  As the so-stated Klein Bottle eigenstate of the here so-mentioned example of this given arbitrary case, shuffles back-and-forth eight timed each (a total of 16 overall topological sways of the whole said Klein Bottle eigenstate), there is just the needed "appendage" of singularity amended upon the quantum entity of both the respective discrete energy permittivity -- in terms of both the particle and the wave-based function of quantum energy, -- as well as upon the quantum entities of both the respective discrete energy impedance in terms of both the particle and the wave-based functions of quantum energy, to where one of the discrete fractals of discrete energy -- in terms of both the particle and wave-quantum needs for permittivity and the particle and wave-quantum needs for impedance, may then have here  imbued upon the topological-based structure of their general holonomic substrate, -- one discrete quantum of energy.  This happens over the course of the needed 191 successive iterations of group-related instanton, in which the superstrings that are directly involved with the correlative Kaeler Metric are Gliossi to the so-stated Klein Bottle eigenstate of this here respective given case.  The Kaeler Metric happens, so that each discrete quantum of energy that is to be needed to undergo this said group metric -- may go back to becoming fully equipped with its necessary fractals of discrete energy -- so that energy may persist upon being energy.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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