Thursday, May 14, 2015

Part Seven of Session 15 of Course 18 --- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

Gravitational pull that is applied to a locus that is proximal to a kinematic-based Majorana-Weyl Invariant-based spot, where a respective given arbitrary  superstring of discrete energy permittivity is iterating at, when such a said string is undergoing a tense of superconformal invariance over a sequential series of instantons -- will tend to move the point commutators that are adjacent to the so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity at the Poincaire level, away from so-eluded-to indistinguishabley different kinematic-based Majorana-Weyl Invariant-based proximal locus, over time.  For example:  A superstring is differentiating in a Fourier-based manner in a relatively tightly-bound set locus -- in the process of the so-eluded-to superstring existing here in a tense of superconformal invariance, over a sequential series of iterative-based gauge-metrical activity, over time.  There are here, in this case, initially, a set of point commutators that are relatively near the general set locus as to the proximal neighborhood where the here said superstring of discrete energy permittivity is keeping in a Ward-Caucy bounds with -- at the Poincaire level that is here relative to the extrapolation of a Sterling Approximation as to where the so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity is differentiating at, in the so-eluded-to Fourier-based manner, over time.  Next, there is a relative increase in the scalar magnitude of the gravitational-based force, that is applied to the initially so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- to where the directly corresponding Ricci Scalar is increased in its discrete Hodge-based index of scalar-based magnitude.  This relative increase in the amount of gravitational-based force that is here applied to the Poincaire-based core field of the said superstring, that is here undergoing a tense of superconformal invariance -- will tend to pull at least some of the here adjacent point commutators, in the form of the resultant norm-state projections that would here have been in a static equilibrium with the said superstring, in a Majorana-Weyl-based manner, as the so-stated superstring is moving in a relatively tightly-bound region, out of the here so-eluded-to proximal kinematic-based region or substringualr neighorhood.  As the specific point commutators that are here being pulled out of the Poincaire-based substringular neighborhood of the said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, are being pulled away from the said respective given arbitrary kinematic-based proximal locus, there will here tend to be at least some sort of indistinguishablely different replacement of the general format of the condition of either the genus and/or the Hodge-based quantum of the norm-state projections, that will here work to apply at least some sort of a compansation for the literal loss of the so-stated specific norm-state-projection-based quantifiers, over time.  As well, the Rayleigh-based scattering of cohomological-based indices tends to work --- indirectly -- to work in the process of the reconstruction of the general substringular neighborhoods of Fourier-based differentiating superstrings of discrete energy.  The multiplicit lattice changes in the eigenmatrices of substringular phenomena, often results in the Njenjhuis translocation of those norm-state-projections, that are geometrically at the Poincaire level of the so-eluded-to superstrings of discrete energy -- to where the resultant annharmonically scattered ghost-based indices will then be moved further into the process of the recycling of norm-based indices, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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